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送交者: icemessenger[♂☆★★★SuperMod★★★☆♂] 于 2022-11-22 0:03 已读 1162 次 1 赞  


U.S. Presses Allies to Tighten Up Sanctions Enforcement on Russia



美国官员正在全球各地悄悄进行外交努力,促使俄罗斯的主要贸易伙伴实施制裁和贸易管制。对俄出口在俄乌战争爆发后的几周内曾大幅下降,目前有所回升。 6park.com

U.S. officials are jetting around the globe in a quiet diplomatic push to get Russia’s major trading partners to enforce sanctions and trade controls, as exports to the country pick up after diving in the weeks following Moscow’s invasion of Ukraine. 6park.com

美国及其盟友声称它们的国际施压行动取得了初步成功,这项行动扰乱了俄罗斯的军事供应链,并导致俄罗斯经济陷入急剧萎缩。 6park.com

The U.S. and its allies claimed early successes in their international pressure campaign, which disrupted Russia’s military supply chains and pitched its economy into a steep contraction. 6park.com

但据西方高级官员称,由于执行不力,被禁止的金融和贸易仍得以流动,这种制裁漏洞正在破坏上述施压行动,对俄罗斯经济形成帮助,并可能延长这场战争。 6park.com

But so-called sanctions leakage—in which weak enforcement enables banned finance and trade to flow—is undermining the campaign, aiding Russia’s economy and potentially prolonging the war, according to senior Western officials. 6park.com

“我们希望避免规避制裁的行为,无论是在欧洲内部还是在第三国,”欧盟委员会金融服务专员麦吉尼斯(Mairead McGuinness)在接受采访时表示。“制裁漏洞存在时间越长……就越难看到尘埃落定。”麦吉尼斯的办公室负责监督欧盟制裁政策。 6park.com

“We want to avoid circumvention, both within Europe and then with third countries,” European Commission financial-services commissioner Mairead McGuinness, whose office oversees EU sanctions policy, said in an interview. “The longer we have any leakage…the more difficult it is to see things coming to a conclusion.” 6park.com

麦吉尼斯还表示,她的办公室正在筛查欧洲海关数据,以根除制裁逃避行为。 6park.com

Ms. McGuinness’s office is sifting through European customs data to root out evasion, she added. 6park.com

为了扎紧西方国家对金融和贸易树立的篱笆,美国正派遣主要内阁机构的高级官员去外国首都。据美国政府官员称,这些被派遣高官的任务是分享有关逃避制裁网络的情报,悄悄地用惩罚性行动威胁不情愿的政府机构和企业,并收集有关涉嫌向俄罗斯运送物资的网络的信息。 6park.com

To tighten the finance and trade cordon established by Western countries, the U.S. is sending senior officials from major cabinet agencies to foreign capitals. Their mission: to share intelligence on sanctions evasion networks, quietly threaten reluctant authorities and firms with punitive action, and gather information on networks suspected of ferrying supplies into Russia, according to administration officials. 6park.com

上周,美国财政部长耶伦(Janet Yellen)在印尼巴厘岛出席二十国集团(Group of 20, 简称G20)会议时向其他国家财长们强调了这一点。本月早些时候,美国财政部副部长阿德耶莫(Wally Adeyemo)前往了布鲁塞尔、伦敦和巴黎。美国财政部负责打击恐怖主义融资和金融犯罪的助理部长罗森伯格(Elizabeth Rosenberg)最近带着相同的使命造访了日本。 6park.com

Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen pressed the case with counterparts at the Group of 20 industrialized and developing nations in Bali, Indonesia, last week. Earlier this month, Deputy Treasury Secretary Wally Adeyemo went to Brussels, London and Paris. Elizabeth Rosenberg, assistant secretary for terror finance and financial crimes, was recently in Japan on the same mission. 6park.com

此外,来自美国财政部、商务部和国务院的一大批较低级别官员也在全球各地进行访问。 6park.com

A phalanx of lower-level officials from Treasury, Commerce and State Department are also jetting around the globe.

