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《Live 互动英语》 2021年 4月号 No. 240
送交者: icemessenger[♂☆★★★SuperMod★★★☆♂] 于 2021-04-29 22:02 已读 736 次 1 赞  


Anya Taylor-Joy: Long Live the Queen


She’s the star of one of the most popular shows on Netflix. Her unique looks have been described as “a Japanese anime character made real.” Studio executives are calling her a once-in-a-generation talent. Anya Taylor-Joy sits firmly among the most sought-after stars in Hollywood. 6park.com

Taylor-Joy was born in Miami, USA, to a Scottish Argentinian father and a Spanish English mother. Soon after, the family moved to Argentina, where she spent a happy childhood playing with horses in the great Argentinian outdoors. When she was eight, however, her family moved to London. Taylor-Joy did not like her new life at all. In fact, she refused to learn English in the hope that it would force the family to return to Argentina (she had grown up speaking Spanish). At school, she was bullied terribly because of her appearance and background, and she found it almost impossible to fit in. 6park.com

At age 16, she decided to pursue acting as a career, and soon, an amazing piece of luck came her way. While walking her dog on the streets of central London, she was spotted by Sarah Doukas, founder of one of the biggest modeling agencies in London. Her life was about to change forever. 6park.com

她是網飛最受歡迎的節目之一的明星。她獨特的外表一直被描述為「日本動畫角色成為現實。」電影公司的主管們都稱她是曠世難逢的明星。安雅.泰勒喬伊穩坐好萊塢最炙手可熱的明星之列。 6park.com

泰勒喬伊出生於美國邁阿密,父親是蘇格蘭裔阿根廷人、母親是西班牙裔英國人。不久後,一家人搬到了阿根廷,在那裡她度過了快樂的童年,在阿根廷的大自然中和馬兒一起玩。然而,八歲時,她們一家搬到了倫敦。泰勒喬伊一點也不喜歡她的新生活。事實上,她拒絕學英文,希望這樣能迫使家人回到阿根廷(她是說西班牙語長大的)。 在學校,她因為外表和家庭背景受到嚴重的霸凌,她發現幾乎無法融入。 6park.com

十六歲時,她決定從事演藝事業,很快地,她就獲得了一件非常幸運的事。她在倫敦市中心的街上遛狗時,她被莎拉.杜卡斯(倫敦其中一家最大的模特兒經紀公司的創辦人)注意到。她的生活即將永遠改變。 6park.com

Though signed as a model, Anya Taylor-Joy still dreamt of being an actor. Through her modeling work, she met an acting agent, who immediately agreed to represent her. Her big break came in 2015, when she was cast as one of the leads in the horror movie The Witch, and her performance won her several awards. Plenty of TV and movie work followed, but her next big role came in 2020, when she starred in a film adaptation of the much-loved Jane Austen novel Emma. 6park.com

It has been noted that the characters she plays are often complex individuals who have problems fitting in with society—qualities she identifies with personally. This is likely what attracted her to her most famous role as orphaned chess genius Beth Harmon in the hit Netflix show The Queen’s Gambit. 6park.com

What’s in store for her next? This year will see her starring in two highly anticipated movies: The Northman, a historical revenge story set in tenth-century Iceland, and Last Night in Soho, a psychological horror movie set in the fashion world of 1960s London. Fans of this talented actor clearly have a lot to look forward to! 6park.com

是夢想要成為一名演員。透過模特兒工作,她認識了一名演藝經紀人,他立刻就同意成為她的代理人。二○一五年,她有了一個大好機會,當時她在恐怖片《女巫》中飾演其中一名主角,她的演出為她贏得了好幾個獎項。大量的電視和電影作品緊接而來,不過她的下一個重要角色出現在二○二○年,當時她主演一部改編自珍.奧斯汀廣受歡迎的小說《艾瑪.》的電影。 6park.com

人們注意到她飾演的角色常常是個性複雜、難以融入社會的人——她個人能和這些特質產生共鳴。這很可能是吸引她在熱門網飛節目《后翼棄兵》中飾演她最著名的角色西洋棋天才孤兒貝絲.哈蒙的地方。 6park.com


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