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双语资讯速览 | 欧洲新一轮抗疫限制措施引发骚乱
送交者: icemessenger[♂☆★★★SuperMod★★★☆♂] 于 2021-11-22 17:10 已读 4048 次 1 赞  




The Netherlands faced a second night of riots on Saturday over the introduction of new restrictions to curb the spread of Covid-19, leading to dozens of arrests across the country, while protests broke out elsewhere in Europe after authorities imposed further measures to counter the virus. 6park.com

荷兰新一轮旨在遏制新冠肺炎传播的限制措施上周六引发第二晚的骚乱,导致全国有数十人被捕。欧洲其他国家也爆发了针对当局出台进一步抗疫措施的抗议。 6park.com

Dutch authorities deployed mounted police, dogs and water cannon after protesters in three provinces set fires and threw fireworks, in the worst outburst of violence in the country since a full lockdown led to widespread disorder at the start of the year. 6park.com

在三个省的抗议者放火并投掷烟花后,荷兰当局出动骑警,并部署警犬和水炮,这是该国自年初全面抗疫封锁导致大范围不安定以来最严重的暴力事件。 6park.com

The protests were sparked by plans to restrict the use of the Covid pass to those who have either been vaccinated or have recovered from Covid-19. Previously it also covered people with a negative test result. A ban on fireworks for New Year’s Eve celebrations also roused anger. 6park.com

抗议活动的起因是,当局计划将新冠通行证的使用者局限于已接种疫苗或已从COVID-19康复的人。此前它还涵盖检测结果为阴性的人。禁止在新年前夜燃放烟花庆祝的禁令也激起了愤怒。 6park.com

——本文2021年11月22日发布于FT中文网,英文原题为Netherlands faces renewed riots as Covid curbs spark unrest across Europe



El Salvador’s president has said the Central American country plans to build a volcano-powered “bitcoin city” financed partly by an issue of $1bn in sovereign bonds backed by the cryptocurrency. 6park.com

萨尔瓦多总统表示,这个中美洲国家计划建造一个以火山为动力的“比特币城市”,部分资金来自于发行10亿美元的由比特币支持的主权债券。 6park.com

President Nayib Bukele said the city would have no property, income or capital gains taxes. Its infrastructure and other costs will be funded by a sales tax and money raised by the bond issues. Bukele compared his plans to those of ancient Macedonian ruler Alexander the Great who founded cities with his name around the world. 6park.com

该国总统纳伊布·布克尔表示,这个城市将不征收财产税、所得税或资本利得税。它的基础设施和其他经费将由销售税和债券发行来提供资金。布克尔将他的计划与古代马其顿统治者亚历山大大帝的计划相比较,后者在世界各地以他的名字建立了许多城市。 6park.com

The 40-year-old president launched the project at the end of a week-long bitcoin festival in his country, which two months ago became the first to accept bitcoin as legal tender. 6park.com

这位40岁的总统在他的国家为期一周的比特币节结束时启动了这个项目,两个月前他的国家成为第一个接受比特币作为法定货币的国家。 6park.com

——本文2021年11月22日发布于FT中文网,英文原题为El Salvador plans ‘bitcoin city’ powered by volcano



Joe Biden’s battle to pass a $1.75tn package to enhance the social safety net and combat climate change moves to the thorny terrain of the US Senate, after clearing the House of Representatives. 6park.com

拜登推动通过旨在加强社会保障网和抗击气候变化的1.75万亿美元支出方案的努力在众议院成功后,进入参议院的棘手地带。 6park.com

The House on Friday passed the sweeping Build Back Better bill, which includes subsidies for early childhood education, tax credits for families with children, an expansion of public healthcare for senior citizens and some $550bn in programmes to combat climate change. 6park.com

美国众议院上周五通过全面的“重建更美好未来”法案,其中包括对幼儿教育的补贴、对有孩子的家庭的税收减免、扩大对老年人的公共医疗保健,以及约5500亿美元抗击气候变化的计划。 6park.com

But the Build Back Better bill faces an uncertain future in the Senate, where lawmakers are expected to wrangle over the package for several weeks. At the same time they are contending with the looming threat of a government shutdown, a potential federal default and the need to strike a deal to continue funding the US military. 6park.com

但“重建更美好未来”法案在参议院面临不确定的未来,预计参议员们将在数周期间围绕该支出方案角力。与此同时,他们还要应对扑面而来的政府停摆威胁、潜在的联邦违约以及需要达成协议以继续为美军提供资金。 6park.com

——本文2021年11月22日发布于FT中文网,英文原题为Biden’s landmark spending bill faces next battle in Senate



Samsung’s most powerful executive is touring the US in what investors hope is a sign the company is looking to deploy its $100bn cash pile. 6park.com

三星最有权势的高管李在镕正在美国进行访问,投资者希望这是一个迹象,说明该公司正考虑动用其1000亿美元现金储备。 6park.com

Third-generation heir Lee Jae-yong is on his first overseas trip since South Korean president Moon Jae-in agreed in August to his early release from jail on the grounds it was in the national interest. 6park.com

此前,韩国总统文在寅今年8月以国家利益为由,同意提前释放李在镕。这是李在镕出狱后首次出访。 6park.com

The conglomerate’s cash reserves, which soared while Lee was behind bars for bribing Moon’s predecessor, put its potential capacity for megadeals on a par with SoftBank’s original Vision Fund, the tech investment vehicle. 6park.com

在李在镕因贿赂文在寅的前任而身陷囹圄时,这家企业集团的现金储备激增,使其进行巨额交易的潜在能力与软银最初的科技投资工具——愿景基金不相上下。 6park.com

Lee has met the chief executives of vaccine developer Moderna and US telecoms operator Verizon and is expected to announce the US location for a new $17bn semiconductor facility to secure more American business. 6park.com

李在镕已会见了疫苗开发商Moderna和美国电信运营商Verizon的首席执行官,预计将宣布一处投资170亿美元的新半导体设施在美国的选址,以获得更多美国业务。 6park.com

——本文2021年11月22日发布于FT中文网,英文原题为Samsung investors look for guidance on plans for $100bn cash pile

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