“有公开报道称,俄罗斯的洗钱活动在阿拉伯世界很活跃,”罗森伯格上月底在阿拉伯银行联盟(Union of Arab Banks)的一个会议上表示。“预防、调查和消除这些活动符合我们所有人的既得利益。”她使用了异常尖锐的措辞,美国官员说这是一种警告。 6park.com

“There are public reports that Russian money laundering is active in the Arab world,” Ms. Rosenberg told a Union of Arab Banks conference late last month, using unusually pointed language that U.S. officials say was intended as a warning. “This is something we all have a vested interest in preventing, investigating and eliminating.” 6park.com

截至第二季度的贸易数据显示,在2月底实施对俄制裁后,全球许多大型经济体对俄罗斯的出口都锐减,降幅超过50%。但根据《华尔街日报》(The Wall Street Journal)对贸易数据的分析,这些国家中有许多的对俄出口活动都正在回暖,其中包括美国的一些传统盟友。 6park.com

Trade data through the second quarter shows exports to Russia from many of the world’s largest economies collapsed by more than 50% in the wake of the sanctions imposed in late February. But exports are recovering from many of those countries, including the U.S.’s traditional allies, according to a Wall Street Journal analysis of trade data. 6park.com

根据《华尔街日报》的分析,美国盟友韩国和日本的对俄出口仍低于制裁前的水平,但已经恢复了最初损失量的近三分之一。 6park.com

Exports from allies South Korea and Japan remain below pre-sanction levels but have recovered nearly a third of their initial losses, according to the Journal’s analysis.


对俄制裁举措下欧盟被禁止出口的商品占比继续扩大,但一些最初的贸易下降也已被抹平。 6park.com

The EU has continued to expand the total share of exports banned under the Russia sanctions, but it has also erased some of its initial trade declines. 6park.com

西方官员和一些高级合规官员担心,奥地利、捷克共和国和瑞士的银行在执行制裁方面采取了宽松的态度。瑞士作为非欧盟成员国实施了欧盟的制裁举措。 6park.com

Western officials and some senior compliance officers are concerned that banks in Austria, the Czech Republic, and Switzerland—a non-European Union member that has adopted the EU sanctions—are taking a relaxed view of sanctions enforcement. 6park.com

虽然大多数公司和银行都在避开可能违反制裁令的交易,但“一些行业参与者认为这是一个机会”,公认反洗钱师协会(Association of Certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialists)的对俄制裁相关调查员George Voloshin说。“例如,他们与俄罗斯政府官员合作时非常不严格。” 6park.com

While most companies and banks are avoiding transactions that could potentially breach the sanctions, “some industry players see this as an opportunity,” said George Voloshin, a Russia sanctions investigator at the Association of Certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialists. “For example, they are very relaxed when working with Russian government officials.” 6park.com

瑞士金融监管部门今年4月份称冻结了约80亿美元的俄罗斯资产,但到5月份又表示,已解冻其中约30亿美元资产。业内分析人士估计,俄罗斯寡头在瑞士持有的资产总额要高得多。 6park.com

Swiss financial authorities in April said the country froze around $8 billion in Russian assets, but by May said that they had released around $3 billion of those assets. Industry analysts estimate the sum of Russian oligarchs’ assets held in Switzerland is much higher. 6park.com

瑞士联邦经济事务秘书处(State Secretariat for Economic Affairs)发言人Antje Baertschi称,瑞士政府冻结的相关资产水平“按国际标准衡量以及与其他制裁机制相比都是很高的”。 6park.com

Antje Baertschi, spokeswoman for Switzerland’s State Secretariat for Economic Affairs, said the level of assets frozen by the government was “high by international standards as well as in comparison to other sanctions regimes.” 6park.com

