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送交者: icemessenger[♂☆★★★SuperMod★★★☆♂] 于 2021-11-05 1:07 已读 6098 次 2 赞  



May help some people fall asleep faster


A handful of small animal and human studies demonstrate that consuming dairy products like milk and cheese before bed may help some people have a more restful night’s sleep, though the reason why remains unclear. 6park.com

一些对小动物和人类的研究表明,睡前饮用牛奶和食用奶酪等乳制品可以帮助一些人睡得更安稳,但原因尚不清楚。 6park.com

Most experts agree that milk’s sleep-promoting potential is likely related to specific chemical compounds or the psychological effects of having a soothing bedtime routine — or perhaps a combination of the two. 6park.com


May promote healthy sleep cycles


Certain compounds in milk — specifically tryptophan and melatonin — may help you fall asleep. 6park.com

牛奶中的某些化合物,特别是色氨酸和褪黑素可以帮助你入睡。 6park.com

Tryptophan is an amino acid found in a variety of protein-containing foods. It plays an important role in the production of the neurotransmitter known as serotonin . 6park.com

色氨酸是一种氨基酸,存在于多种含蛋白质的食物中。它对合成神经递质5-羟色胺起着重要作用。 6park.com

Serotonin boosts mood, promotes relaxation, and functions as a precursor in the production of the hormone melatonin. 6park.com


◾ melatonin n. 褪黑素

Melatonin, also known as the sleep hormone, is released by your brain. It helps regulate your circadian rhythm and prepare your body for entering a sleep cycle. 6park.com


◾ circadian adj. 昼夜节律的,生理节奏的

The role of tryptophan and melatonin in sleep disorders is well established, and studies have found that taking supplements of these compounds may improve sleep and reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression that can crop up at bedtime. 6park.com


◾ crop up(尤指意外地)出现,发生

However, there’s currently no evidence to suggest that a single glass of milk contains enough tryptophan or melatonin to significantly influence your body’s natural production of melatonin or to independently treat a disordered sleeping pattern. 6park.com


Psychological effects


Some experts suspect that milk’s potential role as a sleep aid has little to do with its nutritional profile and that it’s instead more closely related to the psychological effect of having a calming bedtime ritual. 6park.com

一些专家怀疑,牛奶作为助眠剂的潜在作用与其营养成分无关,相反,它与平静的睡前习惯所产生的心理效应关系更为密切。 6park.com

Another theory is that drinking warm milk could subconsciously remind you of having milk at bedtime during your early childhood years. These soothing feelings may signal to your brain that it’s time to sleep, making it easier to drift off peacefully. 6park.com

另一种理论认为,喝温牛奶能让你下意识地想起自己在幼年时期睡前喝牛奶的记忆。这些舒缓的感觉可能会向你的大脑发出信号,告诉你该睡觉了,让你更容易平静地入睡。 6park.com

Still, there’s not enough evidence to guarantee any particular result from adding milk to your bedtime routine. 6park.com




Milk contains several compounds known to support healthy sleep cycles. Plus, the psychological effects of a bedtime routine that includes milk may improve your ability to fall asleep, but more research is needed. 6park.com


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