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送交者: icemessenger[♂☆★★★SuperMod★★★☆♂] 于 2021-09-15 1:05 已读 961 次  




Undergraduate students can apply for a maximum of 12,000 yuan in loans per person each year starting from this fall semester, according to the notice. Postgraduate students can apply for up to 16,000 yuan each year, up from 12,000 yuan, the notice said. 6park.com


【知识点】 6park.com

目前,国家已经建立了覆盖各教育阶段、各级各类学校、所有家庭经济困难学生的资助政策体系(a financial assistance system covering all students from disadvantaged backgrounds at all levels of education)。在高等教育阶段,国家奖学金(national scholarship)、国家励志奖学金(national endeavor scholarship)、国家助学金(national grant)、国家助学贷款(national student loans)、新生入学资助(tuition assistance for freshmen)、勤工助学(part-time jobs for students)、学费减免(tuition reduction or exemption)、补偿代偿、“绿色通道”等多种资助方式并举,确保高校家庭经济困难学生顺利入学并完成学业。 6park.com

财政部部长助理欧文汉介绍, 6park.com

国家助学贷款(national student loans)为信用贷款(credit loans),不需要抵押(mortgage)或担保(guarantee),大学生可自主选择贷款地点,既能在家门口办理生源地助学贷款,也可以到学校报到的时候办理校园地助学贷款。在校期间,学生的贷款利息全部由财政补贴(interest of student loans will be covered by subsidies during their school years)。 6park.com

Students do not need to pay the principal or interest while they are still in college and can apply for a five-year probation period after graduation, during which they only pay the interest. 6park.com

在校期间,学生无需还本金或利息,毕业后还可申请5年的还本宽限期,还本宽限期内只需还息无需还本。 6park.com

财政部科教和文化司司长黄家玉表示, 6park.com

政策规定的国家助学贷款额度是指每个学生每年最多可以贷到的钱(the maximum amount of student loans),是一个限额,不是固定的数额。 6park.com

Within this limit, loan applicants can decide their borrowing amount based on the amount of money they need for tuition and accomodation, and financial situation of their family. 6park.com

学生可以根据自己每年需要缴纳的学费、住宿费及家庭经济状况等因素,在额度范围内自主确定。 6park.com

财政部部长助理欧文汉介绍, 6park.com

Different forms of financial aid to college students totaled 124.4 billion yuan last year, benefiting 36.78 million students. 6park.com


【相关词汇】 6park.com

◾ 公费教育 government-paid education 6park.com

◾ 生活费补助 subsidies for daily expenses 6park.com

◾ 免息贷款 interest-free loans 6park.com

◾ 信用贷 credit loans 6park.com

◾ 国家奖学金 national scholarship 6park.com

◾ 教育公平 education equality 6park.com

◾ 高质量教育体系 high-quality education system

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