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送交者: icemessenger[♂☆★★★SuperMod★★★☆♂] 于 2021-12-05 0:16 已读 1719 次 2 赞  


黑框眼镜,短发齐刘海,说话慢条斯理,语气没有起伏。近日,90后理论物理博士后周思益在网上科普物理的视频火了。 6park.com

由于科普涉及的知识太过深奥,不少网友表示“能刷到她的视频,说明你是个有实力的人”。 6park.com

For 29-year-old Zhou Siyi, it's always a pleasure to talk about physics. Recently, her videos about popular science went viral.  6park.com

Even though some of her content was considered to be "hardcore", she always tries her best to make it easy to understand. 6park.com

能吸引这么多人关注物理科普,周思益很意外。她自称是“幼儿园老师”,粉丝则是“小朋友”。为了尽量讲得通俗易懂,她会选择常用物品作为“教具”,比如一把剪刀,一个卫生纸筒。 6park.com

“我想用通俗易懂的方式,把深奥的弦理论掰开揉碎,一点点讲给小朋友听。” 6park.com

In her video, Zhou calls herself "kindergarten teacher" and the fans "kiddos", and many ordinary objects, such as scissors or toilet rolls, can be her "teaching aids".  6park.com

"I want to 'tear apart' the difficult theories and tell my viewers little by little.” 6park.com


小时候的周思益,经常跟爷爷奶奶一起生活,他们退休前都是高中物理教师,经常会给孙女讲生活中的物理,周思益慢慢与物理结下了缘分。“小时候他们就让我看电路板,爷爷还带我做过收音机、小飞机。” 6park.com

对于那时的她来说,物理不仅带来解决问题的乐趣,还给了她另一种认识世界的眼光。“通过物理,我能明白生活中许多现象背后的原因,我很喜欢这种感觉。” 6park.com

Zhou Siyi comes from Wuhan, and currently she is a second phrase post-doctoral student at Kobe University, Japan.  6park.com

She spent most of her childhood with grandparents, who were both physics teachers in senior high school. "They taught me how the circuit boards work, and I learned how to make a radio and toy plane from my grandpa." 6park.com

It was then that the passion for physics took root in Zhou's heart. For her, physics not only brought her the joy of solving problems, but also provided her another method of observing the world. 6park.com

上大学后,坚持热爱的周思益全身心投入到物理学习中。她的研究方向是宇宙学、弦理论和场论,这也是现代理论物理的前沿阵地。 6park.com

跳出深奥抽象的“理论圈”,她越来越意识到科普的重要。今年7月25日,她在网上发布了第一条短视频,向大家“报告”科学发现,黑洞—中子星的合并,并解释这则新闻为何让学界兴奋。 6park.com

Zhou Siyi was able to concentrate on studying physics after being admitted to university, where she did her research mainly on cosmology, string theory and field theory. These topics are at the forefront of modern physics.  6park.com

While studying these abstract theories, Zhou became increasingly aware of the importance of the popularization of science. She published her first short video on Jul 25 this year, to explain the then latest discovery of a black hole-neutron star merger, which excited the whole scientific world. 

从此开始,周思益走上科普之路。四个月来,她吸粉二十多万,有小学生、中学生、大学生,还有家庭主妇等。周思益说想通过自己的努力,将科学的魅力介绍给更多人。“传播真正的科学,消减谣言,也希望能吸引更多人加入科普中。” 6park.com

This was how Zhou started her journey of passing on scientific knowledge. The number of her followers gained an impressive growth to more than 200,000 in the past four months, ranging from students at all levels to housewives. 6park.com

"I wish to reduce rumors by explaining science, and I hope that more people could join me in the future."

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