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送交者: icemessenger[♂☆★★★SuperMod★★★☆♂] 于 2021-04-25 1:10 已读 806 次 2 赞  








You've probably seen the videos of stylish Chinese folk sashaying in slow motion, flexing their looks and making masks look like accessories instead of impediments. 6park.com


“好酷!大马路走出了T台的气势” 6park.com

外国人描述这些街拍视频的高频词是:cool、fabulous、incredible、badass,翻译过来就是酷炫狂霸拽。 6park.com

来自伦敦的博主Anna Hyclak写道: 6park.com

If you’re on TikTok, you’ve probably seen the videos by now — an endless loop of incredibly-dressed Chinese influencers walking down the streets of the fashion districts of Beijing and Chengdu. When each person turns to look toward the camera, the video goes into slow motion, making their already icy-cool stare-downs seem even more badass. 6park.com


Badass原意为坏蛋、混蛋,现在常用来形容令人生畏或崇拜的狠角色。 6park.com

Mudmag.com网站的作者也用super badass来形容这些个性十足的街拍: 6park.com

These fashion icons are killing it in all black outfits with fierce accessories that make them look super badass. 6park.com


还有人指出这些年轻人硬是把大马路走出了T台的气势(literally turning the streets into runways),连口罩都戴出了时尚单品的味道。 6park.com

Not only is their effortless style absolutely envy-worthy, they prove that wearing a mask can certainly look chic. 6park.com

不光是那种毫不费力的随性风格让人艳羡,他们还证明了口罩也能戴出时尚品味。 6park.com


The fashion includes traditional “hanfu” clothing reinterpreted in fresh, modern ways, and worn with a signature confidence and attitude that comes across especially strong when the slow motion effect is on. 6park.com


对于许多长期居家隔离的外国人来说,看见中国人能在人潮涌动的街头展现个性和魅力,不是不羡慕的: 6park.com

Everything about these videos is enthralling — the fashion, the attitudes, the high-quality production, the Chinese hip-hop soundtracks… and of course, the novelty of seeing people in head-to-toe, capital-letter LOOKS at a time when many of us are spending our days at home in pajamas. 6park.com

这些视频里的一切都让人着迷——那种时尚感、那种态度、高品质的制作、中国嘻哈音乐,当然还有那种新鲜感,人们从头到脚盛装打扮,而与此同时,我们大多数人每天都穿着睡衣在家隔离。 6park.com

还有不少美国人比较了中国的街头时尚和美国的不同。 6park.com

Their outfits are unlike anything we have seen in America, which I think is what intrigues us as viewers even more. When walking down the streets of NYC or LA, you see someone either dressed in a plain business suit, Lululemon leggings, or shorts and a t-shirt. 6park.com


美国的TikTok用户Dang和Rose在接受Vogue采访时也表示,很多美国网友都深有同感,觉得美国的休闲风格和亚洲街头的相比少了些前卫感觉(less avant-garde)。 6park.com

They both feel it’s resonating with TikTok users in the US, especially as they see American casual style as decidedly less avant-garde than it is in Asia. “The majority of us do not dress like that—but we all wish we did,” says Dang. Rose agrees, adding, “It’s a side of fashion that a lot of us here in the US are not used to seeing.” 6park.com

外国网友还很好奇这些视频都是在哪里拍的,为什么人人看起来都像超模? 6park.com

做足了功课的外媒给出了答案。 6park.com

They were likely filmed in the fashion districts of Sanlitun in Beijing, Taikoo Li in Chengdu and Xintiandi in Shanghai, which are known for nightlife, restaurants, shopping, and great fashion. 6park.com

这些视频很可能是在北京三里屯、成都太古里、上海新天地等都市时尚区拍摄的,这些地方都以夜生活、餐饮、购物、时尚闻名。 6park.com

Photographers and videographers hang out in these areas hoping to capture shots of amazing street fashion, and the fashionable locals often show up specifically hoping to be photographed and filmed. Sometimes they are caught unwittingly on camera, but other times they are asked to be filmed for a video. 6park.com

摄影师们会在这些地方扫街,捕捉惊艳眼球的时尚风潮。当地的时尚人群也会在这些地方出没,希望被拍到。有时候是被抓拍的,有时候则是他们主动要求入镜的。 6park.com

当然,中国大街上走的并不是人均1米8的模特,也不是人人都穿得特立独行,但这些视频确实改变了不少外国网友对中国的一些刻板印象。 6park.com

他们惊讶的是,原来中国也可以充满了活力、现代且多元,原来中国人也可以这样自信、时尚、个性张扬。 6park.com

对中国稍有了解的外国网友在这类视频下留言说,现在中国的年轻人就是很会穿搭: 6park.com



更多的人则是惊叹于中国人与众不同的时尚触感: 6park.com






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