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送交者: icemessenger[♂☆★★★SuperMod★★★☆♂] 于 2021-11-27 2:49 已读 1186 次 1 赞  



“阅读就是为自己建一座避难所。” 6park.com

——毛姆 6park.com

“To acquire the habit of reading is to construct for yourself a refuge from almost all the miseries of life.” 6park.com

——W. Somerset Maugham 6park.com

如果说阅读是为自己建一座避难所,那么深圳为市民创造了一个富足的精神家园。 6park.com

每年11月,金桂飘香时也是这座城市书香正浓时。今年,第二十二届深圳读书月如期而至。本届读书月以“打开一个新视界”为年度主题,用260余项、1400多场阅读文化活动开启市民们热盼的“文化狂欢节”。 6park.com

Every November, when the fragrance of evergreen permeates the air, Shenzhen welcomes its annual reading celebration. This year marks the city’s 22nd Reading Month.  With the theme of "Inspiring a New Vision", more than 260 events and 1,400 reading and activities will be held for this eagerly-awaited cultural carnival.   6park.com


当晚,深圳书城中心城主会场及各区设分会场将举办夜间开放的阅读盛宴,24小时亮灯,开展全场图书优惠销售、音乐演奏、电影放映、线上线下专家讲书等系列活动,让这座“爱阅之城”的读书热情得到充分释放。 6park.com

In the evening, a reading fest will be held in the main venue at the Shenzhen Book City Center and other sub-venues in each district. The lights will be on 24-hours-a-day, and a series of activities including book sales, music performances, film screenings, and online and offline lectures by experts, will be held to encourage enthusiasm for reading in this "reading city".  

阅读狂欢 市民“好读书”

深圳市民好读书。深圳人均购书量已连续31年位居全国第一。《深圳全民阅读发展报告2021》《2021年深圳“图书馆之城”阅读报告》显示,2020年,深圳成年居民平均阅读纸质图书8.86本、电子图书12.13本,“图书馆之城”统一服务新增办证读者近40万人。 6park.com

这一浓厚的阅读氛围离不开深圳完善的公共文化服务体系的实施。截至2020年底,深圳拥有各类公共图书馆(室)、自助图书馆合计1012个,6座面积超过3万平方米的书城文化综合体和700余家各类实体书店分布在大街小巷,每年依托书城书吧开展超过1万场公益文化活动。 6park.com

This strong literary atmosphere is inseparable from Shenzhen's public cultural service system. By the end of 2020, Shenzhen had opened 1,012 public libraries, and self-service libraries of all kinds. Six cultural complexes, with an area of more than 30,000 square meters and over 700 physical bookstores, are distributed in the city. Over 10,000 public cultural activities are held every year at bookstores.

分布在各个社区街道的公共图书馆、零门槛即可申办的全城通用借书证、便利的24小时自助图书馆、大量已成品牌的公众阅读活动……让这座城市一年四季书香盈盈。 6park.com

2012年,深圳开创全国首个由政府牵头组织的“阅读推广人”培育计划。“阅读推广人”这个崭新的社会身份自此进入公众视野:他们有着各自的职业,却做着同一件公益事情,即向公众传播阅读理念,提升市民尤其是青少年儿童的阅读兴趣和阅读能力,如同在播撒“读书种子”。 6park.com

In 2012, Shenzhen created the first government-led "reading promoter" training program in China.  Since then, this new social initiative has come into public view. Although each has their own professions, all of them aim to impart the same to benefit the public: boosting interest in and ability to read, to citizens, especially teenagers. 6park.com


品质为本 市民“读好书”

面对市民读者巨大的读书热情,筛选好书成为读书月不断探索的目标。 6park.com


除了选好书,读书月还为市民读者提供书的“品鉴官”。 6park.com

2004年,金庸应邀参加读书月,并以“中华民族强在融合”为题讲演;2007年,余光中第一次来深圳便是受邀参加读书月活动,担任深圳读书论坛嘉宾;2015年读书月期间,白岩松仰视求知若渴的听众,赞叹中心书城大台阶是中国最美好的风景…… 6park.com


人文气质丰富 获世界认可

2000年11月1日,首届深圳读书月启动。连续举办21年来,深圳读书月累积开展公益阅读文化活动9000余项,成为深圳十大文化品牌之一,营造了良好的城市阅读氛围。 6park.com

Shenzhen Reading Month has been an annual event held every November since 2000, and has carried out more than 9,000 public reading activities, making it one of Shenzhen's ten shining cultural brand names, and fostering a climate for reading. 6park.com

阅读已经成为深圳一个重要的文化标识和精神符号,为涵养城市文明、激发创新潜能注入了活力。建立41年的深圳经济特区,用一半的时间持之以恒推进全民阅读,彰显了经济特区在文化上的高远追求。 6park.com

Reading has become an important cultural and spiritual symbol of Shenzhen, which has injected vitality into the cultivation of urban civilization and the stimulation of innovation potential. Since its establishment 41 years ago, Shenzhen Special Economic Zone has devoted half of its time to promoting reading habits, which demonstrates its lofty pursuit of literacy.

深圳在全民阅读中的坚持,得到了世界的认可——2013年10月21日,深圳荣获“全球全民阅读典范城市”称号。原联合国教科文组织总干事博科娃在北京亲自为深圳颁发证书时说:深圳是全球唯一获得这个荣誉的城市,从中可以看到中国人对于全民阅读的重视和热爱。 6park.com

Shenzhen's adherence to reading has been recognized by the world — on October 21 in 2013, the city was awarded the title of "Global Reading Model City". Awarding the certificate to Shenzhen in Beijing, Bokova, former Director-General of UNESCO, said that Shenzhen is the only city in the world to receive this honor, which manifests Chinese people’s love for and emphasis on reading. 6park.com

深圳,作为一个年轻的移民城市,正在培育自己独特的文化资源,彰显了城市的人文关怀。 6park.com

Shenzhen, being a young city of immigrants, is cultivating a distinctive culture for reading and literature, which embodies the spirit of humanity.

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