Baertschi说:“我们完全没听闻有任何批评意见。” 6park.com

“We are completely unaware of any criticism,” Ms. Baertschi said. 6park.com

奥地利银行Raiffeisen Bank International (简称RBI)3月份表示,将评估对俄罗斯的风险敞口,可能退出俄罗斯市场。俄罗斯市场是该行一个重要业务来源。几个月后,RBI在第三季度报告中称,仍在评估在俄罗斯的战略选项。相比之下,在2月份俄罗斯开始入侵乌克兰后,大多数西方银行立即限制了与俄罗斯在金融上的往来。 6park.com

Austria’s Raiffeisen Bank International said in March it would review its exposure to Russia, a source of significant business for the bank, including possibly exiting the country. Months later, it said in its third-quarter report that it was still assessing its strategic options in the country. By contrast, most Western banks immediately restricted any financial dealings with Russia after the February invasion.


RBI发言人Ingrid Ditz称:“RBI当然遵守所有适用的制裁规定。”她说,今年年初以来,以卢布计,该行已将对俄罗斯客户的贷款削减25%,并对新贷款进行了限制。 6park.com

“RBI Group is of course complying with all applicable sanctions,” said Ingrid Ditz, Raiffeisen Bank spokeswoman. She said the bank had reduced its loans to customers in Russia by 25% in rubles since the beginning of the year and limited new lending. 6park.com

目前中国对俄罗斯的出口规模比制裁开始实施时要大。中国不支持西方对俄罗斯的制裁。美国官员担心,中国将提供对于俄罗斯推进战争和维持经济至关重要的资金和货物。中国表示,西方国家的制裁没有法律依据,不会遵守。 6park.com

Exports to Russia from China—which hasn’t backed the Western pressure campaign—are now larger than they were when sanctions were imposed. U.S. officials are concerned that China will provide the financing and goods critical to Russia’s war effort and economy. Beijing says it won’t comply with Western sanctions it says are illegal. 6park.com

中国外交部发言人赵立坚在本月的一次例行记者会上表示:“中俄关系坚如磐石。” 6park.com

“Sino-Russian relations are rock-solid,” Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian said at a regular news briefing this month. 6park.com

北约成员国土耳其第二季度末对俄出口较制裁前增长了约25%。最新数据显示,自那之后土耳其对俄罗斯出口进一步上升。土耳其向乌克兰提供武装无人机,并在乌克兰粮食出口协议的外交谈判中发挥了关键作用。 6park.com

Exports to Russia from Turkey—a NATO member that has supplied Kyiv with armed drones and played a key role in diplomatic talks over Ukrainian grain exports—were up roughly 25% at the end of the second quarter from before the sanctions. Recent data shows that exports from Turkey to Russia have picked up further since.


土耳其财政部长努尔丁·内巴蒂(Nureddin Nebati)表示,土耳其不是在破坏对俄施压行动。“我们是在不涉及任何制裁的领域继续与俄罗斯展开贸易,”他在接受《华尔街日报》采访时说。 6park.com

Nureddin Nebati, the country’s finance minister, said his nation isn’t undermining the pressure campaign. “We are continuing our trade with Russia in areas that are not subject to any sanction,” he told the Journal in an interview. 6park.com

土耳其表示,之前已叫停国内银行业连接土耳其金融系统与俄罗斯支付系统的计划。这一计划若实施,将为俄罗斯提供一个接入全球金融系统的重要通道。俄罗斯大部分银行系统均被列为制裁目标。 6park.com

Ankara said it had halted plans in its banking sector to connect Turkey’s financial industry to Russia’s payments system, which would have provided Moscow with an important link to the global financial system. Most of Russia’s banking system has been sanctioned. 6park.com

“这是一项全球行动,”美国财政部负责反恐和金融情报的副部长纳尔逊(Brian Nelson)接受采访时说。“这意味着要追查逃避制裁的行为,使制裁行动具有针对性从而影响战场,并追查那些继续让普京(Putin)投射力量的人。” 6park.com

“It is a global effort,” Brian Nelson, undersecretary for terrorism and financial intelligence, said in an interview. That means, “going after sanctions evasion, targeting our efforts to have an impact on the battlefield, and going after those who continue to allow President Putin to project power.” 6park.com

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