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送交者: icemessenger[♂☆★★★SuperMod★★★☆♂] 于 2023-02-03 2:42 已读 2037 次  


Ukraine War Drives Rapid Growth in South Korea’s Arms Exports



俄乌之战推动了韩国武器出口的快速增长,因支持基辅的国家纷纷转向首尔寻求武器供应补给。 6park.com

The Ukraine war has fueled rapid growth in South Korea’s arms exports as countries supporting Kyiv turn to Seoul to replenish their supplies. 6park.com

当前韩国直接向乌克兰供应武器的压力越来越大。 6park.com

Now South Korea is facing increasing pressure to supply weapons directly to Ukraine. 6park.com

首尔方面已经向乌克兰提供了防毒面具、防弹衣和医疗用品,但韩国总统尹锡悦(Yoon Suk Yeol)拒绝直接向基辅提供致命性武器援助,理由是相关法律禁止该国向发生冲突的国家出口武器。 6park.com

Seoul has sent gas masks, bulletproof vests and medical supplies to Ukraine, but President Yoon Suk Yeol has declined to provide lethal aid directly to Kyiv, citing a law that prohibits the country from doing so during a conflict. 6park.com

在周一访问首尔期间,北大西洋公约组织(North Atlantic Treaty Organization, 简称﹕北约)秘书长斯托尔滕贝格(Jens Stoltenberg)敦促韩国对此做出重新考虑,并指出北约其他几个成员国已经改变了政策,转而支持乌克兰。在周二被问及这种可能性时,韩国国防部长李钟燮(Lee Jong-sup)表示,他意识到了国际努力的必要性,韩国政府正密切关注这一形势,但没有进一步置评。 6park.com

During a visit to Seoul on Monday, NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg urged South Korea to reconsider, pointing to several other countries in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization that had changed their policies to support Ukraine. Asked about the possibility on Tuesday, South Korean Defense Minister Lee Jong-sup said he was aware of the need for the international effort and the government was paying close attention to the situation, but declined to comment further.


韩国受到关注,一定程度上是因为韩国在全球武器供应商中占据着独特的地位。根据斯德哥尔摩国际和平研究院(Stockholm International Peace Research Institute)的数据,过去五年韩国一直是全球增长最快的武器出口国;几十年来,为应对来自朝鲜日益增长的威胁,韩国打造了自己的军火工业。 6park.com

The attention is partly due to the unique position South Korea occupies among global arms suppliers. With an arms industry built for decades to counter the rising threat from North Korea, it has been the world’s fastest-growing arms exporter over the past five years, according to data from the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute. 6park.com

据该研究所称,与美国和俄罗斯等巨头相比,韩国在全球军火市场上所占份额仍然很小,但在截至2021年的五年里,韩国已成为第八大军火出口国,占到全球军火出口的2.8%,而在之前的五年里,韩国排在第13位,所占比例为1%。 6park.com

Its share of the global arms market is still small when compared with those of giants like the U.S. and Russia, but it rose to become the eighth-largest exporter, with 2.8% of global exports, over the five years ended in 2021, from 13th and 1% in the previous five years, according to the institute. 6park.com

韩国已经制定了到2027年在军火销售额方面进入全球四强的目标。根据韩国国防部的数据,该国2022年的武器销售额比2021年多出逾一倍, 去年截至11月底的军火销售额已超过170亿美元,高于前年的72.5亿美元。 6park.com

South Korea has set a goal of being in the top four by 2027. Its arms sales last year were more than double those of the year before—topping $17 billion by the end of November, up from $7.25 billion—according to the Defense Ministry. 6park.com


由于俄乌战争,全球对军火的需求大增。韩国去年签署了该国有史以来最大的军事出口协议,将向波兰提供坦克和喷气式战斗机,使波兰能够在交付给乌克兰许多武器后补充库存。波兰也从韩国购买了大炮和弹药;波兰急于建立自己的防御体系。 6park.com

The global appetite has risen as a result of the war. South Korea signed its largest military-export deal last year, to supply tanks and jet fighters to Poland, enabling Warsaw to replace many of the weapons it has sent to Kyiv. Poland has also bought artillery and ammunition from South Korea as it rushes to build up its defenses.


