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双语资讯速览 | CNN解雇克里斯•科莫;欧空局警告:马斯克在制定太空规则
送交者: icemessenger[♂☆★★★SuperMod★★★☆♂] 于 2021-12-06 17:12 已读 4726 次 1 赞  




There was once a time when the words “fixed line” turned investors cold — as the extraordinary growth of wireless telecoms and mobile data made cabling seem antiquated. 6park.com

曾几何时,“固网”这个词让投资者感到厌倦——那时无线电信和移动数据的非凡增长使线缆连接的网络显得过时。 6park.com

Yet, in the age of full-fibre broadband, those tables have turned. Investors are backing a new generation of smaller, alternative cabled networks — dubbed “alt-nets” — forcing larger incumbents to increase their investment in broadband. 6park.com

然而,在当今的全光纤宽带时代,局面发生了逆转。投资者正在支持新一代规模较小的替代固网——即所谓“替代网络”——迫使规模更大的老牌企业加大对宽带的投资。 6park.com

In the five years to 2024, the growth in fixed-line connectivity will be most pronounced in Spain, China, Egypt and the US, according to forecasts from Omdia, a technology consultancy. Spain has become one of the most competitive markets in Europe in recent years. The fast rollout of full fibre broadband has been the bedrock of that competition, and consolidation is emerging in what is one of Europe’s most highly penetrated fibre markets. 6park.com

据技术咨询公司Omdia预测,在截至2024年的五年期间,西班牙、中国、埃及和美国的固网连接将出现最大增长。西班牙近年成为欧洲最具竞争力的市场之一。全光纤宽带的快速部署是这场竞争的基石,与此同时欧洲渗透率最高的光纤市场之一正在出现整合。 6park.com

——本文2021年12月6日发布于FT中文网,英文原题为Full-fibre broadband fuels investor appetite for fixed line



CNN fired Chris Cuomo after a sexual misconduct allegation was made against him at the same time he was under investigation by the network for helping his brother, the former New York governor, defend against his own harassment claims. 6park.com

克里斯·科莫被控不当性行为后被CNN解雇。与此同时,科莫还因为帮助他的哥哥——前纽约州长——应对性骚扰指控而受到CNN的调查。 6park.com

On Sunday, Debra Katz, a prominent US employment lawyer, said that her client had reported sexual misconduct allegations about Cuomo to CNN on Wednesday. Last week, the New York attorney-general detailed how the journalist had helped defend brother Andrew Cuomo against multiple sexual assault allegations while New York governor. 6park.com

上周日,美国著名就业律师黛布拉·卡茨表示,她的当事人周三向CNN报告了关于科莫不当性行为指控。此外,纽约总检察长详细讲述了这位主播如何帮助他的哥哥安德鲁•科莫在担任纽约州长期间应对多项性侵指控。 6park.com

On Sunday, CNN said: “Based on the report we received regarding Chris’s conduct with his brother’s defense, we had cause to terminate. When new allegations came to us this week, we took them seriously, and saw no reason to delay taking immediate action.” 6park.com

上周日,CNN说:“根据我们收到的关于克里斯为其哥哥进行辩护的报告,我们有理由解雇他。本周我们收到新的指控时,我们认真对待,并认为没有理由推迟立即采取行动。” 6park.com

——本文2021年12月6日发布于FT中文网,英文原题为CNN fires Chris Cuomo after misconduct claims



The head of the European Space Agency has urged the continent’s leaders to stop facilitating Elon Musk’s ambition to dominate the new space economy, warning that the lack of co-ordinated action meant the US billionaire was “making the rules” himself. 6park.com

欧洲空间局负责人敦促欧洲领导人停止助长埃隆•马斯克主宰新太空经济的雄心,并警告称,缺乏协调行动意味着这位美国亿万富翁正在“自己制定规则”。 6park.com

Josef Aschbacher, the new director-general of ESA, said that Europe’s readiness to help the rapid expansion of Musk’s Starlink satellite internet service risked hindering the region’s own companies from realising the potential of commercial space. 6park.com

欧空局新任总干事约瑟夫•阿施巴赫表示,欧洲愿意帮助马斯克的星链卫星互联网服务快速扩张,这可能会阻碍该地区的本土公司认识商业太空的潜力。 6park.com

Musk has already won approval for more than 30,000 satellites through US regulators. Aschbacher said Musk’s Starlink was already so big that it was difficult for regulators or rivals to catch up. “You have one person owning half of the active satellites in the world. That’s quite amazing.” 6park.com

马斯克已经通过美国监管机构获得了3万多颗卫星的许可。阿施巴赫表示,马斯克的星链已经规模太大,监管机构或竞争对手很难赶上。“一个人拥有世界上一半的现役卫星。这是相当惊人的。” 6park.com

——本文2021年12月6日发布于FT中文网,英文原题为Elon Musk is setting the rules in space, ESA chief warns



The UK government is to begin trials next year of a “smart” customs border involving cutting-edge technologies that it hopes will reduce trade frictions for British importers. 6park.com

英国政府将于明年开始试验一个涉及尖端技术的“智能”海关边界,希望能减少英国进口商的贸易摩擦。 6park.com

UK companies will this week be asked to submit bids to pilot the new system, with the aim of starting trials at a port in May, according to senior officials in Whitehall. The announcement of the plans, described as building a “Rolls-Royce system for moving goods”, come as the government prepares to begin implementing full customs checks on EU imports from January. 6park.com

英国政府高级官员表示,英国企业本周将被要求提交试点新系统的投标书,目标是5月份在一个港口开始试验。在宣布上述计划之际,政府准备从明年1月开始对自欧盟进口的产品实施全面海关检查。该计划被描述为建立一个“货物运输的劳斯莱斯系统”。 6park.com

To smooth the post-Brexit border, the UK has committed to spending £180m to build a “single trade window” system by 2025, which will streamline customs processes by enabling UK border agencies, including HM Revenue & Customs and health authorities, to share information in real time. 6park.com

为畅通英国退欧后的边境,英国承诺在2025年前斥资1.8亿英镑建立一个“单一贸易窗口”系统,使英国税务海关总署和卫生部门等英国边境机构能够实时共享信息,从而简化海关程序。 6park.com

——本文2021年12月6日发布于FT中文网,英文原题为UK to trial ‘smart’ customs border to reduce trade frictions

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