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送交者: icemessenger[♂☆★★★SuperMod★★★☆♂] 于 2022-11-30 5:58 已读 1551 次 1 赞  


11月29日,外交部发言人赵立坚主持例行记者会。 6park.com


赵立坚表示,英方有关言论罔顾事实,颠倒黑白,粗暴干涉中国内政,中方对此坚决反对。据向上海方面了解,有关事实是这样的: 6park.com

The remarks from the British side are a serious distortion of the facts and constitute grave interference in China’s internal affairs. We are firmly against this. Here are the facts that we have learned from the authorities in Shanghai. 6park.com

27日晚,上海警方为维护社会秩序,依法劝离某路口现场聚集人员,这其中包括一名BBC驻沪记者。在警方明确告知该名记者即将对现场人员进行劝离的情况下,该名记者拒绝离开,且一直没有向警方表明自己的记者身份,警方遂将其强制带离,并在对其开展必要身份核查及法律告知后,请其自行离开,有关程序完全在法律法规框架下进行。这位BBC记者在警方执法过程中拒不配合,却做出一副受害者的样子,而BBC则立即歪曲事实,大肆炒作BBC记者在工作中被警方所谓“逮捕殴打”,把脏水泼向中方。这显然秉承了BBC恶意碰瓷的一贯作派。 6park.com

On the night of November 27, to maintain public order, local police in Shanghai asked people who had gathered at a crossroads to leave. One of those at the scene is a resident journalist from the BBC. Though the police made it clear to the journalist and others that they needed to leave, the journalist refused to go and in the entire time did not identify himself as a journalist. The police then took him away from the scene. After verifying his identity and informing him of pertinent laws and regulations, the police let him leave. Everything was conducted within legal procedures. This BBC journalist refused to cooperate with the police’s law enforcement efforts and then acted as if he were a victim. The BBC immediately twisted the story and massively propagated the narrative that its journalist had been “arrested” and “beaten” by police while he was working, simply to try to paint China as the guilty party. This deliberate distortion of truth is all too familiar as part of the BBC’s distasteful playbook. 6park.com

必须强调的是,外国记者在中国依法享有新闻报道权利,同时也必须遵守中国的法律法规,采访报道时应提前出示记者证,不得从事与记者身份不符的活动,这对于任何媒体都不例外,与所谓新闻自由也没有关联。在中国有许多外国媒体,为什么每次都是BBC在现场出问题?这是应该认真思考对待的问题。 6park.com

While having the right to report news in accordance with the law in China, foreign journalists need to consciously follow Chinese laws and regulations. When conducting reporting and interviews, journalists need to present their press credentials first, and not engage in activities incompatible with their capacity as journalists. This applies to all media organizations and is not about freedom of the press. Many foreign media organizations have presence in China. How come the BBC is always involved in troubles at the scene? This is a question that requires some serious thinking. 6park.com

借这个机会,我也有几个问题,想请英方回答: 6park.com

I also have some questions for the UK. 6park.com

第一,英国政府是如何对待国内抗议者的?2020年,伦敦爆发反对抗疫封锁措施的游行,英国警方逮捕150多名民众。2021年,在反对政府削减公共开支政策的大规模游行中,英国警方逮捕超过200名民众。从公开的视频资料中可以看到,多名英国警察将赤手空拳的抗议者团团围住,对其拳打脚踢、大打出手,任其哭号哀求、甚至衣不蔽体也不为所动。 6park.com

First, how does the British government handle domestic protesters? In 2020, the UK police arrested more than 150 people when Londoners took to the street to protest against COVID lockdown. In 2021, the UK police arrested more than 200 people in large-scale demonstrations triggered by the government’s public expenditure cuts. Publicly available videos show that UK police officers ruthlessly kicked and beat one unarmed protester and did not stop even when the protester was left exposed in little clothing and was crying and begging for mercy. 6park.com

第二,英国政府是如何对待记者的?大家应该还没有忘记,几年前一位中国记者仅仅因为在英国保守党年会边会上行使正当权利进行提问并表达观点,却遭到百般阻挠甚至人身侵犯,最终还被英国法院判处有罪。英国记者格雷厄姆·菲利普斯仅仅因为创作了“不适合西方”的报道内容,而成为被本国政府制裁的首位英国公民。 6park.com

Second, how does the British government treat journalists? You probably recall that a few years ago, a Chinese journalist was repeatedly hampered and even physically assaulted and eventually convicted by a British court, only because she had exercised her legitimate right as a journalist and raised a question to express her opinions at a fringe event of the Conservative Party’s conference. Graham Phillips, a UK journalist, became the first British citizen placed on the country’s sanctions list, only because he had created media content not to the liking of the west. 6park.com

第三,BBC是如何报道中国的?从“阴间滤镜”到涉疆、涉港歪曲报道,许多人对BBC恶意抹黑攻击中国的“黑历史”印象深刻。2019年以来,BBC在涉港报道上无视暴徒暴行,却指责“香港警察暴力执法”。在涉疆报道上,BBC驻京记者仅采用几张非实景卫星图片和反华人士的所谓报告,便炮制“世纪谎言”对新疆大肆攻击抹黑。在涉疫情报道上,甚至将公路反恐演习视频作为中国暴力防疫“证据”。为什么总是BBC出现在各种现场呢?BBC记者究竟是去报道新闻还是去制造新闻呢? 6park.com

Third, how does the BBC report China? From applying a gloomy filter to paint China in a negative light to distorted reports on Xinjiang and Hong Kong, many people still remember well the BBC’s disreputable history of smearing and attacking China. Since 2019, the BBC has been ignoring the Hong Kong rioters’ violent behavior and accusing Hong Kong police of brutality. On Xinjiang, based only on several non-photorealistic satellite images and reports written by anti-China elements, BBC journalists stationed in Beijing propagated “lies of the century” to slander Xinjiang. On the COVID pandemic, the BBC even used a counter-terrorism drill video as “proof” of China’s so-called violence in epidemic prevention. Why did the BBC always show up on those scenes? Is the job of BBC journalists to report news or fabricate news? 6park.com

英方应该尊重事实,谨言慎行,收起虚伪的双重标准,停止玩弄双重标准。 6park.com

The UK must respect facts, act prudently, and end its hypocritical practice of double standards. 

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