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送交者: icemessenger[♂☆★★★SuperMod★★★☆♂] 于 2022-11-20 0:00 已读 1450 次  


How not to fire people

Badly done lay-offs at Twitter and elsewhere could wound the tech sector for years to come . 6park.com


Tech HR departments are out of their depth. After years of throwing money at anyone with a computer science degree or IT experience, companies are having to get rid of employees instead. 6park.com

科技公司的人力资源部门已经力不从心。这么多年来只要是有计算机科学学位或IT经验的人它们就砸钱,现在这些企业却要裁员了。 6park.com

Amazon and the Facebook owner Meta lead the pack for scale of job cuts, with more than 10,000 planned apiece, while Twitter is grabbing headlines for brutality and incompetence. New owner Elon Musk axed roughly 3,700 employees via email and immediately tried to rehire some of them, saying they had been let go by mistake. 6park.com

亚马逊(Amazon)和Facebook所有者Meta在裁员规模上遥遥领先,各自计划裁员1万人以上,而Twitter则因野蛮和无能而抢占头条。新老板埃隆•马斯克(Elon Musk)通过电子邮件解雇了大约3700名员工,并立即想要重新雇用其中一些人,称这些人被裁错了。 6park.com


The firing spree goes beyond the big names: nearly 800 tech companies have announced redundancies since January, wiping out 120,000 jobs, including 25,000 just this month, according to layoffs.fyi, a tracking website. 6park.com

裁员潮并不仅限于大公司。据追踪网站layoffs.fyi显示,自1月以来已有近800家科技公司宣布裁员,裁员人数达12万人,仅本月就裁掉了2.5万人。 6park.com


Barring a few veterans who survived the dotcom crisis, tech workers have never seen anything like this. The way the cuts are handled could shape the sector’s culture for years to come. 6park.com

除了少数在互联网危机中幸存下来的老兵,科技行业从业人士从未见过这样的场面。裁员的处理方式可能会在未来几年塑造该行业的文化。 6park.com


Normally, innovation and rapid growth require tech employees to keep the faith. They often work long hours and solve apparently impossible problems while waiting for financial rewards that can take years to arrive. Unexpected job losses, especially if they are handled cruelly, undermine any sense of shared sacrifice among not just the departed but those left behind. 6park.com

通常情况下,创新和快速增长需要技术员工保持信心。他们经常长时间工作,解决明显不可能解决的问题,同时等待可能需要数年才能实现的经济回报。意外的失业,尤其是如果裁员方式很残酷,会削弱员工们的共同牺牲意识——不仅是离职者的,还有留下来的人的。 6park.com


Technology companies faced with their first big culls should bear this in mind and learn lessons from other sectors. Banking is notorious for attracting many employees who care mostly about immediate personal gain. That’s why the reforms enacted after the 2008 financial crisis aimed to force staff to care about the consequences several years in the future. 6park.com

面临首次大规模裁员的科技公司应该牢记这一点,并从其他行业吸取教训。银行业因吸引了许多基本上只关心眼前个人收益的雇员而臭名昭着。这就是为什么2008年金融危机后实施的改革旨在迫使员工关注未来几年的后果。 6park.com


This short-termism was a natural consequence of decades of cyclical hiring and firing that sapped any sense of institutional loyalty. Banks spent decades staffing up in good times only to indiscriminately swing the axe in bad ones. And many of them did it in particularly unpleasant ways. In 2012, the Swiss bank UBS made clear how little individual feelings mattered. Some 100 fixed income traders based in London learnt they had lost their jobs when they got to the entry turnstiles and found their access passes turned off. 6park.com

这种短期主义是几十年来周期性雇佣和解雇的自然结果,它削弱了任何组织忠诚感。银行花了几十年时间在经济景气时增加人手,却在经济不景气时肆意裁员。其中许多银行搞得尤其不愉快。2012年,瑞士银行瑞银(UBS)清楚地表明了个人感受是多么不重要。大约100名驻伦敦的固定收益交易员在到达入口处的旋转门时发现他们的通行证失效了,才知道自己丢了工作。 6park.com


The post-Covid version, as practised by Twitter and others, is to deactivate someone’s work Slack and email accounts before telling them they are being let go. Heartlessness sends the message that workers are expendable, so why should they put in effort that will not benefit them directly? 6park.com

