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送交者: icemessenger[♂☆★★★SuperMod★★★☆♂] 于 2022-11-29 17:00 已读 1484 次 1 赞  




Europe is importing a record amount of seaborne Russian gas, highlighting how the region has not completely shaken off its dependence on the country for the key fuel even as flows through pipelines have all but stopped. 6park.com

欧洲正从俄罗斯进口创纪录数量的海运天然气,突显出该地区尚未完全摆脱对俄罗斯的依赖,尽管通过管道输送的俄罗斯天然气几乎已经完全停止。 6park.com

Imports of Russian liquefied natural gas, which is typically transported on big tankers, rose more than 40 per cent between January and October this year, compared with the same period in 2021, highlighting the difficulty for Europe in weaning itself off gas from Moscow despite Brussels’ attempts to shift away from Russian sources. 6park.com

今年1月至10月,通常由大型油轮运输的俄罗斯液化天然气(LNG)进口较2021年同期增长逾40%,突显出尽管布鲁塞尔方面试图摆脱对俄罗斯天然气的依赖,但这很难做到。 6park.com

Russian LNG made up 16 per cent of European seaborne imports during the period. While the total volume of 17.8 billion cubic metres represented a fraction of the 62.1 bcm pipeline gas flows during this time, it nevertheless leaves Europe exposed to Vladimir Putin’s weaponisation of energy. 6park.com

在此期间,俄罗斯液化天然气占欧洲海运进口的16%。尽管178亿立方米的总量只是这段时间621亿立方米管道天然气流量的几分之一,但它仍然使欧洲面临弗拉基米尔•普京(Vladimir Putin)将能源武器化的风险。 6park.com

——本文2022年11月29日发布于FT中文网,英文原题为Europe’s imports of Russian seaborne gas jump to record high



South African miner Sibanye-Stillwater has approved a €588mn lithium mine and refinery in Finland that is set to play a key role in helping Europe reduce its reliance on China for the key battery metal for electric vehicles. 6park.com

南非矿业公司Sibanye-Stillwater已批准在芬兰建设一座5.88亿欧元的锂矿和精炼厂,该项目将在帮助欧洲减少对中国的锂依赖方面发挥关键作用。锂是生产电动汽车电池的关键金属。 6park.com

The Keliber project, which because of inflation is set to cost far more than previously forecast, will supply Europe with 15,000 tonnes of lithium hydroxide monohydrate, enough for 300,000 EVs. 6park.com

该项目名为Keliber,由于通货膨胀,其成本将远远高于此前的预期。该项目将为欧洲提供1.5万吨氢氧化锂,足够30万辆电动汽车使用。 6park.com

“This is a strategically important project for both Finland and the European battery sector,” said Neal Froneman, chief executive. 6park.com

该公司首席执行官尼尔•弗朗曼(Neal Froneman)表示:“对芬兰和欧洲电池行业来说,这都是一个具有战略意义的项目。” 6park.com

——本文2022年11月29日发布于FT中文网,英文原题为Sibanye-Stillwater approves €588mn lithium project in Finland



The UK government is scrapping controversial powers to force internet companies to take down “legal but harmful” content, following a backlash from the tech industry and free speech advocates. 6park.com

英国政府将取消迫使互联网公司删除“合法但有害”内容的有争议权力,此前科技行业和言论自由倡导者对此表示强烈反对。 6park.com

The measure had been expected to form part of the long-awaited Online Safety Bill and would have represented a radical departure from existing global rules that police some of the world’s biggest technology companies, from Facebook to Google. 6park.com

外界曾预计,这一措施将构成人们期待已久的《网络安全法案》(Online Safety Bill)的一部分,并将代表着彻底背离现有的全球规则,这些规则监管着从Facebook到谷歌等全球一些最大科技公司。 6park.com

The move had been pushed by former home secretary Priti Patel among other former ministers, during the tenure of ex-Prime Minister Boris Johnson. While the new Conservative administration led by Rishi Sunak intends to press on with the legislation, it has removed the most controversial measure ahead of the bill returning to the House of Commons on December 5. 6park.com

在前首相鲍里斯•约翰逊任职期间,前内政大臣普里蒂•帕特尔(Priti Patel)和其他前大臣推动了这一举措。尽管由里希•苏纳克(Rishi Sunak)领导的保守党新政府打算推动这项立法,但在该法案于12月5日返回下议院(House of Commons)之前,它已经删除了最具争议的措施。 6park.com

——本文2022年11月29日发布于FT中文网,英文原题为UK government drops ‘legal but harmful’ clause from new online law



A top Federal Reserve official has warned the US unemployment rate could hit 5 per cent next year as the central bank presses ahead with its fight against persistently high inflation. 6park.com

美联储的一位高级官员警告说,随着中央银行加紧打击持续的高通货膨胀,美国明年的失业率可能达到5%。 6park.com

John Williams, president of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, said the central bank needed to do more to stamp out price pressures that have proven surprisingly persistent across a wide array of goods and services in the aftermath of the coronavirus pandemic. 6park.com

纽约联邦储备银行行长约翰•威廉姆斯(John Williams)表示,美联储需要采取更多行动来消除价格压力。在新冠疫情之后,事实证明,一系列商品和服务的价格压力惊人地持久。 6park.com

Williams said he expected the unemployment rate to rise from its current level of 3.7 per cent to between 4.5 per cent and 5 per cent by the end of next year as the Fed takes further steps to tighten monetary policy via higher interest rates and a smaller balance sheet. 6park.com

威廉姆斯说,随着美联储采取进一步措施,通过提高利率和缩小资产负债表收紧货币政策,他预计到明年年底,失业率将从目前3.7%的水平升至4.5%至5%之间 6park.com

——本文2022年11月29日发布于FT中文网,英文原题为Top Fed official warns US unemployment could hit 5% next year

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