布鲁塞尔管理学院(Brussels School of Governance)研究北韩半岛问题的讲座KF-VUB Korea Chair的主理人Ramon Pacheco Pardo表示,许多欧洲国家正转向韩国购买军火,因为韩国能比其他盟友更快地提供武器。在冷战结束后,欧洲的军事强国开始减少大规模生产如坦克和大炮等常规武器的能力。而与此同时,由于面临朝鲜的威胁,韩国的国防工业一直在加强自身能力。韩国的防务公司多年来已在海外建立武器生产厂,现在它们已经拥有可快速交付产品的生产线。 6park.com

Many European countries are turning to South Korea because it can deliver the weapons faster than other allies, said Ramon Pacheco Pardo, the KF-VUB Korea chair at the Brussels School of Governance. At the end of the Cold War, military powers in Europe began reducing their capacity to mass produce conventional weapons such as tanks and artillery. South Korea’s defense industry, meanwhile, has been ramping up its capacity because of the threat from North Korea. Its defense companies have been setting up overseas manufacturing facilities for years, and they now have established production lines with quick turnaround times. 6park.com

“北约国家之间历来有武器贸易,但目前而言,德国或英国这样的国家出口武器可能要等上好几年时间,这就给韩国带来了商机,”Pacheco Pardo说。“援助乌克兰的武器不是明年才需要,现在就要。” 6park.com

“NATO countries historically trade weapons amongst themselves, but currently it could take several years for countries like Germany or the U.K. to export weapons, which is where South Korea comes in,” Mr. Pacheco Pardo said. “To aid Ukraine the weapons are not needed next year, they’re needed now.” 6park.com

去年,美国达成了一项从韩国采购炮弹的秘密协议,这些炮弹将被运往乌克兰。根据该协议,韩国将向美国出售10万发155毫米口径的火炮弹药,然后美国将把这些弹药运送到乌克兰。 6park.com

Last year, the U.S. struck a confidential deal to purchase artillery shells from South Korea that were destined for Ukraine. Under the deal, Seoul would sell 100,000 rounds of 155 mm artillery ammunition to the U.S., which would then deliver it to Ukraine. 6park.com

韩国在向美国及其盟友提供武器方面发挥的作用并没有逃过俄罗斯的视线。去年10月,俄罗斯总统普京(Vladimir Putin)指责韩国向乌克兰运送武器和弹药,警告称这将破坏莫斯科和首尔方面的关系。尹锡悦否认韩国做过这些事。 6park.com

South Korea’s role in supplying the U.S. and its allies hasn’t gone unnoticed by Russia. In October, President Vladimir Putin accused South Korea of sending arms and ammunition to Ukraine, warning it would ruin relations between Moscow and Seoul. Mr. Yoon denied that the country had done so. 6park.com


自乌克兰战争开打以来,韩国试图在与俄罗斯的关系方面达成微妙平衡,努力避免和俄罗斯对立。韩国进口的原油中有大约四分之一来自俄罗斯,而且俄罗斯对朝鲜有重要影响力。美国指责朝鲜向俄罗斯提供武器,协助俄军作战。平壤方面对此否认。 6park.com

South Korea has tried to strike a delicate balance with Russia since the war in Ukraine began, in an effort to avoid antagonizing a country that provides about a quarter of its crude oil imports and holds significant sway with North Korea. The U.S. has accused North Korea of supplying weapons to aid the Russian war effort, which Pyongyang has denied. 6park.com