后新冠时代的版本,正如Twitter等公司所实施的那样,是先停掉某人的工作Slack和电子邮件账户,然后才告知他们已被解雇。这些无情的做法传达出这样的信息:员工是可有可无的,所以他们为什么要付出无法让自己直接受益的努力呢? 6park.com


At the same time, companies that show basic decency can reap benefits. When pandemic travel bans hit the US airline industry, Delta managed its financial crunch mainly with voluntary buyouts and unpaid leave, while American and United announced mass lay-offs. When air travel came back last summer, Delta had fewer problems with cancelled flights partly because the Atlanta-based carrier was able to staff back up more quickly. 6park.com

而另一方面,展现了基本的体面的公司也能从中获益。当新冠旅行禁令冲击美国航空业时,达美航空(Delta)主要通过自愿买断和无薪休假来应对财务危机,而美国航空(American Airlines)和联合航空(United Airlines)则宣布大规模裁员。去年夏天航空旅行恢复时,达美航空在取消航班方面遇到的问题较少,部分原因是这家总部位于亚特兰大的航空公司能够更快地补充人手。 6park.com


Though the other carriers rescinded most of their job cuts after receiving government aid, their erstwhile employees took advantage of the hot job market and chose to go elsewhere. (Loyalty only goes so far: the Delta pilots’ union recently voted to strike to protest against long delays in contract negotiations.) 6park.com

尽管其他航空公司在接受政府援助后取消了大部分裁员计划,但它们的老员工利用了就业市场的火热,选择了其他公司。(但忠诚只能走这么远了:达美航空的飞行员工会最近投票决定罢工,以抗议合同谈判的长期拖延。) 6park.com


While avoiding mass firings is ideal, many tech executives think this isn’t possible. Still, some ways of doing things are clearly better. Patrick Collison, chief executive of payments company Stripe, has recently won praise for his admission that he erred and for generous severance packages, while Brian Chesky provided outplacement support for departing workers as part of Airbnb’s 2020 job cuts. 6park.com

虽然避免大规模解雇是理想的,但许多科技公司高管认为这是不可能的。不过,有些处理方式显然更好。支付公司Stripe的首席执行官帕特里克•科里森(Patrick Collison)最近因承认自己的错误和给出慷慨的遣散费而赢得赞誉,而布莱恩•切斯基(Brian Chesky)为离职员工提供再就业支持,作为爱彼迎(Airbnb) 2020年裁员计划的一部分。 6park.com


Management experts say it is best to have one big round of cuts, with proper outplacement benefits, and be clear with employees about why the losses are needed and when they will stop. Being human and accessible helps. But don’t overdo it. Braden Wallake, chief executive of marketing agency HyperSocial, became a figure of online fun after posting a selfie of himself crying over lay-offs. 6park.com

管理专家表示,最好的方式是进行一轮大规模裁员,同时提供适当的安置福利,并向员工明确说明为何需要裁员以及何时停止裁员。表现出人情味和随和会有所帮助。但不要做得太过火。营销机构HyperSocial的首席执行官布雷登•沃莱克(Braden Wallake)发了一张自己因裁掉公司的一些员工而哭泣的自拍后成为了网络上被取笑的对象。 6park.com


Above all, says Bob Sutton, a Stanford University organisational psychologist, don’t pretend that you are simply getting rid of poor performers: “Everybody knows it’s bullshit and in the future you may see them again. You may even want to hire them again.” 6park.com

斯坦福大学(Stanford University)组织心理学家鲍勃•萨顿(Bob Sutton)表示,最重要的是,不要假装你只是在解雇表现不佳的员工:“所有人都知道这是扯淡,未来你可能还会看到他们。你甚至可能会想再次雇佣他们。” 6park.com


Tech executives may also want to draw lessons from professional services firms, which have decades of experience in easing people out, due to their “up or out” employment structures. For many law firms and consultancies, alumni networks are a source of referrals. Sometimes being nice pays. 6park.com

科技公司的高管们可能也想从专业服务公司吸取教训,这些公司在让员工离职方面有着几十年的经验,因为它们的雇佣结构是“非升即走”。对许多律师事务所和咨询公司来说,校友网络是推荐入职的一个来源。有时候,善待他人是有回报的。 6park.com

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