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送交者: icemessenger[♂☆★★★SuperMod★★★☆♂] 于 2021-11-22 2:51 已读 872 次 2 赞  



The largest annual scientific study on single adults shows that COVID-19 has caused a dramatic shift in people's priorities when it comes to dating, sex and love. Faculty from the Kinsey Institute at Indiana University say some of the changes could last well beyond the pandemic. 6park.com

本年度规模最大的单身成年人科学研究表明,受疫情影响,人们在约会、性和爱情中最看重的元素发生了显着变化。印第安纳大学金赛研究所的研究人员表示,某些变化可能在疫情结束之后仍会持续存在。 6park.com

This is the 11th year for Match.com's "Singles in America" study, which Kinsey Institute executive director Justin Garcia and senior research fellow Helen Fisher contribute to as scientific advisers. The research includes a demographically representative sample of 5,000 single adults between the ages of 18 and 98. 6park.com

今年是Match婚恋网进行“美国单身人士”研究的第11年,金赛研究所执行主任贾斯汀·加西亚和高级研究员海伦·费希尔作为科学顾问参与了这项研究。该研究涵盖了具有代表性的5000名18岁至98岁的单身成年人。 6park.com

Data from the 2021 study shows that 83% of singles want a partner who's emotionally mature. Only 78% want someone physically attractive, compared to 90% in 2020. 6park.com

2021年的研究数据显示,83%的单身人士想要一个情感成熟的伴侣。只有78%的人希望找颜值高的人,而2020年这一比例为90%。 6park.com

"Singles have grown up, and along with that they are looking for more stable partners," Fisher said. "The so-called bad boys and bad girls are out; emotional maturity is in." 6park.com

费希尔说:“单身人士已经长大了,相应地他们也在寻找更稳定的伴侣。所谓的坏男孩和坏女孩已经不受欢迎了;情感成熟的人才是最佳伴侣。” 6park.com

That mindset change is also reflected in a drastic increase in those interested in marriage. The number of singles who want a partner desiring marriage jumped from 58% two years ago to 76% this year—and men and younger adults are leading in this pattern. 6park.com

对婚姻感兴趣的人数急剧增加也反映出了这种心态的变化。想要结婚的单身人士数量从两年前的58%跃升到今年的76%,其中以男性和年轻人居多。 6park.com

With that focus on stability, casual sex has become a lower priority for singles than in the past, with more focusing on emotional connection. 6park.com

随着对稳定性的需求增加,随意风流对于单身人士没有以前那么重要了,他们更关注情感的维系。 6park.com

"I don't think that's a temporary blip; I think it's a sea change," Garcia said. 6park.com

加西亚表示:“我不认为这是一个暂时的变化;我认为这是一个巨大的转变。” 6park.com

Garcia said he believes the pandemic changed the way people seek out partners long-term. The pandemic led one in four singles to turn to video dating as a way to get a "vibe check" before meeting a potential romantic partner in real life. The numbers are even higher for young singles, with nearly half of Gen Z and millennials going on a video date as a first step in the dating process. 6park.com

加西亚说,他认为疫情改变了人们寻找长期伴侣的方式。这场大流行病导致四分之一的单身人士转向视频约会,在“奔现”之前先通过视频看看“来不来电”。年轻单身人士视频约会的比例更高,近半数的Z世代和千禧一代将视频约会作为约会过程的第一步。 6park.com

注:Z世代是指1995至2009年间出生的一代人。 6park.com

Fisher said that while there tends to be a lot of focus on how technology can negatively impact relationships, the data shows that it can facilitate meaningful connections. 6park.com

费希尔说,虽然很多人关注技术对情感关系产生的负面影响,但数据显示,它可以促进有意义的联系。 6park.com

"When you go on a video chat, sex is off the table," she said. "You don't have to decide if you're going to kiss or not, and you don't have to decide how you're going to spend your money. So it's practical." 6park.com

她说:“视频聊天时,你不必考虑上床这样的事,不用考虑是否要接吻以及怎么付账。所以很实际。” 6park.com

"Singles in America" also gauged attitudes on COVID-19 vaccination, finding that vaccination is a higher priority for singles than the rest of the US population. In addition to having a higher vaccination rate themselves compared to the overall population, 65% of singles want their partners to be vaccinated. 6park.com


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