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三星发布Galaxy S23系列手机,主打2亿像素和更强夜拍
送交者: icemessenger[♂☆★★★SuperMod★★★☆♂] 于 2023-02-02 0:02 已读 2061 次 1 赞  


Samsung Unveils Galaxy S23 With 200-Megapixel Camera for Better Night Photos

三星电子周三发布了最新旗舰产品Galaxy S23手机,这款手机的顶配型号带有一个功能非常强大的摄像头,并有其他一些相对温和的改进。智能手机销售难度加大之际,三星电子希望这些卖点能吸引买家。

三星的Galaxy S23系列包括Galaxy S23 Plus、Galaxy S23 Ultra和Galaxy S23。

三星电子(Samsung Electronics Co., 005930.SE)周三发布了最新旗舰产品Galaxy S23手机,这款手机的顶配型号带有一个功能非常强大的摄像头,并有其他一些相对温和的改进。智能手机销售难度加大之际,三星电子希望这些卖点能吸引买家。 6park.com

Samsung Electronics Co. on Wednesday unveiled its newest flagship Galaxy S23 phones, which have a monster camera in the top model and other more modest improvements it hopes will attract buyers when smartphones are a harder sell. 6park.com

这家韩国电子巨头在旧金山举行的Unpacked现场活动中发布了这些产品。对于旗下这一主打智能手机系列,三星电子在设计和手感方面基本保持一惯性,把折叠屏技术留给了Galaxy Z机型。 6park.com

The South Korean electronics giant unveiled the products at a live Unpacked event in San Francisco. The company has largely settled into a consistent design and feel for its main line of smartphones, saving its folding-screen technologies for its Galaxy Z models. 6park.com

新的Galaxy S23 Ultra配有一个2亿像素的摄像头,并且该系列的三个机型都配备更快的处理器。不过,其中没有任何一款机型拥有足够新奇的功能来区别于竞争对手,例如苹果公司(Apple Inc., AAPL)新iPhone 14系列的车祸检测和紧急卫星通信功能。 6park.com

The new Galaxy S23 Ultra has a 200-megapixel camera, and all three models in the lineup have faster processors. Yet none has a new gee-whiz feature to distinguish it from its competition, like the car-crash detection and emergency satellite communication in Apple Inc.’s new iPhone 14 line. 6park.com

研究机构International Data Corp.上周称,去年第四季度智能手机出货量创下历史最大单期降幅,在假日购物季同比下降18%。三星电子周二公布营业利润下降了69%,并预计今年年初智能手机需求仍将低迷。 6park.com

Research firm International Data Corp. last week said fourth-quarter smartphone shipments had the largest-ever decline in a single period, tumbling 18% year-over-year in the holiday buying season. Samsung on Tuesday reported a 69% drop in operating profit and said demand for smartphones will remain sluggish early this year. 6park.com

不过,三星电子美国公司(Samsung Electronics America)移动产品管理副总裁Drew Blackard表示,美国的情况并不像全球前景那么黯淡。Blackard回顾了过去几个月美国市场的需求情况,他说:“高端市场仍非常健康。” 6park.com

Yet conditions in the U.S. aren’t as dismal as the global outlook, said Drew Blackard, vice president of mobile product management at Samsung Electronics America. “The premium tier of the market has remained very healthy,” Mr. Blackard said, reflecting on demand in the U.S. during the past few months. 6park.com

他说,在美国,有近一半的Galaxy S22买家选择了Ultra机型;还表示三星预计这一趋势将在Galaxy S23系列中延续。 6park.com

Nearly half of U.S. Galaxy S22 buyers opted for the Ultra, he said, adding that the company expects the trend to continue with the Galaxy S23 lineup.

