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送交者: icemessenger[♂☆★★★SuperMod★★★☆♂] 于 2021-11-21 2:07 已读 3837 次 1 赞  


下午三点整。金色的阳光洒满中国盲文图书馆的南窗,视障阅览室里见不到读者,值班馆员在聚精会神地看着电脑屏幕。 6park.com

It is three o'clock in the afternoon. The golden sunshine tumbles through the southern window of the main reading room of the Braille Library of China, yet there is not a single reader in sight.



别误会,事情不是你想的那样。现场没有读者是因为疫情反弹了,视障人士也和健全人一样,能躲在家里就躲在家里而已。那位馆员也不是在玩电脑,而是盯着屏幕看馆里公用的微信号和QQ号,随时接收、回应视障读者借书的消息。她旁边还有部电话时常响起,那是视障人士借书专线。 6park.com

Make no mistake — That does not mean the custodians of this literary trove are doing nothing. On the contrary, the librarian on duty is quite busy. She simultaneously keeps one eye on WeChat, while checking the QQ for new messages with the other, as well as standing ready to answer the phone that might ring at any time. All the calls and messages come from visually impaired people or their families seeking that most essential of societal needs: Access to knowledge. 6park.com

接到视障人士的借书请求后,值班馆员会到书架上取下盲文书籍,打印出地址,装进专用的视障人士邮包里,等着邮递员来取走投递。 6park.com



全程免费,财政掏钱。自从1994年中国盲文图书馆开馆起,就开始提供这项服务了,每年光中国盲文图书馆一处就能服务两万以上的视障读者,这还不算全国1000多家视障阅览室。 6park.com

Since it was first founded in 1994, the BLC has operated a mailing service for the visually impaired so that they could just write or pick up the phone to request the books they needed, then wait at home for them to arrive. After finishing the books, they only needed to attach a prepared address card to the mail bag that came with the books, then put it in the mailbox. All free of charge, thanks to the State funding.




这台小小的机器连接的是中国盲文图书馆共20TB的数字资源。只要有网,视障人士走到哪,就把盲文图书馆带到哪,而且不花钱。 6park.com

2017年中国残联等五部委共同推动“盲人数字阅读推广工程”,通过国家财政采购了20万台智能听书机,发放给全国400家公共图书馆,供视障人士免费借走使用。到现在已经有80%的智能听书机在流通中,这意味着至少十几万视障人士能远程听书。 6park.com

Mailing books is only one of the remote services the BLC renders to visually impaired people. Another one is a smart listening device, which looks like an old-fashioned cellphone. The user just needs to press the buttons under the audio guidance to gain access to all 20 Terabytes of audio books stored on the BLC website, making access to literature for the visually impaired even easier. 6park.com

The smart listening device is part of a "Digital Reading Project for the Blind" launched by China Disabled Persons' Federation in 2017. As part of the program, the State purchased 200,000 such devices and distributed them to the over 400 Braille libraries and barrier-free reading rooms nationwide to be lent out to the visually impaired. 6park.com

林燕是一位中学教师,两年前因疾病失明。她表示,从获得书籍资料的角度来说,听书更方便。特别是对于一些后天失明的人来说,盲文需要再学习,摸盲文也是存在一定困难的。  6park.com



有没有注意到,我刚才一直用的都是“视障人士”这个词? 6park.com

在我国一共有1700万人有视力障碍,其中除了什么都看不到的全盲人士之外,更多的人为低视力。 6park.com

低视力的人能看到这个世界,但看不清。他们中有人看世界像隔了一层雾,有人像通过一个小孔,还有人只能看到模糊的影像,无论凑多近都看不清。 6park.com

Of the 17 million visually impaired people nationwide, more than 10 million suffer from low eyesight, which means they can see, but their sight is blurred. At the BLC museum, there are three pairs of special glasses with worn-out lenses which allow people to experience the condition. Most people who try them say it is like trying to see through a mist. 6park.com

对低视力人群来说,看书依然是他们渴求的方式。为满足他们的需求,盲文图书馆有专门的低视力阅览室,里边的书都是大字本,每个字差不多有一平方厘米,甚至更大。 6park.com

即使是这样大的字,有的低视力读者依然看不清。这时就需要用到低视力专用阅览器,像一台幻灯机,把书放到摄像头下,屏幕上就会显示出放大的书页面,放大倍数、柔和度、对比度、颜色统统可调。 6park.com

For people with the condition, the BLC has prepared books with large fonts, featuring characters as big as one square centimeter in some cases, so that they can read more easily. If that's not enough, they have devices whereby the low-eyesight reader puts the books under a camera and reads them on a bigger screen that further magnifies the text. It is more than just an electronic magnifying glass though, as the reader is also able to make notes directly on the screen.



