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送交者: icemessenger[♂☆★★★SuperMod★★★☆♂] 于 2022-11-21 0:09 已读 1241 次  


TikTok Is Still Hiring as Competitors Shed Jobs



全球最大的一些科技企业纷纷裁员。但有一家公司到目前为止正逆潮流而动,那就是TikTok。 6park.com

Several of the world’s biggest tech companies are laying off employees. One company bucking the trend so far is TikTok. 6park.com

减支迹象在硅谷显现之际,这个由中国公司拥有的社交媒体平台正在继续推进一场为期三年的招聘行动,他们早前承诺在美国等全球各地增加约3,000名工程师。 6park.com

Amid a retrenchment in Silicon Valley, the Chinese-owned social-media company is in the middle of a three-year hiring push, having committed to add about 3,000 engineers in worldwide locations including the U.S. 6park.com

据了解TikTok计划的人士称,TikTok设在新加坡的主要业务中心也在招人。此外,TikTok的所有者,总部位于北京的字节跳动(Bytedance Ltd.)正在中国招募人员为其TikTok平台工作。中国国内无法使用TikTok,但字节跳动在国内推出了TikTok的姊妹版应用抖音。 6park.com

TikTok also is hiring at its major hub in Singapore, according to people familiar with its plans. TikTok’s owner, Beijing-based ByteDance Ltd., is also recruiting people in China to work on its TikTok platform. TikTok isn’t available in China, but ByteDance offers a Chinese alternative called Douyin. 6park.com

TikTok首席执行官周受资上周说,在一些竞争对手大幅裁员的情况下,TikTok仍在招聘,但步伐谨慎。 6park.com

TikTok Chief Executive Shou Zi Chew said this week that amid big downsizing at some of his competitors, TikTok was still hiring, though at a measured pace. 6park.com

周受资出席一个在新加坡举办的彭博(Bloomberg)经济论坛时表示,TikTok在招聘方面一直较为慎重,公司仍在招聘,不过认为招聘步伐必须与其面临的全球挑战相适应。 6park.com

“We have always been more cautious in terms of recruitment,” Mr. Chew said at a Bloomberg-sponsored economic forum in Singapore. “We’re still hiring, although at the pace that we think has to correspond with the global challenges that we’re facing.”


由私人持股的字节跳动总部设在北京,而TikTok没有官方总部。TikTok在洛杉矶、纽约、都柏林、伦敦和周受资所在的新加坡都设有主要办事处。字节跳动在全球雇佣了约13万名员工。TikTok的员工总数超过2万人,其中约四分之一位于美国。 6park.com

While closely held ByteDance is based in Beijing, TikTok has no official headquarters. It has major offices in Los Angeles, New York, Dublin, London and Singapore, where Mr. Chew is based. ByteDance employs about 130,000 workers worldwide. TikTok employs more than 20,000, with about a quarter of that number in the U.S. 6park.com

据熟悉招聘情况的人士称,TikTok计划扩大其在加州山景城的美国最大工程中心的规模。该中心已有1,000多名工程师。在一些活动中,TikTok的招聘者已接触了最近被Meta Platforms Inc. (META)和Twitter Inc. (TWTR)等竞争对手解雇的人员。Information早些时候报道了这些招聘计划和外联活动。 6park.com

TikTok plans to increase the size of its biggest American engineering hub, in Mountain View, Calif., which already has more than 1,000 engineers, according to people familiar with the hiring. In some cases, TikTok recruiters have approached people recently laid off from rivals including Meta Platforms Inc. and Twitter Inc. The hiring plans and outreach was reported earlier by the Information. 6park.com

与竞争对手一样,TikTok也未能免于各种负面经济因素的影响。周受资在近期的一次线上会议对员工表示,TikTok已将今年的广告收入目标从至少120亿美元降至100亿美元。 6park.com

TikTok hasn’t been immune to the economic headwinds buffeting its rivals. It lowered its target for this year’s advertising revenue to $10 billion from at least $12 billion, Mr. Chew told staff in a recent online meeting. 6park.com

了解该公司规划的人士称,相比于前几年,TikTok现在招聘人员的速度已显着放缓。与其他公司一样,TikTok的招聘计划可能根据经济状况和业务表现而再次调整。 6park.com

The company now aims to hire at a milder pace compared with previous years, people familiar with the plans said. As with any company, TikTok’s plans could change again depending on economic conditions and business performance.

