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送交者: icemessenger[♂☆★★★SuperMod★★★☆♂] 于 2022-11-20 5:59 已读 1143 次 1 赞  


据美国《纽约邮报》当地时间11月17日报道,在本届G20峰会上,美国总统拜登又被抓包打“小抄”(cheat sheet)。 6park.com

这份“小抄”可谓事无巨细,什么时候就坐、坐哪儿,什么时候讲话、讲多久,什么时候拍照、和谁拍……总之,拜登在会上的一切言行举止都被安排得明明白白,而他只需“听命行事”。 6park.com

President Biden was once again spotted using a detailed "cheat sheet" — this time at the G20 summit in Bali — instructing him where to sit, when to deliver remarks and when to pose for photos.


当地时间11月15日,现年79岁的拜登总统在G20峰会上参加了一场关于全球基础设施和投资伙伴关系的活动。他翻阅文件时被记者抓拍到了他的团队给他准备的“小抄”。 6park.com

The 79-year-old commander-in-chief was attending an event on the Partnership for Global Infrastructure and Investment on Tuesday when photographers snapped a picture of him leafing through pages of notes.

拜登翻看“小抄”。图源:Getty Images

“小抄”详细说明了活动流程,并且用红色字体标出了拜登在这场活动中要做的事情。此外,“小抄”还直接把拜登称为“YOU”,并用加粗大写字体标出。 6park.com

The typed-up memo gave Biden step-by-step instructions on what to do during the meeting and referred to the president as "YOU" in bold red letters. 6park.com

“你、(印尼)总统佐科和(日本)首相岸田文雄将在活动开始前直接合影。”这是“小抄”提醒的第一点。后面接着提示道:“你要坐中间。”“佐科总统会发表5分钟演讲,然后介绍你。”“你要发表开幕辞(5分钟)然后介绍欧盟主席冯德莱恩。” 6park.com

在“小抄”最低端则用大写加粗红色字体写道:“开幕辞见下一页→” 6park.com

"YOU, [Indonesian] President Widodo, and [Japanese] Prime Minister Kishida will take a photo directly before the event starts," one bullet point read. 6park.com

Additional instructions said, "YOU will sit at the center" and "YOU will deliver opening remarks (5 minutes)."

拜登“小抄“的特写照片,这位总统要做的事情被红色字体显著标出。图源:Getty Images

G20峰会第二天,拜登接受采访回应波兰遭导弹袭击一事,记者再一次拍到了他手里的“小抄”,上面写着他的讲话内容,并且用斜线标出了停顿的地方。 6park.com




拜登G20峰会上的“小抄”被曝光后,引发众多网民嘲讽调侃。 6park.com

美国右翼专栏作家本尼·约翰逊(Benny Johnson)写道:“拜登一不小心又被发现像小狗一样从他的驯养员那里接受指令:‘你会拍张照片’‘你就座’‘你将致开幕辞’。”








这已经不是拜登第一次被抓包打“小抄”了。 6park.com

This isn’t the first time that Biden has been caught using stage directions during public engagements. 6park.com

今年6月,拜登在一场与风电行业高管的会议上不小心露出一张提示卡,上面指示他“进入罗斯福厅,向与会者问好。”卡上还写着“请就座”“请发表简单评论(2分钟)”等提示内容。 6park.com

During a June meeting with wind industry executives, Biden inadvertently flashed a comically detailed paper that directed the president to “enter the Roosevelt Room and say hello to participants.” 6park.com

It also said: "YOU take YOUR seat" and "YOU give brief comments (2 minutes)."

6 月,拜登不小心露出他的“小抄”,小抄上提示总统向与会者“打招呼”。图源:CNP

去年7月,在白宫现场直播的一次会议上,拜登与各位州长讨论解决困扰美国西部的野火问题。会议中途,拜登收到助手的提示卡,提醒他擦掉下巴上的一块食物残渣。拜登用这张卡片的背面做笔记,无意中向世界展示了上面的内容。 6park.com

In July 2021, Biden inadvertently showed a note from a staffer alerting him that there was something on his chin. 6park.com

The president undermined his own attempt at subtlety by picking up the card with the hastily written note and used the back of it to take notes. 6park.com

In doing so, he inadvertently showed the note to news photographers covering the event.

拜登展示出的提示卡清晰的写着:“先生,您的下巴上有东西。” 图源:EPA


在2021年6月的俄美首脑峰会上,拜登会见普京时再度被抓到低头看“小抄”。 6park.com

英国《太阳报》称,从现场照片可以看到,拜登翘着二郎腿坐着,手中拿着白色的纸片,而且拿的姿势似乎是想挡住普京的视线,避免让普京看到。在交谈过程中,拜登瞥了一眼“小抄”。当普京转而与周围官员交谈时,拜登将“小抄”放进了西装上衣的内口袋。 6park.com

Joe Biden was spotted with another cheat sheet at his meeting with Vladimir Putin where the US president was sat cross-legged at talks. 6park.com

As journalists recorded the scene, Biden, 78, peered at his paper before tucking it into an inside pocket of his suit jacket. 6park.com

As the pair continued to speak with officials around them, Biden could be seen placing the sheet into the inside pocket of his blazer.

拜登还被拍到过在新闻发布会上浏览记者清单。为了更加直观易懂,记者的名字旁还附上了照片供他辨认,连记者的提问顺序也被用序号标出。 6park.com

The president has been known to hold a list of reporter's names and even facts for discussion topics at press conferences.

拜登在新闻发布会上浏览印有记者头像的参考资料。图源:The Mega Agency

《纽约邮报》报道称,总统拜登频频被拍到“打小抄”,许多批评者猜测这位年近八旬的老人的认知能力正在衰退。 6park.com

Biden’s frequent and well-documented reliance on cue cards has fueled speculation among his critics that the septuagenarian has been experiencing a cognitive decline. 6park.com

在近期的一次采访中,这位即将年满80岁的总统称选民质疑他这个年龄的人能否连任总统是“完全合理的”,他敦促人们自己判断他的身体和精神状况是否适合担任总统。 6park.com

Biden, who turns 80 on Sunday, said during a recent interview that it’s "totally legitimate" for voters to question whether someone his age can serve a potential second term in the White House — but he urged people to judge for themselves whether he’s physically and mentally fit for office. 6park.com

“我认为做出判断的最佳方式是观察我,我(反应)慢下来了吗?我走的速度和过去一样吗?”拜登说。 6park.com

"I think the best way to make the judgment is to watch me," he said. "Am I slowing up? Am I going at the same pace?”



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