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送交者: icemessenger[♂☆★★★SuperMod★★★☆♂] 于 2021-04-12 18:27 已读 624 次 1 赞  


自从H&M和耐克等国际品牌宣称抵制新疆棉花后,不少网友表示不再选择这些品牌。同样在社交媒体品台上,网友也不断表达着对于国货的喜爱。 6park.com



文章在开头部分就毫无根据的指责中国政府“压迫少数民族”,而把基于谎言和虚假信息、无端拒绝使用新疆棉花的西方品牌称为“在华备受压力”。该文还写道,事件发生后,消费者称要抵制这些品牌,明星艺人则终止了代言合同。(Shoppers vowed to boycott the brands. Celebrities dropped their endorsement deals.) 6park.com

报道里采访了以Tim Min为化名的消费者,他认为:中国消费者对于这些外国品牌的抗议,“是历史转折点,影响深远。”中国消费者不再接受外国品牌的那一套。对于外国品牌而言,根本在于他们要像本土品牌那样尊重消费者。 6park.com

China’s consumer protests are “a historic turning point and will have lasting impact on the Chinese consumers in the long run,” Mr. Min said. “The Chinese consumers don’t want to eat the same crap foreign brands have been feeding them. It’s essential that foreign brands respect Chinese consumers as much as the Chinese brands do.”


报道称,外国品牌面临中国本土竞争者持续而来的压力,后者产品质量不断提高,同时通过对年轻爱国群体的市场宣传来销售产品。《纽约时报》也发现了这个新名词:“国潮”(Chinese fad)。而民众对于外国品牌抵制新疆棉花的事件十分愤怒,这给了中国品牌赢得消费者的机会。 6park.com

But foreign brands also face increasing pressure from a new breed of Chinese competitors making high-quality products and selling them through savvy marketing to an increasingly patriotic group of young people. There’s a term for it: “guochao,” or Chinese fad. The anger over Xinjiang cotton has given these Chinese brands another chance to win over consumers. 6park.com

文章援引了2019年,百度与人民网研究院联合发布了《百度国潮骄傲大数据》报告,报告中提及,当中国人搜索品牌时,超过三分之二的人搜索国产品牌,而十年前只有大约三分之一。 6park.com

In 2019, People’s Daily, issued a report with Baidu, the Chinese search company, called “Guochao Pride Big Data.” They found that when people in China searched for brands, more than two-thirds were looking for domestic names, up from only about one-third 10 years earlier.

不过,在说了一阵“国潮”,《纽约时报》的这篇文章作者随后又笔锋一转: 6park.com

尽管很多企业雄心勃勃,但是几乎所有跟作者交谈过的中国企业都承认,中国品牌尚不能和国际巨头,比如耐克这样的品牌竞争。 6park.com

报道称中国正在经历一场消费者品牌革命。这一代年轻人更加有所谓的“民族主义”,并且积极寻求那些能够自信表达国人身份的品牌。企业纷纷去打造能引发此种共鸣的品牌和产品。作者认为,当“爱国主义”成为卖点,西方品牌便失去了优势。 6park.com

China is undergoing a consumer brand revolution. Its young generation is more nationalistic and actively looking for brands that can align with that confidently Chinese identity. Entrepreneurs are rushing to build up names and products that resonate. When patriotism becomes a selling point, Western brands are put at a competitive disadvantage. 6park.com

这篇报道还称,除了“爱国主义”,本土企业则认为自己拥有比较坚实的商业基础。在“国潮”风之中,很多老牌本土企业,比如李宁,得到了复兴。 6park.com

Patriotism aside, entrepreneurs argue that their ventures rest on a solid business foundation. The guochao fad has also reinvigorated older Chinese brands, like Li-Ning. 6park.com

实际上,《纽约时报》这一波有关 “爱国主义”和所谓“民族主义”的分析,早就有了答案。今年3月25日的外交部例行记者会上,发言人华春莹就曾表示:


“中国网民有权利表达他们的感受,特别是中国人民对自己国家的荣誉和尊严看得非常重。我也想告诉你,这绝对不是什么民族主义,这是朴素的爱国主义。因为任何一个正直的人都不会容忍其他国家一些别有用心的人肆无忌惮地损害自己祖国的利益和尊严。” 6park.com

"Chinese netizens have the right to express their feelings, especially considering that the honor and dignity of their country are very important to the Chinese people. I also want to tell you that this is not nationalism, but simply patriotism. Because any person with integrity will not tolerate some ill-intentioned foreigners who unscrupulously damage the interests and dignity of their own country."

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