TikTok在2020年曾表示将雇佣1万名美国员工。 图为TikTok设在洛杉矶的主要办事处。

TikTok成立只有大约五年时间,该业务的增长轨迹与许多正裁减上万岗位的老牌美国科技巨头不同。根据某些衡量标准,TikTok的受欢迎程度已经超过了Facebook以及Meta旗下的Instagram,尤其是在美国青少年群体中。然而,TikTok的收入仍远远低于Meta,后者2021年的销售额为1,180亿美元。 6park.com

TikTok, which is roughly only five years old, is on a different growth trajectory than many of the older American tech giants that are now shedding thousands of jobs. By some measures, TikTok has surpassed Facebook and Meta-owned Instagram in popularity, especially among American teens. But TikTok still brings in a fraction of the revenue of Meta, which had $118 billion in sales in 2021. 6park.com

一些更为成熟的硅谷竞争对手已经启动了该行业多年来最大规模裁员。Facebook所有者Meta正裁员大约1.1万人,亚马逊公司(Amazon.com Inc., AMZN)可能裁员多达1万人。Twitter、Lyft Inc.(LYFT)和其他一些公司也已宣布裁员。这些举动并不妨碍TikTok竞争对手的其他关键职位招聘。 6park.com

Some more established Silicon Valley rivals have embarked on the biggest job cuts the industry has endured in years. Facebook-owner Meta is laying off about 11,000 employees, while Amazon.com Inc. could cut up to 10,000. Twitter, Lyft Inc. and other companies have also announced layoffs. Those cuts don’t preclude other hiring for key roles at TikTok rivals. 6park.com

TikTok在2020年曾表示将雇佣1万名美国员工,该业务当时面临美国政府越来越严格的审视,原因包括其中资“血统”以及能接触使用该应用的数以百万计美国人的信息。 6park.com

In 2020, TikTok said it would hire 10,000 U.S. workers, a move that came as it faced growing scrutiny in Washington over its Chinese roots and its access to information about the millions of Americans that use the app. 6park.com

据了解TikTok招聘计划的人士称,该业务目前仍在招聘工程师,以改进用户在该应用上使用的功能,及改善支撑TikTok运行的算法和其他后端基础设施。 6park.com

For now, the company is still recruiting engineers both to improve features that users see on the app, and to improve the algorithm and other behind-the-scenes infrastructure that make TikTok work, according to people familiar with its hiring plans. 6park.com

一些知情人士说,TikTok还计划增加商业化团队和新成立的电子商务团队的员工。商业化团队研究如何通过这款应用软件赚钱。这些知情人士表示,TikTok还计划在美国和一个位于爱尔兰都柏林的内容审查中心增聘合同工,负责监控该应用中的不当视频。 6park.com

The company also plans to add employees to its commercialization team, which figures out how to make money from the app, and its nascent e-commerce team, some of these people said. TikTok also plans to add contractors who would monitor the app for inappropriate videos, in both the U.S. and at a content-moderation hub in Dublin, Ireland, they said. 6park.com

据熟悉这些计划的人士称,TikTok的中国母公司字节跳动也在中国继续招兵买马。有些新员工将为TikTok工作,其他有些人将为字节跳动开发芯片。 6park.com

TikTok’s Chinese parent company, ByteDance, is continuing to recruit people in China, too, according to people familiar with those plans. Some of the new hires would work on TikTok, while others would help ByteDance develop chips. 6park.com

知情人士说,字节跳动一直以来也在将一些工作岗位从中国转移到新加坡,部分是为了缓解美国对TikTok与中国存在关联的担忧。知情人士说,这些岗位转移的进度比预期的要慢,因为新加坡的人才储备量比中国小,而且申请工作签证也很复杂麻烦。 6park.com

ByteDance has also been shifting some roles from China to Singapore, in part to address Washington’s concerns about TikTok’s ties to China, according to some of these people. The pace has been slower than expected, they said, because Singapore has a smaller talent pool than China and because of complications in acquiring work visas. 6park.com

据《华尔街日报》(The Wall Street Journal)最近报道,字节跳动在今年8月向员工传阅了一份财务报告,该报告显示,在经历了多年的巨大亏损之后,字节跳动在2022年第一财季实现了营业利润。 6park.com

ByteDance in August shared a financial report with employees that indicated that after years of large losses, it turned an operating profit in 2022’s first quarter, The Wall Street Journal recently reported. 6park.com

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