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送交者: icemessenger[♂☆★★★SuperMod★★★☆♂] 于 2023-02-02 17:14 已读 2093 次 1 赞  


1月31日,北京三里屯酒吧街的气氛明显与平时不同,人们纷纷都在打卡留念,其中很多都是年轻时这里的常客。 6park.com

他们来到这里不仅仅是为了喝一杯,而是在酒吧街改造升级前再次怀念下自己在这里经历过的悲欢离合。 6park.com

在这里,他们可以找回年轻时奔放的自己,也可以见证中国改革开放的历程。 6park.com

People flocked to the legendary Sanlitun bar street in Beijing on Jan 31 to celebrate the good times they'd spent in the bars there for the last time before their closure. For many regular visitors, the bar street had not only accompanied them in their young and wild days, but was also an example of China's reform and opening-up progress.


毗邻使馆区的三里屯是北京甚至是中国最早形成酒吧街的地方。 6park.com

中国改革开放后,北京逐渐变得更国际化,而酒吧街也在上世纪90年代逐渐形成了规模。 6park.com

很多那时候就开始营业的酒吧到现还是屹立不倒,可以说这条酒吧街承载着城市历史和几代人的青春记忆。 6park.com

The street, which is near the embassy area in Chaoyang district, was developed in the 1990s. It is home to some of the city's oldest bars, which were opened after China implemented its reform and opening-up policy.

同时,三里屯酒吧街也承载了一辈音乐人的梦想。这里的酒吧歌手有过高晓松、窦唯、崔健、丁原、老狼、罗大佑等人。 6park.com


2月1日,三里屯酒吧街上,施工人员进入一酒吧内。中国日报记者 王壮飞 摄

为此,三里屯街道启动对酒吧街商户的腾退,而31日是腾退的最后期限。 6park.com

After being appraised by a third-party organization, the buildings on the street were deemed unsafe so they had to be closed by Jan 31 for renovations, said Wei Lei, deputy director of Sanlitun subdistrict.

2月1日,三里屯酒吧街上,路人拍照留念。中国日报记者 王壮飞 摄

听到这个消息,六十岁的北京居民王先生就带着爱人来拍照打卡。他们选择在年轻时经常约会的酒吧“兰桂坊”拍照留念。 6park.com

After hearing the news, a senior Beijing resident surnamed Wang and his wife took pictures at Languifang, their favorite bar and the location of a date they had together when they were younger.

王先生和妻子在兰桂坊拍照留念 中国日报记者 崔佳 摄

“我们在这里留下了很多美好的回忆。上世纪90年代,这条酒吧街是北京时尚的年轻人必须来的地方,它的地位独一无二。可以说我们今天是来和青春告别的。”王先生感慨地说。 6park.com

"We have so many beautiful memories here. In the 1990s, the bar street was the must-go place for fashionable young people in Beijing. It was the only one of its kind and there was no place like it," the 60-year-old said. "We are here today to preserve the last memory of it and to bid farewell to our youth."

他说酒吧街也是在北京居住的外国人喜欢光临的地方,所以它也成为了一个民间文化交流的平台,特别是在中国改革开放不久和中国人极其渴望了解世界的时候。 6park.com

The bars were also popular among expatriates and had become great platforms for cultural exchanges, especially when the country first started to open up and people were eager to learn about the world, Wang said. 6park.com

“随着中国的发展,我们注意到大家在酒吧和外国朋友们交流的时候明显变得更自信了。可以说,在这里可以看到中国的变化和进步。”王先生说。 6park.com

"During our visits to the bars over the years, we could tell that people had become more confident when exchanging ideas with people from other countries. In fact, the bars have witnessed the progress that China has made," he added.

2月1日拍摄的三里屯酒吧街。中国日报记者 王壮飞 摄

在三里屯居住了四十年左右的刘燕说她看着酒吧街逐渐形成规模,见证了它人头攒动的光辉年代。 6park.com

她说,1995年到2005年是三里屯酒吧街的黄金十年。随着酒吧街的形成,三里屯也慢慢地成为了北京最时尚的地段,来北京旅游的,也要特意过来体验。 6park.com

Liu Yan, who has lived in the Sanlitun area for more than 40 years, said she has seen how the bar street took shape and how the street was packed with people from all over the world during its glory days.

2月1日,三里屯酒吧街上,路人拍照留念。中国日报记者 王壮飞 摄

“随着北京越来越国际化,各种酒吧也开的越来越多。三里屯酒吧街的地位也不再是独一无二,受欢迎程度也大不如前。所以,我觉得改造升级是十分有必要的。”六十五岁的刘燕说。 6park.com

"As Beijing becomes more international, better bars have opened around the city. The city's first bar street is no longer unique and as popular as it once was, so the upgrades are quite necessary," said the 65-year-old who also came to see the street before the renovations begin. 6park.com

31日晚上,酒吧街上的很多酒吧都已经停业,不再亮起的霓虹灯让酒吧街明显黯淡了下来。但是,也有一些酒吧依然选择营业到最后一刻,不仅仅是为了利润,更多的是让老顾客有机会可以在酒吧关门前再喝一杯做个告别。 6park.com

Some chose to open till the last minute so loyal customers could have their last drinks there.

2月1日,三里屯酒吧街上,路人向一酒吧内张望。中国日报记者 王壮飞 摄

三里屯街道表示,酒吧街即将启动建筑物隐患消除工程,未来将继续保留酒吧街品牌,并引入轻食、咖啡等更多新业态,满足更多消费需求。同时,启动改造打造慢行友好街区,未来市民可从朝阳北路一路步行至亮马河畔。 6park.com

As part of the renovation, other types of businesses such as coffee shops and restaurants offering healthy food will be opened on the street, said Wei, the official from Sanlitun subdistrict. He added that even with their arrival, the area will still be known as bar street.

2月1日拍摄的三里屯酒吧街。中国日报记者 王壮飞 摄

刘燕说她很高兴酒吧街的品牌可以被保留下来,因为它是中国改革开放的符号之一。“这条街的历史值得被记住,这也是为什么这么多人今天来这里和它告别的原因。”她说。 6park.com

Liu said she is glad that the area will keep its name because the bar street has become a symbol of China's opening-up progress.

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