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送交者: icemessenger[♂☆★★★SuperMod★★★☆♂] 于 2022-11-28 5:59 已读 1446 次  


周末连续两天,《新闻联播》播出对第九版防控方案和优化调整疫情防控二十条措施的进一步解读,强调要科学精准落实二十条措施,坚决整治社会高度关注的层层加码问题。 6park.com

Health experts have stressed the need to implement the 20 recently adjusted COVID-19 control measures in a scientific and precise manner, as well as the need to resolutely rectify the imposition of extra restrictions.

11月11日,国务院联防联控机制颁布二十条措施,明确提出要加大“一刀切”、层层加码问题整治力度。严禁随意封校停课、停工停产、未经批准阻断交通、随意采取“静默”管理、随意封控、长时间不解封、随意停诊等各类层层加码行为。 6park.com

The measures state that a crackdown on the extra restrictions and the “one-size-fits-all” approach to fighting COVID-19 will be strengthened. Malpractices such as arbitrarily closing schools, halting production, blocking roads, shuttering hospitals and deploying prolonged lockdowns are strictly prohibited. 



问:谁可以决定采取封控管理措施? 6park.com

Who has the power to implement lockdowns?

答:根据《中华人民共和国传染病防治法》,县级以上地方人民政府可以采取封控等措施。 6park.com

Local governments at and above the county level can enforce lockdowns, according to China’s Law on the Prevention and Treatment of Infectious Diseases.  6park.com

其中第四十二条规定:当传染病暴发、流行时,县级以上地方人民政府应按照预防、控制预案进行防治,必要时,报经上一级人民政府决定,可以采取法律规定的紧急措施并予以公告。这些紧急措施包括,限制或者停止集市、影剧院演出或者其他人群聚集的活动、封闭可能造成传染病扩散的场所、停工、停业、停课等等。 6park.com

The law stipulates that governments at the county level and above should organize resources to cut the transmission of contagious diseases when an outbreak occurs. If necessary, they should report to upper-level authorities to determine the rollout of a series of emergency measures, such as suspending markets, art performances and other gatherings, halting production and closing schools and venues that might cause further spread of the virus.  6park.com

《突发公共卫生事件应急条例》也明确,县级以上地方人民政府卫生行政主管部门,具体负责组织突发事件的调查、控制和医疗救治工作。 6park.com

The Regulations on Emergency Response to Acute Public Health Events also requires health departments of governments at and above the county level to lead in the management of health emergencies and the provision of treatment.


问:新冠疫情下,哪些地区会实行区域封闭管理? 6park.com

Where should lockdown measures be applied during a COVID-19 outbreak?

答:根据11月19日国务院联防联控机制综合组发布的《新冠肺炎疫情风险区划定及管控方案》,高风险区实施区域封闭,且高风险区一般以单元、楼栋为单位划定。 6park.com

High-risk areas, mostly confined to residential units or buildings, can be locked down according to a protocol released by the State Council’s Joint Prevention and Control Mechanism on Nov 19. 6park.com

该方案指出,原则上将感染者居住地,以及活动频繁且疫情传播风险较高的工作地和活动地等区域,划为高风险区。在疫情传播风险不明确或存在广泛社区传播的情况下,可适度扩大高风险区划定范围。 6park.com

The protocol on COVID-19 risk categorization and management said that areas where infected people live and where the probability of virus transmission is high due to frequent visits paid by those people can be categorized as high risk. The scope of high-risk areas can be expanded moderately when transmission chains are unclear.  6park.com

高风险区实施区域封闭期间,安排24小时巡逻值守,可通过安装监控设备、电子门磁等加强管理,防止人员外出流动。对因就医等确需外出人员,须经社区防控办公室协调安排,实行专人专车,全程做好个人防护,落实闭环管理。 6park.com

It said high-risk areas should be locked down, and round-the-clock patrol or electric door seals can be deployed to prevent population movement. Meanwhile, designated vehicles and personnel should be arranged to transport residents who need medical treatment.


问:符合什么条件能解封? 6park.com

When can lockdown measures be lifted? 

答:上述方案指出,高风险区连续5天未发现新增感染者,且第5天风险区域内所有人员完成一轮核酸筛查均为阴性,降为低风险区。符合解封条件的高风险区要及时解封。 6park.com

A high-risk area can be downgraded to a low-risk area when no new infections are found for five consecutive days and all residents test negative on the fifth day. When these requirements are met, lockdown measures should be lifted promptly, according to the protocol.  6park.com

高风险区所在县 (市、区、旗) 的其他地区划定为低风险区。实行“个人防护、避免聚集”,离开所在城市持48小时内核酸检测阴性证明。 6park.com

A low-risk area refers to all remaining areas in a county-level region where a high-risk area is located. Residents there are required to take precautions, avoid gathering and present negative test results taken within 48 hours before leaving.


问:小区、楼宇的消防通道能封吗? 6park.com

Can fire exits at residential complexes and buildings be shut?

答:法律规定,任何单位或个人不得以疫情防控需要为由,擅自封闭或堵塞安全出口、隔断疏散通道,占用消防车通道。 6park.com

It is strictly forbidden to block or seal off safety exits or block access for fire brigade vehicles for virus control reasons. 6park.com

依据《中华人民共和国消防法》第二十八条规定:任何单位、个人不得损坏、挪用或者擅自拆除、停用消防设施、器材,不得埋压、圈占、遮挡消火栓或者占用防火间距,不得占用、堵塞、封闭疏散通道、安全出口、消防车通道。人员密集场所的门窗不得设置影响逃生和灭火救援的障碍物。 6park.com

According to the Law on Fire Protection, no institutions or individuals may damage, misappropriate, dismantle or deactivate firefighting equipment without authorization. Evacuation passages, safety exits and fire truck access shall not be occupied, blocked or closed off. Doors and windows in crowded places shall not be equipped with barriers that could affect escape and firefighting rescue efforts. 


问:如何整治层层加码等疫情防控中出现的问题? 6park.com

How can COVID-19 control malpractices be curbed?

答:二十条措施规定,对各类层层加码行为要加大通报、公开曝光力度,对造成严重后果的依法依规严肃追责。同时,发挥各级整治层层加码问题工作专班作用,督促地方及时整改到位。 6park.com

The 20 adjusted measures said that to curb the one-size-fits-all approach and casual adoption of extra COVID-19 restrictions, public reports and exposure of such policies will be highlighted, and violators whose actions result in serious consequences will be held accountable. In addition, task forces committed to urging rectification have been set up across different government levels. 

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