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送交者: icemessenger[♂☆★★★SuperMod★★★☆♂] 于 2021-11-15 17:09 已读 3655 次  




The English Premier League is closing in on the sale of its US television rights for a new record, defying fears that the pandemic might dent the appeal of top flight football to broadcasters. 6park.com

英超联赛即将以创纪录的价格出售其美国电视转播权,尽管人们担心疫情可能削弱顶级足球赛事对转播商的吸引力。 6park.com

ViacomCBS and Disney’s ESPN are among those vying for the rights with Comcast’s NBC, the current holders who acquired them for roughly $1bn in 2015. Second-round bids are due by November 18. 6park.com

维亚康姆哥伦比亚广播公司和迪士尼旗下的ESPN都在与康卡斯特旗下的NBC争夺转播权。NBC是目前的持有人,在2015年以大约10亿美元收购了这些转播权。第二轮投标截止日期为11月18日。 6park.com

People familiar with the sale said the Premier League is on course to sell the rights for about $2bn, exceeding the expectations among club executives. The league is selling all 38 matches in a single block rather than in separate packages in a deal that will run from the 2022-23 season to 2027-28. 6park.com

知情人士表示,英超将以约20亿美元的价格出售转播权,超出了俱乐部高管的预期。该联盟将所有38场比赛集中在一起出售,而不是拆成几套协议,该协议将从2022-23赛季持续到2027-28赛季。 6park.com

——本文2021年11月15日发布于FT中文网,英文原题为Premier League closes in on record sale of US TV rights



Global dividends are poised to exceed pre-pandemic levels by the end of the year, which is earlier than analysts had expected, buoyed by mining companies benefiting from a commodities boom. 6park.com

在受益于大宗商品繁荣的矿业公司的推动下,全球股息有望在今年年底前超过疫情前水平,这将早于分析师的预期。 6park.com

Shareholder payouts in the third quarter were just 2 per cent below their early 2020 record level, according to fund manager Janus Henderson’s latest dividends index. Dividends rose by 22 per cent globally year on year on an underlying basis, with 90 per cent of companies either raising them or keeping them steady over the third quarter. 6park.com

基金管理公司Janus Henderson的最新股息指数显示,第三季度股东派息仅比2020年初的创纪录水平低2%。全球基本股息同比增长22%,在第三季度,90%的公司要么提高股息,要么保持稳定。 6park.com

Dividends are a source of income for pension funds, charities and foundations across the world. Many companies were forced to cut or suspend their payments to shareholders in the early days of the pandemic to preserve cash. 6park.com

股息是世界各地的养老基金、慈善机构和基金会的收入来源之一。疫情爆发初期,许多公司被迫削减或暂停向股东派息,以保留现金。 6park.com

The mining sector fuelled most of the rebound. BHP is expected to be the world’s biggest dividend payer this year, distributing nearly $18.9bn to shareholders. 6park.com

采矿业推动了大部分的反弹。必和必拓预计将成为今年全球最大的股息派息者,向股东派发近189亿美元股息。 6park.com

——本文2021年11月15日发布于FT中文网,英文原题为Global dividends poised to top pre-pandemic levels by end of 2021



Japan’s economy shrank sharply during the third quarter as global supply chain disruptions and a resurgence in Covid-19 cases damped spending by both consumers and businesses. 6park.com

日本经济在第三季度大幅萎缩,原因是全球供应链中断和Covid-19病例的再次抬头抑制了消费者和企业的支出。 6park.com

The bigger-than-expected contraction was released as Fumio Kishida, the newly appointed prime minister, prepared to unveil a big stimulus package of cash handouts and subsidies for struggling households and small businesses to reboot Asia’s largest advanced economy. 6park.com

在日本公布高于预期的经济收缩之际,新上任的日本首相岸田文雄准备推出一项大规模刺激计划,向陷入困境的家庭和小企业发放现金和补贴,以重振这个亚洲最大的发达经济体。 6park.com

The Japanese economy shrank at an annualised rate of 3 per cent in the July to September quarter, worse than analysts’ expectations of a 0.8 per cent contraction. On a quarter-on-quarter basis, gross domestic product fell 0.8 per cent after a rebound of 0.4 per cent in the April to July period, according to government data released on Monday. 6park.com

日本经济在7月至9月这一季度的年化萎缩率为3%,比分析师预期的0.8%的萎缩率要差。周一公布的政府数据显示,4月至7月的国内生产总值在回升了0.4%后,环比下降0.8%。 6park.com

Consumer spending fell 4.5 per cent following a 3.7 per cent gain in the second quarter, while exports fell 8.3 per cent — the first contraction in five quarters. 6park.com

消费者支出继第二季度增长3.7%之后下降4.5%,而出口下降8.3%,为5个季度以来首次萎缩。 6park.com

——本文2021年11月15日发布于FT中文网,英文原题为Japanese economy shrinks in third quarter as supply chain disruptions bite



Austria has unveiled contentious plans to impose strict coronavirus curbs on the unvaccinated and the Netherlands is imposing another nationwide lockdown, becoming the first western EU nation to restore sweeping restrictions since the rollout of Covid-19 vaccines, as countries across Europe rush to contain surging infections. 6park.com

奥地利公布了有争议的计划,对未接种疫苗的人实施严格的防疫限制。荷兰再次实施全国封锁,成为自推出新冠疫苗以来第一个恢复全面限制的西欧国家。与此同时欧洲各国都在努力遏制激增的感染。 6park.com

More than 33 per cent of Austrians have yet to have a first dose of a coronavirus vaccine — one of the lowest rates in the EU — public health data show. 6park.com

公共卫生数据显示,超过33%的奥地利人尚未接种第一针新冠疫苗,这是欧盟比例最低的国家之一。 6park.com

In the Netherlands, non-essential shops and close-contact services such as hairdressers will be forced to shut by 6pm from Saturday, with essential shops like supermarkets, bars and restaurants closing at 8pm. 6park.com

在荷兰,非必需品商店和近距离接触服务——如理发店——从上周六开始被迫在下午6点前关门,而超市、酒吧和餐馆等必需品商店要在晚上8点关门。 6park.com

Other measures will include teleworking for all sectors where possible, a limit of four guests per household, no spectators at sporting events and the reimposition of 1.5m social distancing in public spaces. 6park.com

其他措施将包括尽可能在所有部门实现远程办公,每个家庭限制接待4名客人,体育赛事不安排观众,以及在公共场所重新设置1.5米的社交距离。 6park.com

——本文2021年11月15日发布于FT中文网,英文原题为Austria and Netherlands set out stringent curbs to control Covid-19

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