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送交者: icemessenger[♂☆★★★SuperMod★★★☆♂] 于 2021-09-15 3:43 已读 1128 次 1 赞  



People sit at Kaffesalonen (The Coffee Saloon) as coronavirus disease (COVID-19) restrictions ease, in central Copenhagen, Denmark, April 21, 2021. REUTERS/Tim Barsoe

Denmark has become one of the first European Union countries to relax all of the internal limitations imposed to combat the spread of Covid-19. 6park.com

丹麦成为欧盟最早取消国内所有新冠防疫限制措施的国家之一。 6park.com

The country’s remaining limitations were abolished on Friday, including the requirement that citizens show proof of vaccination via a vaccine passport in order to access nightclubs. According to Denmark’s health ministry, high vaccine uptake has allowed the country to relax pandemic controls. 6park.com

上周五(9月10日)丹麦取消了保留的防疫限制措施,公民进入夜总会不再需要出示疫苗接种证明或疫苗护照。丹麦卫生部称,丹麦能够放松防疫控制要归功于高疫苗接种率。 6park.com

Danish Health Minister Magnus Heunicke stated in a statement released on 27th August announcing that the country’s Covid restrictions would be lifted last Friday, “The epidemic is under control.” 6park.com

丹麦卫生部长马格努斯·赫尼克在8月27日发布的一份声明中宣布将于9月10日取消防疫措施,并表示“疫情已经得到控制”。 6park.com

According to the Danish Health Authority, more than 83 percent of eligible people over the age of 12 in Denmark are fully vaccinated. For the past week, the Scandinavian country has seen an average of roughly 500 new cases per day, but the health ministry claimed that due to mitigation efforts and strong support for the immunizations, Covid-19 is no longer considered a “socially critical disease.” 6park.com

据丹麦卫生部称,丹麦12岁以上的宜接种人群已有超83%完成了疫苗接种。在过去一周,丹麦的日均新增病例约为500例,但是卫生部长宣称,由于疫情防控上做出的努力和对疫苗接种的大力支持,新冠病毒已不再“对社会构成严重威胁”。 6park.com

Denmark is “in a good place right now,” according to Heunicke, but “we are not out of the epidemic,” and the government will be ready to reimpose controls if necessary. 6park.com

赫尼克表示,丹麦“目前很安全”,但是“我们还未脱离疫情”,丹麦政府将会在必要的情况下重启防控措施。 6park.com

The loosening of restrictions follows the publication of fresh data on vaccine effectiveness in the Danish population. The Statens Serum Institut in Denmark published research earlier this month that revealed the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccination was more than 84 percent successful at avoiding symptomatic Covid-19 from the delta form, while the Moderna vaccine was over 89 percent effective. 6park.com

在放松限制措施前,丹麦发布了疫苗有效性的最新数据。丹麦国立血清研究所本月初发布的一份研究报告披露,辉瑞-拜恩泰科疫苗在预防感染德尔塔毒株和新冠肺炎症状的有效性超过84%,而莫德纳疫苗的有效性超过89%。 6park.com

Both vaccines were also proven to provide excellent protection against the delta variant’s hospitalization. Pfizer’s and Moderna’s vaccinations were shown to be 94.4 percent and 100 percent effective against severe illness, respectively, according to the study. 6park.com

经证实,这两种疫苗都能很好地预防德尔塔毒株感染者发展成重症。研究显示,辉瑞疫苗和莫德纳疫苗对于预防重症的有效性分别为94.4%和100%。 6park.com

Denmark is the EU’s third-most vaccinated country, according to Our World in Data, with 71% of the population having received two shots. Malta is on 80% and Portugal 73%. The UK has fully vaccinated 62% of its population. 6park.com

用数据看世界网站的数据显示,丹麦在欧盟疫苗接种率最高的国家中排行第三,71%的丹麦人口已经接种两剂疫苗。马耳他和葡萄牙的接种率分别为80%和73%。英国有62%的人口完成疫苗接种。 6park.com

The country was one of Europe’s first to impose a partial lockdown in March last year, closing schools and non-essential businesses and services. After tightening and relaxing anti-Covid measures throughout the pandemic, it was also one of the earliest to begin reopening, launching a “coronavirus passport” on 21 April this year. 6park.com

丹麦是欧洲最早实施部分封锁的国家之一,去年三月关闭了学校及非必要企业和服务。在疫情期间来回收紧和放松防疫措施后,丹麦又成为欧洲最早重新开放的国家之一,并于今年4月21日推出了“新冠疫苗护照”。 6park.com

According to Michael Bang Petersen, a political science professor at Aarhus University in Denmark who advised the Danish government, building public trust is crucial to vaccination uptake. 6park.com

丹麦奥胡斯大学的政治科学系教授、政府顾问麦克·邦·彼得森指出,建立公众信任对于开展疫苗接种很关键。 6park.com

"The basis for an open society is vaccinations. 86% of all invited (from 12 years and up) have received 1+ dose. 96% of everyone above 50 are fully vaccinated.” Petersen tweeted Friday. “Throughout the pandemic [Denmark] has had higher acceptance than many comparable countries. No mandates needed.” 6park.com

彼得森上周五发推称:“疫苗接种是开放的基础。接到接种通知者(12岁以上)有86%已经接种了一剂疫苗。50岁以上的人有96%已完成了疫苗接种。自疫情暴发至今,丹麦对疫苗的接受度比许多情况类似的国家都要高。不需要强制接种。” 6park.com

Petersen oversaw a study of pandemic-related behaviors and attitudes in eight nations, including Denmark, the United Kingdom, Germany, France, and the United States. 6park.com

彼得森负责的一项研究对8个国家的疫情相关行为和态度进行了调查,这些国家包括丹麦、英国、德国、法国和美国。 6park.com

The researchers discovered large differences in vaccination acceptance, ranging from 47 percent in France to 83 percent in Denmark, in a study published in the journal BMJ Open on 15th June. 6park.com

研究人员发现,各国对疫苗的接受度存在很大差异。根据6月15日发表在《英国医学杂志·开放版》上的这项研究,法国对疫苗的接受度为47%,而丹麦为83%。 6park.com

"Lack of vaccine acceptance is associated with lack of trust in authorities and scientists, conspiratorial thinking, and a lack of concern about COVID-19,” said the scientists who wrote in the study. 6park.com

科学家在研究报告中写道:“疫苗接受度低和民众对政府部门和科学家缺乏信任、阴谋论以及对新冠病毒不够重视有关。” 6park.com

According to Petersen, trust in public health in Denmark is “extremely high” and “totally stable,” which has aided vaccine rollout efforts across the country. While the government will continue to watch the situation, he believes that the level of mutual confidence between Danish authorities and the general population is sufficient to weather whatever comes next. 6park.com

彼得森指出,丹麦民众对公共卫生部门的信任度“非常高”且“很稳定”,这有助于在全国开展疫苗接种。尽管政府还会继续关注形势,但他认为丹麦政府部门和大众之间的互相信任足以帮助丹麦渡过接下来可能遇到的任何难关。 6park.com

"Will the lifting of restrictions go well? Who knows. New variants may emerge & restrictions reappear. Yet, from a behavioral perspective, I am optimistic about the future,” he Tweeted. 6park.com


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