稳定的定价 Steady pricing

在美国市场,三星Galaxy S23系列的定价与去年的新款发售价相同——Galaxy S23售价为800美元,S23 Plus售价为1,000美元,S23 Ultra售价为1,200美元。消费者可以通过三星和美国运营商“以旧换新”,用更好的价格拿下S23系列手机。 6park.com

For the U.S. market, Samsung kept prices level with last year’s phones—$800 for the Galaxy S23, $1,000 for the S23 Plus and $1,200 for the S23 Ultra. People can trade in older devices to get better pricing on S23 models through the company and U.S. carriers. 6park.com

Blackard说,三星还打算继续销售Galaxy S22和Galaxy S21 FE,价格将较2022年的售价下调100美元。 6park.com

Samsung also plans to keep selling its Galaxy S22 and Galaxy S21 FE for $100 less than their 2022 prices, Mr. Blackard said.

类似于去年的Galaxy S22 Ultra, S23 Ultra配备了嵌入式S Pen触控手写笔。

与S22 Ultra一样,新款S23 Ultra配备了嵌入式S Pen触控手写笔,吸引了三星已停产的Note设备的粉丝。这款高端手机的显示屏对角线尺寸为6.8英寸,与前两代Ultra相同。S23 Ultra的机身棱角分明,而6.1英寸的S23和6.6英寸的S23 Plus机身则采用了圆角设计。 6park.com

Like the S22 Ultra, the new S23 Ultra comes with an embedded S Pen stylus, appealing to fans of Samsung’s discontinued Note devices. The high-end phone’s display measures 6.8 inches diagonally, the same as the past two generations of Ultra. It has an angular body, while the 6.1-inch S23 and 6.6-inch S23 Plus have curved edges. 6park.com

三星的新机还无法为安卓机粉丝提供他们想要的可媲美苹果公司iPhone的紧急卫星通信功能。为三星高端智能手机提供芯片的高通公司(Qualcomm Inc., QCOM)今年早些时候与卫星服务供应商铱星通信公司(Iridium Communications Inc., IRDM)签署了一项协议,将为安卓手机提供卫星连接服务,但这项功能要到今年晚些时候才能实现。 6park.com

Android fans looking for emergency satellite communication to rival Apple’s won’t find it here. Qualcomm Inc., which provides the chips for Samsung’s high-end smartphones, signed a deal with satellite-provider Iridium Communications Inc. earlier this year to bring satellite connectivity to Android phones, but such capabilities won’t be available until later this year.

高分辨率 High resolution

对买家来说,最大的吸引力可能是S23 Ultra新搭配的2亿像素摄像头,明显优于去年的1.08亿像素摄像头。虽然大多数人日常可能用不到这样高的分辨率,但像素的大幅提升意味着摄像头能够捕捉到更多的光线。这应该会带来更好的夜拍和视频效果,尽管我们还没能测试三星的这些新机。 6park.com

The biggest draw for buyers likely will be the S23 Ultra’s new 200-megapixel camera, up from 108 megapixels last year. While such high resolution might not be noticeable to most people, the boom in pixels means the camera can capture more light. That should lead to better night photography and videos, though we haven’t been able to test the new devices.

Galaxy S23机型有三种屏幕尺寸:S23为6.1英寸,S23 Plus为6.6英寸,S23 Ultra为6.8英寸。

负责为Galaxy设备开发摄像头和人工智能软件的三星执行副总裁Joshua Cho表示,三星已能够将拍摄一张夜景照片的时间从两秒缩短到一秒。 6park.com

Samsung reduced the time it takes to capture a night photo to one second from two seconds, said Joshua Cho, the Samsung executive vice president in charge of developing cameras and AI software for Galaxy devices. 6park.com

三星这次在旧金山举行的Unpacked活动是该公司自2020年2月以来首次现场面对面发布手机产品。 6park.com

Samsung’s Unpacked event in San Francisco was its first live, in-person mobile launch since February 2020. 6park.com

三星的新机从周三启动预购,将于2月17日起在门店销售。除了新款的智能手机,三星这次活动上还推出了三款Galaxy Book3台式电脑,将与Galaxy S23同日发售。 6park.com

Preorders begin Wednesday, and the phones arrive in stores Feb. 17. Along with the new smartphones, Samsung introduced three Galaxy Book3 PCs, available the same day as the Galaxy S23.

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