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马斯克兑现承诺 卖掉10%的特斯拉股票
送交者: icemessenger[♂☆★★★SuperMod★★★☆♂] 于 2021-11-12 3:34 已读 6214 次  



Tesla CEO Elon Musk attends the Tesla Shanghai Gigafactory groundbreaking ceremony in Shanghai, China January 7, 2019. REUTERS/Aly Song

Tesla chief executive Elon Musk has sold around $5bn of shares in the electric carmaker. 6park.com

特斯拉总裁埃隆·马斯克已卖出他在特斯拉电动汽车公司价值约50亿美元(约合人民币320亿元)的股票。 6park.com

It comes days after he asked his 63 million Twitter followers whether he should sell 10% of his stake in Tesla. 6park.com

数日前他曾向6300万推特粉丝发问,是否应该卖掉他在特斯拉10%的股票。 6park.com

The company's shares fell by around 16% in the two days after the poll came out in favour of him selling shares, before regaining some ground on Wednesday. 6park.com

支持他卖掉股票的投票结果出来后的两天内,特斯拉股价狂跌近16%,本周三(11月10日)股价才有所回升。 6park.com

Tesla is the world's most valuable carmaker, with a stock market valuation of more than $1tn. 6park.com

特斯拉是全世界最有价值的汽车制造商,市场估值超过1万亿美元。 6park.com

Mr Musk's trust sold almost 3.6 million shares in Tesla, worth around $4bn. 6park.com

马斯克的基金会卖掉了他在特斯拉的近360万股股票,价值约40亿美元。 6park.com

He also sold another 934,000 shares for about $1.1bn after exercising options to acquire nearly 2.2 million shares, according to filings with the US stock market regulator. 6park.com

美国证监会的文件显示,马斯克买入了近220万股特斯拉期权,随后又卖出了934000股股票,获利约11亿美元。 6park.com

The documents showed that the sale of about a fifth of the shares was made based on a pre-arranged trading plan set up in September, long before Mr Musk's social media posts at the weekend about selling some of his shares. 6park.com

文件显示,马斯克卖出的股票中有五分之一是预先安排好的,他在九月份就公布过这一交易计划,早在上周末在社交媒体发帖说要卖股票之前。 6park.com

Mr Musk has highlighted that he is not paid in cash by Tesla and only has stock. 6park.com

马斯克曾强调过,他在特斯拉的收入全是股票,没有现金。 6park.com

Part of the latest transaction saw him exercising stock options that he was awarded as part of his pay package in 2012, which is due to expire in August next year. 6park.com

最近的交易显示,他行使的股票期权是即将于明年八月过期的2012年薪酬奖励的一部分。 6park.com

Mr Musk has one option to buy 22.86 million Tesla shares at $6.24 each, but if he doesn't exercise the stock option then the shares would become worthless after the expiry date. 6park.com

马斯克可以以每股6.24美元的价格买入2286万股特斯拉股票,如果他不行使股权,这部分股票在过期后将会变得一文不值。 6park.com

Such transactions trigger income taxes, which are typically settled using money raised from immediately selling some of the newly acquired shares. 6park.com

这种交易会产生所得税,这笔税款一般通过立即出售一部分新购股票所得来缴纳。 6park.com

His move also comes as US Democrats have proposed a so-called "billionaires tax", which could have the richest taxed on "unrealised gains" even if they do not sell any of their stock. 6park.com


Screenshot from BBC

On Saturday, Mr Musk posted a poll asking his followers to vote on whether he should sell part of his stake in Tesla to meet his tax obligations. 6park.com

上周六(11月6日),马斯克让粉丝投票决定他是否应该出售自己在特斯拉的部分股票以履行纳税义务。 6park.com

"Much is made lately of unrealised gains being a means of tax avoidance, so I propose selling 10% of my Tesla stock," he tweeted. 6park.com

他发推称:“最近有很多人认为未实现收益是一种避税手段,所以我提议出售自己在特斯拉的10%的股票。” 6park.com

"I will abide by the results of this poll, whichever way it goes." 6park.com

“无论结果如何,我都会按照这次投票的结果履行承诺。” 6park.com

The poll attracted more than 3.5 million votes, with nearly 58% voting in favour of the share sale. 6park.com

这次投票吸引了逾350万人参加,近58%投票支持马斯克卖掉股票。 6park.com

It was Mr Musk's first sale of shares since 2016, when he last exercised stock options. At the time he also sold some of the shares to cover an income tax bill of close to $600m. 6park.com

这是马斯克自2016年(上一次行使股票期权之时)以来第一次出售股票。当时他为了缴纳近6亿美元的所得税款卖掉了一部分股票。 6park.com

Mr Musk is the world's richest person, with a fortune estimated to be more than $280bn. 6park.com


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