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送交者: icemessenger[♂☆★★★SuperMod★★★☆♂] 于 2023-02-01 6:12 已读 2097 次  





这取决多种因素,包括: 6park.com

▪ The type of exercise program you're doing 选择的训练类型 6park.com

▪ How often do you work out each week 每周锻炼频率 6park.com

▪ Your nutrition 营养摄入 6park.com

▪ Your sleep habits 睡眠习惯 6park.com

▪ Recovery time 恢复时间 6park.com

▪ Your genetics 基因


在开始锻炼之前,首先你要明确健身目标。 6park.com

Personal trainer, Chris Leach, says that "if you want to 'get in shape,' you first need to define what that actually means to you." 6park.com

私人教练克里斯·利奇称,“如果你想‘保持身材’,首先你需要明确你想要达到什么效果。” 6park.com

以下是部分流行的训练类型及其作用: 6park.com

► High-intensity interval training (HIIT): aids in weight loss and muscle gain, decreases blood pressure, and improves oxygen and blood flow. 6park.com

高强度间歇性训练(HIIT):有助于减重增肌,降血压,改善氧气和血液循环。 6park.com

► Weight lifting: builds muscle, improves metabolism, decreases risk for heart diseases, diabetes, and cancer, and improves bone health. 6park.com

举重:锻炼肌肉,改善新陈代谢,降低患心脏病、糖尿病和癌症的风险,改善骨骼健康。 6park.com

► Running: boosts cardiovascular health, improves mental health, and burns calories. 6park.com

跑步:促进心血管健康,改善心理健康,燃烧卡路里。 6park.com

► Yoga: increases flexibility and strength, helps manage stress, and burns calories. 6park.com



"The phrase 'weight quickly lost is usually quickly regained' holds a lot of truth," Leach adds Leach. This is because rapid weight loss is caused by undereating, overtraining, or both. 6park.com


Usually, this type of workout and nutrition schedule is rigid and unsustainable. "You'll see rapid results right off the bat but after a few weeks or months, you'll almost always become rundown, tired, and ravenously hungry," says Leach. "That will likely result in stopping your program and losing the results, as well." 6park.com

通常,这种类型的锻炼和营养计划是严酷而不可持续的。利奇说:“这样的效果立竿见影,但几周或数月后,你会总是感到虚弱、疲惫和饥饿。这可能会导致你停止锻炼,前功尽弃。” 6park.com

The best way to avoid this pitfall is to do a workout program you can commit to long-term. 6park.com



Put plainly, the time, effort, and consistency you devote to your workout goals determine how fast you achieve them. 6park.com

简单地说,为健身目标投入的时间、精力和坚持决定了实现目标的速度。 6park.com

"If you do five workouts a week, spend a couple of hours prepping meals, and get eight to nine hours of sleep every night, you'll see results much faster than if you only work out sparingly and don't have as much time to sleep, recover, or work on your nutrition," says Leach. 6park.com

利奇说:“如果你每周锻炼五次,多花点时间在饮食上,每晚睡八到九小时,就会比只做少量运动,睡得少、没时间休息和补充营养更快实现目标。” 6park.com

"A good starting point for most people is to aim for three to five hours of workouts per week to see results within roughly two to three months," says Leach. 6park.com



The type of workouts you do — be it a strength or cardio routine — dictates how long it takes to see results as well as the type of results you'll see. 6park.com

无论是力量训练还是有氧运动,你选择的锻炼类型决定了看到成果的时间,以及能达到什么样的成果。 6park.com


Cardio: running, swimming, cycling, walking, and dancing which can improve heart health and burn calories 6park.com

有氧运动:跑步、游泳、骑行、散步和跳舞,可以改善心脏健康并燃烧卡路里 6park.com

Cardio results typically appear quicker than results from strength training because it's often easier for people to lose weight than gain muscle. 6park.com

有氧运动的效果通常比力量训练更快显现,因为减肥往往比增肌更容易。 6park.com

"The typical human body can only synthesize around 1-2 pounds of muscle per month at most, but it's physiologically possible to burn a lot more fat during the same amount of time," Leach says. "Fat burn could be around 1-2 pounds per week, or even more." 6park.com

利奇说:“一般来说,人体每月最多只能合成0.45-0.9公斤肌肉,但在相同时间内可以燃烧更多的脂肪。脂肪消耗每周可达0.45-0.9公斤,甚至更多。” 6park.com

However, it takes longer to lose the benefits of strength training compared to cardio workouts. 6park.com

然而,与有氧运动相比,力量训练的成果消失得更慢。 6park.com

Muscle loss typically takes about 2-3 weeks if you're not using them at all, whereas you can gain 1-2 pounds of weight a week if you start eating more calories than you burn. 6park.com


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