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部分地区用电紧张 国家电网回应
送交者: icemessenger[♂☆★★★SuperMod★★★☆♂] 于 2021-09-28 4:00 已读 1057 次  


近期,包括辽宁、吉林、广东等地出现电力供需形势紧张,一些地区采取了有序用电、拉闸限电等举措。 6park.com

Measures to reduce electricity use in factories are currently being enforced in 10 provincial-level regions, including the economic powerhouses of Jiangsu, Guangdong and Zhejiang provinces. 6park.com


从8月下旬以来,多地出台了力度不等的停、限电措施,主要集中在高耗能、高排放的工业企业。 6park.com

Many companies and factories in Guangdong province have been required to operate on a staggered schedule in which production lines are allowed to run for two to three days a week. Household power use is not included. 6park.com

广东省很多公司和工厂启动“开三停四”甚至“开二停五”错峰用电,居民用户未受到影响。 6park.com

广东省能源局副局长刘文胜表示, 6park.com

The province's strong economic rebound in the recent months, price increases for coal and natural gas and soaring temperatures in the warm southern region that trigger spikes in air-conditioner use contributed to the power shortage. 6park.com

近几个月广东省经济强劲复苏、煤炭和天然气价格上涨以及南方高温致空调用电激增等因素是近期电力短缺的原因。 6park.com

Power demand in Guangdong would continue to grow in the coming months, as September and October are typically the peak periods for industrial production. Factories usually attract many orders before the Christmas and New Year holidays. 6park.com


东北拉闸限电 6park.com

Electricity supply problems have also resulted in blackouts for some household users in Northeast China. 6park.com


【词汇讲解】 6park.com

这里的blackout指由于电力供应中断而导致的一片漆黑,因此常用来表示“停电,断电”,而“停电”更加正式的表达是power outage(英式英语多用power cut),比如:She keeps flashlights and candles handy in case of a blackout.(她手边准备了手电筒和蜡烛,以防停电),Storms caused power outages in hundreds of homes last night(昨晚暴风雨导致数百家庭断电)。此外,blackout还经常用来表示因为疾病或喝醉酒出现“ a transient dulling or loss of vision, consciousness, or memory”(暂时失去意识或记忆),即“断片、昏厥”,比如:He had a alcoholic blackout after the party.(派对之后他喝断片了)。 6park.com

Power rationing began in northeast China's Jilin, Heilongjiang and Liaoning last Thursday, and residential and urban traffic control use has also been affected. 6park.com


【词汇讲解】 6park.com

这里的power rationing就是指“拉闸限电”,是指煤电资源供应紧张的情况下限量供电。Ration这个词可以用作动词或名词,表示“限量、定量(供应)”,比如:petrol was rationed to five gallons a week(汽油每周限量5加仑);during the war, no one was allowed more than their ration of food, clothing and fuel(战争期间,所有人的食物、衣服及燃料都定额分配)。

除了煤炭价格上涨以及经济复苏导致用电需求激增之外,有专家表示,东北地区出现供电缺口还有其他原因。 6park.com

Northeast China, where wind power is widely employed, has seen output slump recently due to unfavorable weather conditions. 6park.com

东北地区使用大量风电,近期由于天气原因,风电发电量骤降。 6park.com

Meanwhile, coal supply is reserved for winter heating, resulting in short supply for power plants. 6park.com


国家电网:强化全网统一调度 6park.com

国家电网于9月27日官方回应了此次全国各地发生的限电情况。 6park.com

The State Grid Corporation of China said it will "go all out to fight the battle of guaranteeing power supply". 6park.com

国家电网表示,将全力以赴打好电力保供攻坚战。 6park.com

国家电网公司提出了五项举措,分别是: 6park.com

The State Grid will strengthen the distribution of power from its entire network, reasonably arrange the network operation, and ensure that all available power generators from power companies are connected to the grid. 6park.com

强化全网统一调度,合理安排运行方式,服务好发电企业,做到应并尽并; 6park.com

The company said it would coordinate and dispatch resources by tapping the power transmission potential of cross-provincial power networks. 6park.com

统筹调配资源,充分发挥大电网平台优势,挖掘跨区跨省通道送电潜力; 6park.com

The company will strengthen the monitoring of electricity consumption and ensure power supply for residential users. 6park.com

加强用电情况监测,全力做好居民生活用电保障; 6park.com

The State Grid also vowed to strictly implement the power supply and consumption plans formulated by the government, strive to maintain stability in power supply and consumption. 6park.com

严格执行政府制定的需求响应与有序用电方案,全力维护供用电秩序稳定; 6park.com

It will improve emergency response plans, said the company. 6park.com


【相关词汇】 6park.com

◾ 碳达峰 carbon emission peaking 6park.com

◾ 碳中和 carbon neutrality 6park.com

◾ 碳减排 carbon emission reduction 6park.com

◾ 拉闸限电 power rationing 6park.com

◾ 停电 power outage/cut 6park.com

◾ 资源节约利用 resource conservation and utilization 6park.com

◾ 节能低碳技术 energy-saving and low-carbon technology 6park.com

◾ 高能耗产业 energy-intensive industries

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