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双语资讯速览 | 高盛首席执行官:纽约市的未来“并未板上钉钉”
送交者: icemessenger[♂☆★★★SuperMod★★★☆♂] 于 2021-12-01 17:07 已读 6388 次 1 赞  




David Solomon, chief executive of Goldman Sachs, has warned New York City’s leaders they cannot take its position as a global business destination for granted and that higher taxes threaten to make it less appealing for companies and their employees. 6park.com

高盛首席执行官苏德巍警告纽约市的领导人,他们不能想当然地认为纽约市作为全球商业目的地的地位是理所当然的,更高的税收可能降低纽约市对企业及其雇员的吸引力。 6park.com

Solomon’s comments come after the coronavirus pandemic prompted some New York residents to move to lower-tax states like Florida, amid broader tensions over how the city taxes high earners. 6park.com

苏德巍此番言论是在新冠疫情促使一些纽约居民搬到佛罗里达等低税率的州之后发表的,同时也是在纽约向高收入者征税的方式引发广泛紧张的局势下发表的。 6park.com

New Yorkers already pay some of the highest tax rates in the US and the top personal income tax rate for state residents would rise further to 66.2 per cent under the latest version of president Joe Biden’s Build Back Better legislation, according to an analysis by the Tax Foundation, a US think-tank. 6park.com

根据美国智库税务基金会的分析,纽约人已经支付了美国最高的一些税率,而根据总统拜登最新版本的“重建更美好未来”法案,纽约居民的最高个人所得税率将进一步上升到66.2%。 6park.com

——本文2021年12月1日发布于FT中文网,英文原题为Goldman Sachs chief warns New York City’s future ‘not guaranteed’



Joe Biden is considering imposing stricter testing rules for international travel as the White House develops a strategy to prevent the spread of the Omicron coronavirus variant in the US. 6park.com

拜登正考虑对国际旅行实施更严格的检测规则,同时白宫正在制定一项战略,以防止新冠病毒Omicron变种在美国传播。 6park.com

A White House official said on Tuesday that Biden administration officials were evaluating a requirement that all incoming travellers obtain a negative Covid-19 test one day before their trip. That would mark a tightening of the timeline from the current rule, which mandates a test up to three days before departure. 6park.com

一名白宫官员周二表示,拜登政府官员正在评估一项要求,即所有入境旅行者必须在出发前一天获得新冠病毒阴性检测结果。这将标志着收紧现行规定的时间线,现行规定要求在出发前三天进行检测。 6park.com

On Thursday, Biden is expected to propose a plan to tackle a potential surge of Covid cases in the coming weeks. During a trip to Minnesota on Tuesday, Biden repeated that Americans should not “panic” about the new variant, which has not been detected in the US, but conceded they had reason to be worried about it. 6park.com

预计拜登将在周四的演讲中提出一项计划,以应对未来几周内可能出现的新冠病例激增。在周二访问明尼苏达州期间,拜登重申,美国人不应该对这种尚未在美国发现的新变种感到“恐慌”,但他承认他们有理由对此感到担忧。 6park.com

——本文2021年12月1日发布于FT中文网,英文原题为US examines stricter testing rules for international travel



The UK’s competition regulator has forced Meta, formerly known as Facebook, to sell online image platform Giphy, the first time it has unwound a completed Big Tech deal. 6park.com

英国竞争监管机构已迫使Meta出售在线图像平台Giphy,这是该机构首次解除一项已完成的大型科技公司交易。 6park.com

The $315m deal, had it gone ahead, would have put Meta in a position to “increase its already significant market power in relation to other social media platforms”, the Competition and Markets Authority confirmed in a statement on Tuesday. 6park.com

英国竞争与市场管理局周二在一份声明中证实,如果这笔3.15亿美元的交易得以进行,将使Meta“相对于其他社交媒体平台而言,其已经相当重要的市场影响力进一步增强”。 6park.com

Meta will now be tasked with finding a buyer for Giphy that satisfies the CMA. The watchdog will set a deadline for the sale in the coming months in a legal order, and will only accept a buyer that promises to develop Giphy as an independent and effective rival to Meta. 6park.com

Meta现在的任务是为Giphy找到一个令CMA满意的买家。监管机构将在未来几个月内通过法律程序设定出售的最后期限,并且只接受承诺将Giphy发展为Meta的独立有效竞争对手的买家。 6park.com

Meta said on Tuesday it was “reviewing the decision and considering all options, including appeal”. 6park.com

Meta周二表示,它正在“评估这一决定,并考虑包括上诉在内的所有选项”。 6park.com

——本文2021年12月1日发布于FT中文网,英文原题为Facebook owner Meta ordered by UK regulator to sell Giphy



Early testing indicates that the mutations in the Omicron variant of coronavirus may hamper the ability of Regeneron’s antibody drug to treat Covid-19, the company said, indicating that some therapies may have to be adapted to tackle the virus’s latest evolution. 6park.com

再生元表示,早期试验表明,Omicron变种上的突变可能会阻碍该公司的抗体药物治疗新冠病毒的能力。这表明可能必须调整某些疗法以应对新冠病毒的最新进化。 6park.com

Regeneron’s Regen-Cov treatment is made up of a cocktail of two monoclonal antibodies that block the virus that causes Covid-19, and is widely used to treat patients. 6park.com

再生元的REGEN-COV疗法是由两种单克隆抗体组成的鸡尾酒疗法,可阻断导致COVID-19的病毒,目前已被广泛用于治疗患者。 6park.com

The findings are a first indication that treatments developed to tackle Covid-19 may have lost effectiveness as the virus evolves. “The individual mutations present in the Omicron variant indicate that there may be reduced neutralization activity of both vaccine-induced and monoclonal antibody conveyed immunity,” Regeneron said on Tuesday. Regeneron’s share price fell more than 2.8 per cent in pre-market trading. 6park.com

这些发现是表明随着病毒的进化、为应对COVID-19而开发的疗法可能失去效力的首个迹象。“Omicron存在的个别突变表明,疫苗诱导和单克隆抗体传递的免疫反应的中和活性都可能降低,”再生元周二表示。再生元股价在盘前交易时段下跌逾2.8%。 6park.com

——本文2021年12月1日发布于FT中文网,英文原题为Early Regeneron tests indicate antibody drug could be less effective against Omicron

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