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送交者: icemessenger[♂☆★★★SuperMod★★★☆♂] 于 2021-12-06 0:04 已读 6564 次  


洗澡对大家来说是一件很日常的事,不仅可以洗去身上的污垢,还可以缓解疲劳,放松心情。那么冬天应该多久洗一次澡合适?为什么会有人说冬天经常洗澡会导致皮肤发痒? 6park.com

美国休斯顿贝勒医学院 (Baylor College of Medicine)、美国权威健康网站健康线 (Healthline)以及科普中国都对冬天洗澡展开了研究,一起来看看~

为什么冬天洗澡皮肤容易痒? 6park.com

人体皮肤最外层是角质层,上面有一层酸性皮脂膜,皮脂膜中的脂肪酸、尿素、尿酸、乳酸盐对皮肤有着保护和滋润作用。 6park.com

The outermost layer of human skin is the stratum corneum, on top of which there is an acid sebaceous film. The fatty acids, urea, uric acid and lactate in the sebaceous film protect and hydrate the skin. 6park.com

据科普中国介绍,冬季天气寒冷,空气干燥。人体皮脂腺、汗腺分泌的汗液减少,皮脂膜也明显变薄。 6park.com


冬季多久洗一次澡比较合适? 6park.com

对于年轻人来说,冬天2-3天洗一次澡为宜,老人和婴幼儿建议3-5天洗一次,尽量少用清洁产品,用清水洗澡即可。 6park.com

For young people, it is advisable to take a bath once every 2-3 days in winter, and the elderly as well as infants are recommended to take a bath every 3-5 days. Use cleaning products with harsh chemicals as little as possible. 6park.com

贝勒医学院皮肤病学教授拉贾尼·卡塔(Rajani Katta)建议淋浴后在擦干身体之前可以先用手轻轻地把皮肤拍干,然后使用润肤乳进行保湿。 6park.com

Dr. Rajani Katta, professor of dermatology at Baylor, recommended patting the skin partially dry, then using moisturizer cream while skin is still damp after a shower.

早上洗澡好还是晚上洗澡好? 6park.com

很多人说早上洗澡要比晚上好,此种说法对吗? 6park.com

事实上,什么时候洗澡取决于想达到什么样的效果,可以根据自身需求选择,并没有严格的规定。 6park.com

早上洗澡会使头脑清醒,元气满满地进入工作状态。而晚上睡觉前来一个温水浴,在清除皮肤表面污垢的同时,还能加快血液循环,使全身肌肉放松,消除疲劳、改善睡眠。 6park.com

Taking a bath in the morning can be refreshing, helping you feel more alert at work. By contrast, a warm bath before going to bed can remove the dirt from the surface of the skin, accelerate blood circulation, relax the muscles of the whole body, eliminate fatigue, and improve sleep quality.

洗澡搓掉的泥是什么? 6park.com

科普中国研究表明,在洗澡的时候,经常会搓出一些灰白色的细长泥状物,俗称搓澡泥。 6park.com

这些搓澡泥主要是人体皮肤自然产生的代谢产物,包括正常代谢脱落的细胞、皮脂、汗液等,也包括一些体表外来的微生物、化妆品残留等。 6park.com

During a shower, what we wash away is mainly metabolites of human skin, including cells, sebum, and sweat, as well as external microorganisms on the body surface and cosmetics residue.

冬季洗澡一定要注意这些 6park.com

■ 洗澡时尽量不要锁住浴室的门 6park.com

冬季洗澡时,绝大多数人都喜欢关紧门窗,但在保暖的同时也容易出现一氧化碳中毒、摔伤、心脑血管疾病突发及低血糖等意外情况,建议打开浴室排风扇或者把门留个缝隙,以防出事时无法及时施救。 6park.com

When taking a bath in winter, it is recommended to turn on the bathroom exhaust fan to improve circulation, and leave the door ajar so that you can be reached quickly if an accident occurs.

■ 不要用力搓澡 6park.com

经常用热水浸泡、用力搓洗容易导致皮肤角质细胞过多脱落,使皮脂膜变薄,失去皮肤屏障保护功能,使皮肤变干或引发皮肤疾病。 6park.com

英国伦敦卡多根诊所的皮肤科顾问德里克·菲利普斯建议洗澡的时候动作要轻柔,避免使用香味太重的产品,然后使用乳霜或乳液等温和的润肤剂,帮助恢复皮肤的油脂,同时避免刺激皮肤。 6park.com

Derrick Phillips, consultant dermatologist at the Cadogan Clinic in London, recommends being very gentle in the shower. Avoid products with fragrances and always use a gentle emollient like cream or lotion afterward to help restore oils in the skin and avoid irritation. 6park.com

“搓澡会搓走表层皮肤的天然油脂,导致皮肤干燥和刺激,这对那些患有湿疹以及皮肤本来就干燥的人来说尤其成问题。” 6park.com

"Washing strips natural oils from the upper layer of the skin, leading to drying and irritation" Phillips says. "This can be particularly problematic in those with eczema who have naturally dry skin."

■ 洗澡时间不要过长 6park.com

拉贾尼·卡塔建议,在冬季,用温水洗澡的时间不要超过10-15分钟。 6park.com

Dr. Rajani Katta, recommends showering with lukewarm water for no more than 10 to 15 minutes during wintery months. 6park.com


■ 水温不要过高 6park.com

水温过高,容易增加心脏负担,洗澡水温以40℃左右为宜,洗完换衣服时也应注意保暖,防止着凉。 6park.com

贝勒医学院研究表明,在冬天洗个热水澡可能会让人觉得神清气爽,但它会让皮肤变得更加干燥。洗澡时的水温过高会加剧皮肤干燥,由此产生的损害可能会持续很长一段时间。 6park.com

A hot steamy bath might feel good during the winter months but it could leave your skin desperate for moisture. Doctors at Baylor College of Medicine say the higher temperatures at bath time increase dry skin, which could have long-term damaging effects. 6park.com

“在寒冷的天气里长时间的热水淋浴可以舒缓皮肤,但这实际上对皮肤不好。洗澡的时候水温很高,皮肤上的水分会蒸发,一旦结束淋浴,皮肤会变得更干燥,” 拉贾尼·卡塔解释说。 6park.com

"Even though long hot showers feel soothing to the skin during cold weather, it is actually hard on the skin," she said. "The high water temperature and the evaporation of water off the skin once out of the shower, causes the skin to become drier."

■ 洗澡不要过于频繁 6park.com

减少洗澡频次,适量使用沐浴用品,如果出现皮肤瘙痒,一定要注意护理,洗完澡后再涂抹适量具有保湿功效的护肤产品。 6park.com

“洗完澡后涂上富含神经酰胺的润肤乳,有助于恢复天然油脂,修复皮肤屏障。”德里克·菲利普斯补充道。 6park.com

"Generous application of an emollient rich in ceramides immediately after washing will help to restore the natural oils and repair the skin barrier," adds Phillips.

■ 据美国健康网站健康线(Healthline),每天洗澡对身体并无大碍,以下小贴士可以帮助你养成更为健康的洗澡习惯: 6park.com

• Bathe daily if it works for your lifestyle and body type; 6park.com


• Bathe every other day if you're concerned about saving water or a skin condition; 6park.com


• Spot cleaning is better than nothing if you can't shower daily; 6park.com


• Avoid products that are overly drying; 6park.com


• Avoid using scrubs or exfoliation techniques more than once a week; 6park.com


• Use body moisturizers and lotions after every shower or bath. 6park.com


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