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送交者: icemessenger[♂☆★★★SuperMod★★★☆♂] 于 2021-08-01 4:26 已读 300 次 1 赞  


While most French health care workers are vaccinated against the virus, a small but vocal minority is holding out. With infections exploding, a new law requiring them to get the shots is exposing the divide. 6park.com


The French government, which has declared that the nation has officially entered its “fourth wave” of the pandemic, pushed the law mandating COVID-19 vaccines for health care workers, to protect hospitals and avoid a new lockdown. Government spokesman Gabriel Attal says the move isn’t meant to stigmatize reluctant health care workers but to limit risks to the vulnerable people they care for. 6park.com

法国政府宣称全国已经进入疫情爆发的第四次高峰,为保证医院的安全并避免新一轮的封城,法国出台了医护工作者强制接种疫苗的法规。政府新闻发言人加布里埃尔·阿塔尔表示,这一举动并非有意侮辱不情愿接种的医护工作者,而是为了规避受他们照顾的虚弱病人被感染的风险。 6park.com

The law, adopted by parliament early Monday, also sets up a “health pass” for everyone in order to access restaurants and other public venues. Both measures have prompted intense debate and two straight weekends of protests around France. Health care workers in white coats have been among the demonstrators. 6park.com

议会于周一通过的这项法律为每个人设置了“健康通行证”,以便可以进入餐馆及其他公共场所。这两项举措在法国全境引发了激烈的辩论和连续两个周末的抗议活动。身穿白大褂的医护工作者也在示威者之中。 6park.com

Many cite incorrect information about the vaccines circulating on the internet, worry about their long-term effects or want more time to decide. Several health workers said they took issue with the mandate, not the vaccines themselves. 6park.com

许多人引用源自网络的错误信息,担心接种疫苗会对身体造成长期影响,他们想要更多的时间来决定。几位医护工作者表示,他们反对的是强制接种的政策而并非疫苗本身。 6park.com

At one Paris protest, some carried signs reading “My body, my choice,” and a health worker dressed as the Statue of Liberty called it an “act of violence” to force people to get vaccinated. 6park.com


Céline Augen, a secretary at a doctor’s office, knows she may lose her job if she refuses to get a shot but protested Saturday anyway. 6park.com

赛林·奥根是一位医生办公室的秘书,她知道如果拒绝接种疫苗她将有可能失去工作,但是她仍然参加了周六的抗议活动。 6park.com

“I’m here today in favor of the freedom to chose to get vaccinated or not,” she said. 6park.com

“我今天来到这里是为了支持可以选择是否接种疫苗的自由”,她说。 6park.com

Solene Manable, a recent nursing school graduate who is working in a Lille hospital, said, “There are many health workers who don’t want to get vaccinated because we don’t know much about the vaccines.” 6park.com


Scientists say that is simply not true anymore. The vaccines used in France — Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson — were tested in tens of thousands of people around the world, and results of the studies have been shared with the public. More than 2 billion people worldwide have now received coronavirus vaccines, including most French adults, providing a broad overview of vaccines’ impact on people’s health. 6park.com

科学家们说,这种说法是不正确的。在法国使用的疫苗——辉瑞、莫德纳、阿斯利康和强生(杨森)——已经在世界各地数万人身上进行了测试,其测试的结果也早已分享给公众。全球目前有20多亿人口接种了新冠疫苗,其中包括大多数法国成年人,这为疫苗对于人健康的影响提供了一个全面的概述。 6park.com

Vaccine hesitancy among some health workers has been an issue in the U.S. and elsewhere, too. But the French mandate is stirring up anger on the political fringes in a country long considered more vaccine-skeptic than its European neighbors. 6park.com

在美国和其他地方,针对疫苗接种的犹豫不决也是一个问题。但是比起其他对疫苗持怀疑态度的欧洲邻国,法国的强制执行令激起了国家范围内的政治边缘的矛盾。 6park.com

France has faced medical scandals in recent decades involving vaccines, diet pills and breast implants that have seeded doubts about the medical establishment. Suspicion of big pharmaceutical companies is relatively common, and politicians on both the extreme right and the left are now fueling that skepticism for their own ends. 6park.com

近几十年来,法国一直面临疫苗、减肥药和隆胸等医疗丑闻,这些丑闻引发了人们对于医疗机构的质疑。公众对于大型制药公司的怀疑是相对普遍的,极左和极右的政客们为了自己的目的也在为这种怀疑推波助澜。 6park.com

