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送交者: icemessenger[♂☆★★★SuperMod★★★☆♂] 于 2022-11-21 23:58 已读 1315 次 1 赞  


Germany Debates Naming Businesses With Large China Exposure



德国正考虑制定新规,要求对中国有大量风险敞口的企业披露其对中国业务的依赖程度,以减少西方与中国之间关系恶化可能带来的经济后果。 6park.com

Germany is considering new rules that could require companies with large exposure to China to disclose their reliance to reduce the potential economic fallout from a deterioration in the relationship between the West and the Asian giant. 6park.com

在俄罗斯先是限制并随后停止向德国输送天然气后,柏林已将德国的部分能源部门国有化。莫斯科的举动可能会让德国一些依赖从俄罗斯进口燃料的最大公用事业公司破产。 6park.com

Berlin nationalized part of the German energy sector after Russia first throttled and then stopped natural-gas deliveries to the country. Moscow’s move threatened to bankrupt some of Germany’s largest utilities that were reliant on imported Russian fuel. 6park.com

根据一份对华新战略的政府文件草案,在中国拥有大量权益、且与德国经济具有系统性关联的企业,可能被要求披露在华业务的细节,并可能接受与其在华业务相关的风险压力测试。 6park.com

Companies with large stakes in China that are of systemic relevance to the German economy could be made to disclose details of their involvement and potentially undergo stress tests for risks related to their activities there, according to a draft government paper setting out a new strategy for dealing with China. 6park.com

德国官员说,虽然拟议中的机制不会迫使企业减少在华风险敞口,但该机制的目的是对面临潜在关键地缘政治风险的企业进行点名批评。通过创造透明度,该措施将激励企业实现投资多元化。 6park.com

While the proposed mechanism wouldn’t force companies to reduce their China exposure, it is designed to name and shame businesses facing potentially critical geopolitical risks, German officials said. By creating transparency, the measure would act as an incentive for companies to diversify their investments. 6park.com

西方与俄罗斯之间的经济战已对德国经济造成巨大冲击,导致企业和消费者需要支付的能源价格飞涨。超过一半的德国家庭依靠天然气取暖。 6park.com

The West’s economic war with Russia has dealt a powerful shock to the German economy and sent energy prices rocketing for companies and consumers. Over half of German households rely on natural gas for heating. 6park.com

德国政府最近将该国最大天然气贸易商Uniper SE收归国有,并向一系列救济计划投入数以十亿美元计的资金,以便为消费者提供帮助并防止破产潮出现。 6park.com

Berlin recently nationalized Uniper SE, Germany’s biggest gas trader, and has poured billions into relief packages to support consumers and forestall a wave of insolvencies. 6park.com

德国对俄罗斯的依赖主要限于能源进口,而与中国之间的经济关系要深得多。中国是德国最大的贸易伙伴,也是德国公司在多个领域的单一最大市场。 6park.com

While Germany’s dependence on Russia was largely limited to energy imports, it has a much deeper economic relationship with China, its largest trading partner and the biggest single market for German companies across a range of sectors. 6park.com

中美之间日益浓重的敌意、中国不断加剧的威权政治,以及围绕台湾问题的地缘政治紧张局势,迫使德国政府以及许多德国公司重新考虑对中国的态度。 6park.com

Growing animosity between Beijing and Washington, China’s worsening authoritarianism and geopolitical tensions over Taiwan have forced the German government—and many German companies—to reconsider their approach to the country. 6park.com

点名批评的提议是德国外交部正在起草的对华新战略的一部分,其他部门也会提供意见和建议。几位官员表示,预计该政策文件将在明年初由总理朔尔茨(Olaf Scholz)领导的联合政府采纳。 6park.com

The naming-and-shaming proposal is part of a new China strategy being drafted by the Foreign Office with input from other ministries. The paper is expected to be adopted by the coalition government of Chancellor Olaf Scholz early next year, several officials said. 6park.com

他们说,这一新战略并不是为了让德国与中国脱钩,而是为了在维护德国和欧洲国家利益的同时保持两国的经济关系。 6park.com

The new strategy isn’t meant to decouple Germany from China, they said, adding that it was designed to preserve the economic relationship while securing the national interests of Germany and Europe.


