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送交者: icemessenger[♂☆★★★SuperMod★★★☆♂] 于 2021-12-05 3:25 已读 6240 次 1 赞  


Netflix出品的韩剧《Move to Heaven》一路冲上豆瓣“一周全球口碑剧集榜”第二,评分高达9.2,这是一部什么样的剧呢?


Clothes left unworn, books meticulously curated across the years, gadgets and jewellery, worn-out shoes—all suddenly bereft of their owner. 6park.com

没来得及穿的衣服,一丝不苟珍藏多年的书籍,留下的小玩意和首饰,磨损很严重的鞋——突然间,它们就没了主人。 6park.com

Following the eponymously named 'trauma cleaning’ company, the show takes us into the lives of those who have suddenly passed through the objects they've left behind. 6park.com


故事的主角,患有阿斯伯格综合征(Asperger's Syndrome)的20岁少年可鲁,拥有过目不忘的记忆力(photographic memory)和极高的智商(high intelligence),他执着于规律刻板的日常(an obsessive penchant for routine),同时感情缺失(difficulty grappling with emotions)。这些特质刚好能让他成为父亲“MOVE TO HEAVEN”遗物整理公司的得力助手。




One reason why he wishes Move To Heaven has a larger audience is because he feels the series tells poignant stories within its 10 episodes that are relatable to today’s society, where many people lead solitary lives and ultimately go through lonely deaths. 6park.com

李帝勋希望这部剧拥有更多的受众,其中一大原因就是,他觉得这部剧每一集都切中当今社会要害,10集故事,为我们呈现了如今许许多多的人,他们过着孤独的生活,最终孤独地走向死亡。 6park.com

“All of my works are important to me but I think Move To Heaven is really something else, ” 6park.com

“我的每一部作品对我来说都很重要,但显然《遗物整理师》是有特别意义的。” 6park.com

“The disconnection and lack of communication within our society today is prevalent, ” 6park.com

“当下社会,人与人之间缺乏联系,缺少交流已经屡见不鲜了。” 6park.com

“As a member of the modern society, I think these are issues that we should not overlook.” 6park.com


可以说“遗物整理”在这里成为了一面折射社会问题的镜子,诸多社会问题和现代人的创伤一点点展开在我们面前。 6park.com




除了揭露社会问题,这部剧还展现了现代社会多元的一面:第五集讲述的同性恋人,死去医生的情书/遗书,简直堪称S级的催泪弹: 6park.com


Move to Heaven is able to highlight an even larger array of societal issues like domestic violence and LGBTQ discrimination, and better reinforce the diversity of life—and death—that humans possess. 6park.com

《遗物整理师》把目光投向了更多的社会性问题,如家暴、同性歧视等,以丰富人生、死亡的多样性,这也是人性所具有的多样性。 6park.com

In fact, celebrating diversity is Move to Heaven’s biggest strength. Through its leads and each of the deceased, the show destigmatizes trauma, and emphasizes that “different” can be beautiful instead of bad. 6park.com

事实上,赞颂多样性是《遗物整理师》最大的优势所在。在一桩桩对于死亡的抽丝剥茧之下,剧集展现了对心灵创伤的去污名化,强调“不同”是美好的,而非“不吉利、避而不及”的。 6park.com

这部剧的灵感取自韩国作家金玺别的散文集《离开后留下的东西》(Things Left Behind),作家本人就是一名遗物整理师,书中纪录的正是他工作的所见、所闻。


Move to Heaven is a poignant reminder that no one really knows just how to survive after another's last breath. In the ruin of what was left, all we can do is put together pieces of memories we’d never really bothered to safe keep and precisely remember. 6park.com

《遗物整理师》带着无奈、心酸,让我们明白了,没人真正知道身边的人离世以后应该如何生存下去。对于这些身后遗物,我们所能做的就是把这些我们从未费心去保存和铭记的记忆碎片拼在一起。 6park.com

The series is an emotional journey akin to a lonely trip to a park. There you sit alone, staring at those passing by, wondering what lives they lead. 6park.com

这部剧像一段充满感情的旅程,就好似独自一人的公园之旅。在那里,你静静地一个人坐着,看着人来人往,想象着他们过着怎样的生活。 6park.com

You are met with the realisation that although we are all different people, our experiences are equal parts unique and universal. We all go through loss and joy, and a cycle of inexhaustible hurts, only made truly bearable by those whom we love. 6park.com


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