Retired doctor Bruno de Ligny, who volunteers in vaccination centers in Normandy, stressed that the technology behind the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines widely used in France, while new, has been under research for more than 20 years. He also noted that French health workers must already be vaccinated against hepatitis B – a vaccine not compulsory for the rest of the population — but “no one claimed that was dictatorial when it was implemented.” 6park.com

在诺曼底疫苗接种中心担任志愿者的退休医生布鲁诺·德·里尼强调,法国广泛使用的辉瑞和莫德纳疫苗背后的技术虽然是新的,但已经进行了20多年的研究。他还指出,法国医护工作者必须接种乙肝疫苗——这种疫苗的接种对其他人群来说并非强制性的——但“在这项规定实施时,没有人称这是独裁。” 6park.com

“These health workers say they want the ‘freedom’ not to be vaccinated,” he said. “They do not realize that what they are really asking for is the freedom to kill.” 6park.com

“这些医护工作者说他们想要不接种疫苗的自由,”他说,“他们没有意识到的是其实他们真正在要求的是谋杀他人的自由。” 6park.com

Patrick Pelloux, president of the emergency room doctors’ union Association des Médecins Urgentistes de France, lauded the French government for taking decisive action in the face of rising infections. The country is now seeing about 20,000 new infections a day, up from just a few thousand in early July, and has counted over 111,000 virus-related deaths in the pandemic. 6park.com

法国急诊室医生协会主席帕特里克·佩洛克斯称赞法国政府在面对不断上升的感染病例时采取了果断行动。目前,该国每天有大约2万例新感染病例,而7月初时日感染病例只有几千例,在这场大流行中,与病毒相关的死亡病例已超过11.1万例。 6park.com

Pelloux said workers in the lowest-skill health care jobs are among the most vaccine-wary, a symptom of what he called an overlooked “class struggle” in public hospitals, where there is little interaction between different levels of medical workers. 6park.com

佩洛克斯说,从事技术水平最低的卫生保健工作的工作人员对疫苗最警惕,这就是他所说的在公立医院中被忽视的“阶级斗争”的症状,在公立医院中,不同级别的医护人员之间几乎没有互动。 6park.com

In June, France’s public health agency estimated that 72.2% of doctors had received a first dose of a COVID-19 vaccine, against only 58.7% of nurses and 50% of assistant nurses. The discrepancy predates the pandemic: according to health authorities, 72.2% of doctors received a vaccine against the flu in the winter of 2018, while only 20.9% of assistant nurses did. 6park.com


Some health workers feel they are being talked down to and are underappreciated in general. 6park.com

一些医护工作者感到他们被贬低了,总的来说他们没有被赏识。 6park.com

Vaccine resistance in his profession infuriates Pelloux. 6park.com

在自己从事的行业中发生疫苗抵抗,这一点激怒了佩洛克斯。 6park.com

“Our job is to cure people, not to kill them. We have an ethical ... and civic duty to get vaccinated and limit hospital-acquired COVID infections,” he said, adding that most of those who died of COVID-19 in France would still be alive today if they had received a vaccine. And health workers have been among those most exposed, and infected. 6park.com

“我们的工作是照顾人们,而不是谋杀他们。接种疫苗并尽可能遏制医院范围内新冠病毒的感染是我们道德的要求和公民的职责,”他说,在法国因新冠疫情死去的人们如果曾接种过疫苗,那么他们一定能够活到今天。医护工作者是最容易被暴露在病毒之中,同时最易被感染的人群。 6park.com

Some protesters said they would eventually consent to getting the jab if given no choice, but would resent it. Others said they would attempt to buy fake vaccine certificates instead. French police have arrested several people suspected of trafficking fake virus certificates on social media, where the documents can fetch several hundred euros (dollars) each. 6park.com

一些抗议者表示,如果别无选择,他们最终会同意接种疫苗,但会对此感到不满。其他人则表示,他们将尝试购买假的疫苗证书。法国警方已逮捕了几名涉嫌在社交媒体上贩卖假病毒证书的人,这些文件每张可以卖到几百欧元(美元)。 6park.com

Yet a majority of French adults are fully vaccinated and millions more have lined up in the past two weeks. For all the high-profile protests, polls indicate that overall French vaccine hesitancy has ebbed in recent months and that most support the vaccine mandate for health care workers. 6park.com

然而,大多数法国成年人已经全部完成了疫苗接种,还有数百万人在过去两周排队等待疫苗接种。针对所有高调的抗议活动,民意调查显示,近几个月来,总体上法国人对疫苗的犹豫已经消退,大多数人支持医护人员强制接种疫苗的决定。 6park.com

Many want the government to go even further: Two recent polls indicated that a majority of the French support a coronavirus vaccine mandate for everyone. 6park.com


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