一位高级政府官员表示:“这一想法是为了确定一些公司和行业可能面临的系统性风险,这些系统性风险也可能危及更广泛的经济。” 6park.com

“The idea is to identify systemic risks that some companies and industries could be facing, which could also jeopardize the broader economy,” a senior government official said. 6park.com

这些风险披露规则重点针对的是正在增加在华投资的汽车和化工等行业,披露规则并不一定会成为最终战略文件的一部分。世界上最大的化学品公司巴斯夫公司(BAS.XE, BF)和汽车制造商大众汽车(Volkswagen AG, VOW.XE)以及宝马汽车公司(Bayerische Motoren Werke AG (BMW), 简称﹕宝马汽车)都依赖中国市场实现增长,它们最近向中国的新工厂投入了数以百亿美元的投资。世界第二大汽车制造商大众约40%的销量来自中国。 6park.com

The exposure-disclosure rules, which aren’t guaranteed to be part of the final strategy paper, focus on sectors such as the automotive and the chemicals industries that are currently increasing their presence in China. Companies such as BASF SE, the world’s largest chemicals firm, and car makers Volkswagen AG and BMW AG are dependent on the Chinese market for growth and have recently allocated tens of billions of dollars in investments into new factories there. Volkswagen, the world’s second largest car maker, makes about 40% of its sales in China. 6park.com

德国此前还决定取消对企业海外投资的国家投资担保。近年来,德国政府出具的投资担保中,逾三分之一流向了在中国投资的公司。根据新规定,每家公司和目的地国家的此类担保上限为30亿欧元,相当于约30.7亿美元。 6park.com

Germany has also decided to roll back state investment guarantees for companies venturing overseas. More than a third of investment guarantees issued by Berlin have gone to companies investing in China in recent years. Under the new rules, such guarantees will be capped to 3 billion euros, equivalent to around $3.07 billion, per company and country of destination. 6park.com

数十年来,德国与中国建立了更密切的经济交流,不过,去年上台的政府对中国持更加怀疑的态度,之后又经历了俄罗斯攻打乌克兰,受此影响,柏林方面试图重新平衡中德之间的这种关系。 6park.com

After decades of fostering closer economic exchanges with China, Berlin has sought to rebalance the relationship, influenced by the election last year of a more skeptical government toward Beijing and by the experience of Russia’s attack on Ukraine. 6park.com

根据向中国投资者出售关键基础设施和技术业务的更严格审查规定,柏林方面本月早些时候驳回了中资公司对两家芯片制造商的收购。 6park.com

Under a more restrictive vetting of the sale of critical infrastructure and technology businesses to Chinese investors, Berlin vetoed the takeover of two chip manufacturers by China-owned companies earlier this month. 6park.com

德国经济部长哈贝克(Robert Habeck)在阻止这两项收购后表示:“开放的市场经济不是幼稚的市场经济......中国目前是而且应该继续是一个贸易伙伴......但我们必须保护我们自己的利益。” 6park.com

“An open market economy is not a naive market economy…China is and should stay a trading partner…but we must protect our own interests,” Robert Habeck, Germany’s economy minister, said after blocking the two acquisitions. 6park.com

上个月,德国政府允许将该国最大港口汉堡港一个码头的一部分租给一家中国公司,但要求该中国公司持股不得超过24.9%,低于协议最初敲定的比例。 6park.com

Last month, the government allowed for part of a terminal in the port of Hamburg, Germany’s largest, to be leased to a Chinese company, but capped the participation to 24.9%, lower than the deal originally stipulated. 6park.com

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