专供视障人士使用的笔记本电脑,与健全人用的不同。上边没有液晶显示屏,而是有一些凸出的小点点,每六个一组。随着视障人士在键盘上进行操作,这些小点点会分别上下变化,形成盲文字供视障人士触摸用。 6park.com

Alongside the 200,000 smart listening devices are 1,000 Braille display devices for computers. Unlike a standard computer display, a Braille display uses a row of electronically-driven pins, grouped in sets of 6, which rise and fall to translate information from the computer into Braille, one line at a time.


这些小点点叫点显器。也有一些机构直接做成便携式点显器,像一个加厚的尺子,视障人士随身携带,到哪往电脑上一连就能上手。 6park.com

需要指出的是,并不是所有视障人士都能听懂盲文,所以有一些视障人士靠读屏软件获取电脑屏幕信息,再打字反馈回去。 6park.com

These Braille devices are also portable, so that the visually impaired people can attach them to a normal computer via the USB interface, enabling them to easily interact with regular office equipment. All the 1,000 Braille displays were purchased with public funds and are lent out free of charge to those who need them. 6park.com

这些读屏软件和点显器的驱动软件,开发团队中往往有视障人士。中国盲文图书馆就有这么一个五人编程小组,其中两位是视障人士。 6park.com

组长张军军就是其中之一,依靠读屏软件在屏幕上敲代码、还要检查组员的代码;组员张帅帅则用一台带点显器的电脑敲代码,维护更新软件、开发新产品都在上边完成。 6park.com

Also available is a screen-reading software. When the user operates a normal computer, the software will read out loud the information displayed, including image descriptions. The BLC has a five-person team developing such software, two of whom are visually impaired themselves and create code using Braille displays and screen-readers. Zhang Junjun, who operates with the help of a screen-reader, is the head of the whole team. Zhang Shuaishuai, who operates similarly, is his team member.



那有没有视障人士要到场参加的活动呢?有,而且很多。 6park.com

公共图书馆从来都不只是书的流通库,而是知识的殿堂。这里有名家讲座,有学术交流,还有作家直播——能在图书馆办的活动,都带着一股文化范。 6park.com



这其中最火爆的,要算盲人影院,这是中国盲文图书馆的特色节目。 6park.com

放映厅里,讲解员目视银屏娓娓道来,视障读者们坐成几排,认真“观看”。 6park.com

盲人电影很考验讲解员的功力,一场电影两个小时,讲解员得不住嘴地说,说到最后口干舌燥;而且讲电影的技术含量很高,要先写脚本,再配合着电影的原声讲出来,语气、音调、包袱都得拿捏好,这样才能讲得抑扬顿挫,讲得视障观众爱听。 6park.com

Like all public libraries, as well as lending books, the BLC holds cultural activities. Every Tuesday, it hosts a blind cinema, during which a narrator stands to the right of the audience and describes the images on screen in between the dialogue. 6park.com



一般来说,视障人士的听觉都比较敏锐,那是他们获取信息的重要渠道。所以视障人士中有不少音乐家,就算没有成名成家的也有很多音乐爱好者。 6park.com

针对这些特点,各地的盲文图书馆都会举办视障音乐沙龙,邀请音乐家来演奏,也请视障朋友自身参与演奏。沉浸在音乐的海洋里,是他们最幸福的时刻之一。 6park.com



中国盲文图书馆馆长朱兵在接受中国日报专访时表示,“读书是帮助盲人改善生活质量、提升自己的有效手段,这正是盲文图书馆能做的事情。时代在进步,我们服务盲人的手段也在进步。” 6park.com

"The most effective way of improving the lives of the visually impaired is to help them gain knowledge," says Zhu Bing, head of the BLC. "That's where we can help, and with ever sharper tools, we hope to be of even greater assistance."


甚至为健全人,盲文图书馆也提供了一项很贴心的服务:黑暗体验室。 6park.com

这是一间20平米左右的屋子,有一进一出两个门,关上门之后里边就全黑了。 6park.com

室内的墙壁经过设计,你看不见的情况下也能扶着墙,安全地游历一圈走出来,用时一般在八分钟左右。 6park.com

The BLC provides a unique service for fully-sighted people, too. Inside its building there is a windowless room, about 20 square meters in size, which becomes totally dark when the doors are closed. Anyone can enter and explore the pitch black room by touching the specially designed walls. 6park.com

这八分钟未必能净化你的心灵,也很难让你大彻大悟。但有理由相信,经历过黑暗的你对光明会更加珍惜。 6park.com

It takes only eight minutes to experience, but provides visitors with a lifetime of gratitude for the eyesight with which they are blessed.

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