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送交者: icemessenger[♂☆★★★SuperMod★★★☆♂] 于 2022-07-05 7:09 已读 4227 次 1 赞  


“划船歌”(Row Row Row Your Boat)是一首传统英文童谣。而最近,一版魔性的“划船歌”视频以歌手在视频结尾说的“栓Q”爆红网络。视频中的塑料英语引得网友纷纷效仿,在各大社交平台上大呼:“我真的栓Q!” 6park.com

Row Row Row Your Boat, a traditional English nursery rhyme, which is still popular today, has enjoyed a second wave of popularity thanks to a Chinese farmer.

划船歌(节选) 6park.com

Row row row your boat
Gently down the stream
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily
Life is but a dream

这位歌手是来自广西桂林阳朔县白沙镇的70后农民刘涛,喜欢英语的他在社交平台上自称Teacher Liu。如今,随着“栓Q”的出圈,他也被网友亲切地称为“栓Q哥”。 6park.com

Liu Tao, a middle-aged farmer from Yangshuo, Guilin, South China's Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region, loves English and nicknames himself "Teacher Liu" on a short video platform. Netizens are amused by his funny accent, and tease him calling him "Bro Shank You". 6park.com


▌热爱英语的放牛娃 6park.com

“上世纪80年代,世界各地的很多游客来阳朔玩,街上的外国人比中国人还多。只要遇到外国人,他们都会热情地跟我说Hello。”刘涛说,从那时候开始,他就特别渴望学习英语,成为一个英语导游。 6park.com

"In the 1980s, so many international friends came to visit Yangshuo that they even outnumbered the Chinese people on the street. When seeing me, they would say hello," Liu said. From then on, he dreamed of being an English tour guide.   6park.com

中考那年,刘涛成功拿到旅游学校的录取通知书(letter of admission)。然而,由于旅游学校的学费十分高昂,家境贫寒的刘涛只能通过体力活来赚取学费。

资料图 图源:新京报

从拿到录取通知书开始,当时体重只有八九十斤的刘涛每天上山砍100斤的柴,走10公里的路拿去卖,一趟能挣10元钱。 6park.com

然而,一个暑假下来,他凑到的钱还不够学费的一半。无奈之下,刘涛只能辍学(drop out)。 6park.com

辍学后,刘涛当起了放牛娃,但他并没有放弃英语学习,而是从朋友那里借来了一本英语教材,开始在家自学。 6park.com

He then returned home to do farm work, but he never stopped learning English. Borrowing a textbook from a friend, Liu began homeschooling.

刘涛的口语词典 资料图 图源:桂林生活网

“学习英语就是要勇敢地说出来,而且每个句子要多练几遍,才能记住。只有坚持不懈地学习和练习,才会有进步。” 6park.com

在刘涛的房间里,他翻出了一个充满“历史感”的本子,里面记录了很多不同场景的英语口语对话,这是刘涛专属的“口语词典”。 6park.com

"Practice makes perfect. Only when I repeat one sentence several times, can I bear it in mind." Liu even has a manual of oral English where he wrote down many dialogues applied in different scenarios.

▌宣传家乡是他不变的初心 6park.com

1998年,刘涛在阳朔旅游局举办的第一届农民英语导游资格考试中脱颖而出,成为了当地的第一批农民英语导游。 6park.com


不过,他并没有就此放弃自己的导游梦,而是开始在短视频平台上表现自己,一边唱着英语歌,一边用双语介绍自己的家乡。 6park.com

Though the COVID-19 pandemic has crippled the local tourism, Liu remains true to his original aspiration. He turned to a short-video platform to introduce his hometown in both Chinese and English.   6park.com

在刘涛每条点赞量数十万甚至上百万的视频下方,一定会有他自己的评论——“欢迎同学朋友们来桂林阳朔旅游!” 6park.com


▌网友:笑梗不笑人,支持Teacher Liu! 6park.com




起初,还有部分网友会嘲笑刘涛的英语口音,但在了解了他的故事后,大部分网友都会在评论区表示理解和支持:“如果把家庭条件和出生时间调换,很多人做不到和刘老师一样有毅力”、“不得不说大叔的自学能力还是挺不错的”、“笑梗不笑人,这个大叔很棒,一直在宣传自己的家乡”。 6park.com

Some people mock Liu's accent, but most of them show their support for him after hearing his story. "If you had been him, most of you might have surrendered to the life." "He is pretty good at self-learning!" "I do admire his willpower in promoting his hometown." 6park.com

面对突如其来的巨大流量,刘涛保持着“人间清醒”。他表示,互联网的记忆是短暂的,一段时间过后,他的热度或多或少会冷却下来。不过,他想趁着自己热度还在,让大家从他的作品中感受到快乐,看到美丽的风景。 6park.com

Liu doesn't feel lost in the instant fame, as he knows too well how transient people's attention can be. But he does hope that the audience can get happiness and enjoy the picturesque landscape of his hometown from his videos.

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