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送交者: icemessenger[♂☆★★★SuperMod★★★☆♂] 于 2022-07-04 18:14 已读 4140 次 2 赞  


一根雪糕化掉需要多久?如果一个小时都不化,这样的雪糕正常吗? 6park.com


事情的缘由是,有网友发文称,钟薛高旗下一款海盐口味的雪糕在31℃的室温下放置近1小时后,仍然没有完全融化。 6park.com


How long does it take for ice cream melt at room temperature? A net user posted several pictures of Chicecream (“Zhongxuegao”) brand ice cream, showing it remained intact, even after spending an hour at 31°C. The post on Chinese social media site, Weibo, raised public concerns on food additives and safety. “Can we eat the ice cream if it doesn't melt?” asked one commentor. 6park.com

Amid a slew of controversies, Chicecream – known in China as the “Hermes of ice cream” – responded via Weibo on Saturday, “There is no ice cream that does not melt”, explaining that they added more solid ingredients and less water in the ice cream. This means, instead of turning into a puddle, their ice cream is more viscous. 6park.com

据中国食品安全网,一般来说,总固形物及蛋白质含量越高,则雪糕质量越高,固形物含量高、水的占比相对少,其融化速度就会更慢。 6park.com



伴随着此次“雪糕不化”的讨论,“雪糕刺客”相关话题也已悄悄登上热搜。 6park.com

“雪糕刺客”,“天价雪糕”代名词。指那些隐藏在冰柜里面,看着其貌不扬的雪糕,但当你拿去付钱的时候会用它的价格刺你一下的钱包。 6park.com

"Ice cream assassin" refers to any kind of ice cream that has plain packaging but whopping price. Its icy price creeps up on you—and your wallet!—like an assassin. You never see it coming.

The debate, however, is an extension of consumers’ attention on the brand’s high price. 6park.com

Adhering to its premium ice cream brand positioning, Chicecream products usually hover around 15-20 yuan ($2-3) – three to five times the average market price. 6park.com

不少网友认为钟薛高是“雪糕刺客”的典型代表,他们分享起自己遇见“雪糕刺客”的经历:“还没吃呢,心就凉了。” 6park.com




“雪糕刺客”虽然是网友的戏称,但也反映出近些年雪糕价格水涨船高的事实,许多冰淇淋生产商将雪糕价格的上涨归咎于不断上溢的原材料成本。 6park.com

但网友在意的一些网红雪糕价格尤其贵,这其中不仅是原材料的原因。许多雪糕的定价背后还叠加了营销手段,比如品牌合作、达人种草、直播带货等等。 6park.com

Compared to the past, the freezers in China's stores seem to be filled with more overpriced frozen desserts. A lot of ice cream producers blame higher prices on the rising cost of raw materials. But the truth is, many of these pricey ice creams are made to appeal to their main consumers, young people, through marketing gimmicks, including collaboration with brands and the entertainment industry. 6park.com

其中,近几年成长起来的冰淇淋品牌——钟薛高,一出道的零售价就是十几元。 6park.com

Dubbed the Hermes of ice cream due to its premium market position, Chicecream has been popular since its establishment in early 2018.

而钟薛高方面认为:“就目前的市场反馈来看,消费者很重视产品品质,而不是单纯地看价格高低。随着经济及行业发展,消费者对雪糕的消费诉求也有所改变。” 6park.com

However, the brand believes that, compared to prices, consumers care more about the joy and happiness an ice cream product can bring, and are willing to pay for their favorite products even though the prices are high. 6park.com




❶ It costs an arm and a leg! 这东西太贵了! 6park.com

这个句子乍一听有些吓人!表达“cost an arm and a leg”的意思可不是“会失去一条胳膊和一条腿”,而是指“某物的价格非常昂贵,需要花一大笔钱”。

❷ It's daylight robbery! 这简直是漫天要价! 6park.com

这句话中的表达“daylight robbery”突出了商品的费用、价格过于昂贵,就好像“在光天化日下抢钱一样,高得离谱”。 6park.com

比如:What did you say it costs? That’s daylight robbery!你刚刚说这东西多少钱?这简直是敲竹杠!

❸ It's so pricey! 这东西太贵了。 6park.com


❹ That's really steep! 这东西贵得离谱! 6park.com


❺ The price is astronomical! 这简直是天价! 6park.com

在汉语里,人们会把一个庞大的数字比作“天文数字”。在英语里,与“天文数字的”相对应的词语是“astronomical”。形容词“astronomical”的本意是“天文学的,天体的”,但在描述商品价格时,“astronomical”比喻“价格极高,天价的”。 6park.com


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