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送交者: icemessenger[♂☆★★★SuperMod★★★☆♂] 于 2022-11-29 21:53 已读 1781 次 3 赞  


Rishi Sunak signals determination for UK to engage with China

Prime minister says era of golden relations is over, but stops short of describing Beijing as a threat. 6park.com


Rishi Sunak on Monday warned that the so-called “golden era” of UK relations with China was over, but he signalled his determination to engage with Beijing as he stopped short of describing the superpower as a “threat”. 6park.com

里希•苏纳克(Rishi Sunak)周一警告称,英中关系的所谓“黄金时代”已经结束,但他表达了自己与北京方面打交道的决心,并且未将这个超级大国列为“威胁”。 6park.com

The new prime minister, in an implicit criticism of the pro-China policies of former premier David Cameron, said there had been a “naive idea that trade would lead to social and political reform”. 6park.com

这位新首相表示,英国曾有一种“天真的想法,认为贸易将会带来社会和政治改革”,含蓄地批评了前首相戴维•卡梅伦(David Cameron)的亲华政策。 6park.com

He also criticised China’s handling of protests against Beijing’s zero-Covid policy — including “assaulting” BBC journalist Ed Lawrence — and said the country posed “a systemic challenge to our values and interests”. 6park.com

他还批评了中国当局处理反对新冠“清零”政策的抗议活动的方式,包括“殴打”BBC记者埃德•劳伦斯(Ed Lawrence),并称中国“对我们的价值观和利益构成了系统性挑战”。 6park.com

But in a sign that he wants to engage with Beijing, Sunak said in a major foreign policy speech: “We cannot simply ignore China’s significance in world affairs — to global economic stability or issues like climate change.” 6park.com

但是,有迹象表明苏纳克希望与北京方面打交道,他在一次重要的外交政策演讲中说:“我们不能简单地无视中国在世界事务中的重要性——无论是对全球经济稳定还是气候变化等问题。” 6park.com

In words that are likely to concern some Tory MPs who are China hawks, Sunak said the west would collectively “manage this sharpening competition, including with diplomacy and engagement”. 6park.com

苏纳克表示,西方将集体“应对这场日益激烈的竞争,包括通过外交和接触”,此番言论可能会让一些对华鹰派保守党议员感到担忧。 6park.com

He added this would be accompanied by steps to reduce Britain’s economic dependency on China. The UK has banned use of 5G mobile phone networks made by Huawei. 6park.com

他补充说,与此同时,英国将采取措施减少对中国的经济依赖。英国已禁止使用华为(Huawei)制造的5G手机网络设备。 6park.com

The prime minister’s speech at the lord mayor’s banquet at the Guildhall in London was an attempt to map out a new foreign policy by a politician who, until now, has seen international affairs through an economic lens. 6park.com

苏纳克在伦敦市政厅(Guildhall)举行的市长宴会上的讲话,是这位迄今为止一直从经济角度看待国际事务的政治人物试图制定新外交政策的一次尝试。 6park.com

Sunak, during more than two years as chancellor, warned the then prime minister Boris Johnson about the economic risks of antagonising the EU and of a more hostile approach to China. 6park.com

在担任财政大臣的两年多时间里,苏纳克曾警告时任英国首相鲍里斯•约翰逊(Boris Johnson),对抗欧盟以及对中国采取更敌对态度会给英国带来的经济风险。 6park.com

China hawks in the Conservative party fear Sunak will take a softer line towards Beijing. As chancellor, he had planned a UK-China financial summit this year before aborting the event. 6park.com

保守党对华鹰派担心苏纳克对北京方面的态度将会软化。他在担任财政大臣时曾计划在今年举行一场英中金融峰会,但最终取消了这一计划。 6park.com

Tory MPs have voiced growing alarm about the influence of China within the UK following the sanctioning of seven parliamentarians by Beijing, including former Conservative leader Sir Iain Duncan Smith. 6park.com

在北京方面对包括前保守党领袖伊恩•邓肯•史密斯爵士(Sir Iain Duncan Smith)在内的7名英国议员实施制裁后,保守党议员对中国在英国的影响力发出日益严厉的警告。 6park.com

