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外刊报道 | 为什么你总在吃,还一直饿?
送交者: 你好毒[♀☆★★★ヾ嘟嘟ヾ★★★☆♀] 于 2022-04-12 11:06 已读 6466 次 2 赞  


原文标题: 6park.com

Common reasons why you cant't stop eating 6park.com

为什么你总在吃,还一直饿? 6park.com

英语积累: 6park.com

a backhanded compliment 6park.com

(AmE also aleft-handed compliment)a remark that seems to express admiration but could also be understood as an insult 6park.com

假惺惺的恭维:挖苦人的恭维话(表面恭维实则讥讽); 6park.com

She told me that my essay was surprisingly good,which I thought was a backhanded compliment. 6park.com

她对我说我的作文“出奇地好”我认为这是在挖苦我。 6park.com

 the back-room boys  6park.com

scientists, researchers, etc.who do important work but do not have direct contact with the public 6park.com

幕后英雄:在幕后默默工作的科学家(或研究人员等); 6park.com

It's thanks to the back-room boys more than to the sales team that the product is such a success.我们的新产品能够获得如此巨大的成功,除了销售人员,更要归功于那些在幕后默默工作的研究人员。 6park.com

a back-seat driver (disapproving) 6park.com

1 a passenger in a vehicle who keeps giving advice to the driver about how he or she should drive 6park.com

对司机指手画脚的乘客 6park.com

2 a person who wants to be in control of sth that is not really their responsibility 6park.com

好管闲事的人:干涉与己无关之事的人; 6park.com

3 There are too many back-seat drivers in this department. This is my project and I'm the one who's in charge! 6park.com


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