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送交者: icemessenger[♂☆★★★SuperMod★★★☆♂] 于 2022-07-06 7:21 已读 6543 次 1 赞  


枪声已经成了美国人的心魔。 6park.com


在紧张疑虑的情绪中,很多人把烟花炸响的声音错当成枪声,在烟花下仓皇逃命。据美媒报道,这样的混乱场景在独立日当天多个地方上演: 6park.com

Scenes of chaos unfolded at Fourth of July celebrations in cities nationwide, as the booming sounds of fireworks were apparently mistaken for gunshots, sending scores of revelers fleeing for cover.



奥兰多警方表示,约有12人在恐慌逃离中受伤,并称现场没有发生枪击事件的证据,现场的混乱可能是由于燃放烟花爆竹的声音导致的。 6park.com

At a fireworks show in downtown Orlando, people fled as loud pops echoed throughout the area, and about 12 people suffered minor injuries during the commotion, police said. Some people jumped into a nearby lake, an eyewitness told a local news channel. Authorities said that there was no shooting and that the confusion had probably been caused by the sound of fireworks.

在另一处,宾夕法尼亚的哈里斯堡,在独立日烟花表演开场前,有人往地上扔鞭炮,数百名庆祝人群如惊弓之鸟四散而逃。官方事后称,现场并无枪击发生。 6park.com

In Harrisburg, the sound of firecrackers being thrown on the ground was probably the cause of panic among hundreds of people right before the main fireworks show, police told the local ABC News affiliate. Authorities likewise said there was no shooting.  6park.com

不过在费城,真实的枪击发生了。 6park.com

据路透社报道,在数千人庆祝“独立日”的音乐会和烟花表演时,本杰明·富兰克林公园大道附近发生枪击,两名警察中弹,之后送医院治疗,现已出院。 6park.com

网络上流传的视频展现了现场离奇的一幕:远处是庆祝的烟花,近处是躲枪奔命的人群。 6park.com

In Philadelphia, the sound of actual gunfire sent a crowd fleeing an event near the city center. Videos circulating on social media showed some attempting to scale safety barriers as a fireworks display went off in the background. 6park.com

Two police officers were shot but have been released after being treated at a hospital, according to Philadelphia’s police commissioner, Danielle Outlaw. 





美国广播公司第七频道写道: 6park.com

Pop-pop-pop, a thunderous boom, or 30 seconds of rapid-fire cracks, but can you tell if it's gunshots or fireworks? 6park.com

砰——砰——砰,如隆隆滚雷,或是30秒连续炸响,你能分辨出这是枪声还是烟花吗? 6park.com

记者请里士满警察局公共信息办公室的Alicia Moore介绍了两者的区别:

Gunshots 枪声 6park.com

"Gunshots are very crisp and they have a certain timing or cadence to them." 6park.com


Fireworks 烟花 6park.com

"Fireworks are very loud, just like gunfire, but they are very sporadic. There is a lot of crackling, sometimes they echo and sometimes there is a whistle before the fireworks. Usually you can tell based on just the cadence alone." 6park.com

烟花声很响,这点和枪声一样,但烟花是零星断续的,噼啪作响,有时有回声震荡,有时炸裂前会有哨声。通常光听节奏就能分辨出来。 6park.com

文章在科普的同时心酸地写道,“希望你永远也不用问到这个问题”。 6park.com

Hopefully, you'll never find yourself asking this question. Being able to quickly distinguish gunshots from fireworks and react fast is just one more skill to keep you safe. 6park.com



频发的大规模枪击事件,仿佛令美国民众集体患上了PTSD(post-traumatic stress disorder,创伤后应激障碍)。 6park.com

一个在奥兰多经历了虚惊一场的网友称,“要时刻准备着有大规模枪击发生,光是这件事就说明这个国家已经烂到根子里了。” 6park.com

“The fact that you have to be ready for a mass shooting at any moment is proof of a country rotten to its core,” wrote a Twitter user who said he was there. 6park.com






伊利诺伊州州长普利兹克说,一场为美国而举行的欢庆,被美国独有的瘟疫撕裂,这是多么令人痛心疾首。我们一年只庆祝一次独立日,而大规模枪击却成为了每周——是的,每周——例行的美国传统。 6park.com

“It is devastating that a celebration of America was ripped apart by our uniquely American plague,” Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker said Monday. “While we celebrate the Fourth of July just once a year, mass shootings have become our weekly — yes weekly — American tradition.”

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