Sunak’s predecessor Liz Truss adopted a hawkish position, suggesting during the Tory leadership contest in the summer that China would be classed as a “threat”. 6park.com

苏纳克的前任利兹•特拉斯(Liz Truss)采取了强硬立场,在今年夏天的保守党党魁竞选中暗示中国将被列为“威胁”。 6park.com

“Truss was along the right lines when it came to China, but Sunak will need a nudge in the right direction,” said one senior backbench Conservative MP. “Sunak’s instincts are like many in the Treasury — to view China as an economic investment rather than engage with it as a threat.”  6park.com

一位资深保守党后座议员表示:“在对华关系问题上,特拉斯的立场是正确的,但苏纳克需要被推向正确的方向。苏纳克的直觉和财政部的许多人一样——将中国视为一个经济投资机会,而不是当作一种威胁对待。” 6park.com

Sunak said he wanted stronger ties with Europe after Brexit, including by engaging with the European Political Community, a new security grouping championed by French president Emmanuel Macron. 6park.com

苏纳克表示,他希望在英国脱欧后加强与欧洲的关系,包括与欧洲政治共同体(European Political Community)进行接触,这是法国总统埃马纽埃尔•马克龙(Emmanuel Macron)倡导成立的一个新的安全组织。 6park.com

But he added: “This is not about greater alignment. Under my leadership we’ll never align with EU law.” He said Britain would work with European neighbours on issues such as energy and illegal migration. 6park.com

但他补充说:“这不是要进行更大的结盟。在我的领导下,我们永远不会与欧盟法律结盟。”他表示,英国将在能源和非法移民等问题上与欧洲邻国合作。 6park.com

Meanwhile Sunak pledged that the UK would stand with Ukraine “for as long as it takes” following Russia’s invasion. 6park.com

与此同时,苏纳克承诺,在乌克兰遭俄罗斯入侵后,英国将“一直支持乌克兰”。 6park.com

“We will maintain or increase our military aid next year,” he said. “And we will provide new support for air defence, to protect the Ukrainian people and the critical infrastructure that they rely on.”  6park.com

他说:“明年我们将维持或增加我们的军事援助。我们将为防空提供新的支持,以保护乌克兰人民和他们所依赖的关键基础设施。” 6park.com

Sunak this month met Ukraine president Volodymyr Zelenskyy and outlined a new £50mn package of UK defence aid including 125 anti-aircraft guns. 6park.com

苏纳克本月会见了乌克兰总统弗拉基米尔•泽连斯基(Volodymyr Zelenskyy),并宣布了一项新的5000万英镑的国防援助计划,包括125门防空火炮。 6park.com

“Sunak is very inexperienced and is regarded as a work in progress,” said John Kampfner, executive director of the UK in the World Initiative at Chatham House, the international affairs think-tank. 6park.com

国际事务智库英国皇家国际事务研究所(Chatham House,又名查塔姆研究所)“世界中的英国倡议”(UK in the World Initiative)执行主任约翰•坎普夫纳(John Kampfner)表示:“苏纳克非常缺乏经验,被认为仍在进行摸索。” 6park.com

“But he has a great advantage in that he’ll be cut slack by our foreign allies because of who he is not rather than who he is. Diplomats will be relieved that the UK appears to be led by someone who is sombre and level headed.” 6park.com

“但他有一个很大的优势,那就是我们的外国盟友不会严厉地评判他,而这是由于他不是谁,而不是由于他是谁。外交官们将会松一口气,因为英国似乎是由一个严肃而冷静的人领导的。” 6park.com

“Sunak is trying to show that ‘robust pragmatism’ is an act of radical management of the status quo, rather than defaulting into what his critics have characterised as being similar to 1930s appeasement,” said Sam Hogg, China-UK analyst and founder of the intelligence briefing Beijing to Britain. 6park.com

中英关系分析人士、情报简报《北京到不列颠》(Beijing to Britain)创办人萨姆•霍格(Sam Hogg)表示:“苏纳克试图表明,‘坚定的实用主义’是要对现状进行革新性的管理,而不是陷入他的批评者所说的类似1930年代的绥靖政策。” 6park.com

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