去年3月份,在韩国迫于美国的压力加入对俄国际制裁后,俄罗斯将韩国列为不友好国家。这些制裁措施实施后,截至去年11月,韩国从俄罗斯进口的包括原油和成品油在内的产品同比下降约10%。俄罗斯尚未公开寻求报复韩国,但上个月俄罗斯国家杜马主席警告称,向乌克兰提供重型武器的国家将招致报复。 6park.com

Last March, after Seoul—under pressure from Washington—joined the international sanctions against Moscow, Russia designated South Korea an unfriendly nation. As a result of the sanctions enforcement, imports from Russia, including crude petroleum and refined petroleum products, were down about 10% from a year earlier as of November. Russia hasn’t publicly sought retribution against South Korea, but last month the speaker of Russia’s Parliament warned that countries supplying Ukraine with more-powerful weapons would trigger retaliation. 6park.com

对韩国武器的需求并不限于欧洲和美国。上个月,尹锡悦出访阿联酋,两国的武器采购机构在当地达成一项协议,将联合投资两国武器工业。去年,韩国达成了一项价值35亿美元的交易,向阿联酋出售韩国的 “天弓”-2(Cheongung II)地空导弹防御系统。该系统可用于拦截敌方飞机和弹道导弹。 6park.com

The demand for South Korean arms extends beyond Europe and the U.S. Last month Mr. Yoon traveled to the United Arab Emirates, where the two countries’ arms-procurement agencies reached an agreement to make joint investments in their arms industries. South Korea reached a $3.5 billion deal last year to sell its surface-to-air missile-defense system, called Cheongung II, to the U.A.E. The system is designed to intercept enemy aircraft and ballistic missiles. 6park.com

对印尼、澳大利亚和埃及等国的大规模军售让韩国得以不断扩大在全球国防工业中的影响力。印尼采购了装甲车和喷气式战斗机,埃及购买了数以百计的自行榴弹炮来升级其火炮系统。澳大利亚在2021年购买了榴弹炮和弹药补给车。 6park.com

Seoul’s presence in the global defense industry has been expanding on the back of massive arms sales to countries such as Indonesia, Australia and Egypt. Indonesia has purchased armored vehicles and jet fighters, while Egypt has bought hundreds of self-propelled howitzers to update its artillery systems. Australia purchased howitzers and ammunition-resupply vehicles in 2021.


韩国在这方面的一个优势源于其保持军事戒备状态。武器分析人士表示,由于韩国一直在大规模制造武器,单位生产成本低于许多其他国家,而且韩国经常进行使用炮弹和弹药的军事演习,因此会定期补充库存。 6park.com

South Korea’s constant state of military readiness has given it an edge. Because the country consistently mass produces weapons, the unit cost of production is cheaper than in many other countries, and because it conducts frequent military exercises involving shells and ammunition, its stockpile is regularly refilled, weapons analysts say. 6park.com

韩国退役将军、首尔韩国国家战略研究院(Korea Research Institute for National Strategy)现任负责人Moon Seong-mook表示:“不断的军事演习证实了韩国武器的质量,同时韩国武器售价相对较低。” 6park.com

“Constant military exercises have verified the quality of South Korea’s weapons while the prices are comparatively lower,” said Moon Seong-mook, a former general in South Korea’s military who now heads the Seoul-based Korea Research Institute for National Strategy. 6park.com


在美国于20世纪90年代初减少驻军之后,韩国加大了对本国武器系统的投资。根据与前苏联达成的一项裁军协议,美国按照一项将其在朝鲜半岛的角色从主导转向辅助的计划,撤出了数以千计的部队,并撤走了战术核武器。 6park.com

South Korea stepped up investments in its own weapons systems after the U.S. reduced its military presence in the early 1990s. Under a plan to shift from a leading to supporting role on the Korean Peninsula, the U.S. withdrew thousands of troops and withdrew its tactical nuclear weapons under a disarmament deal with the Soviet Union. 6park.com

军工行业的专家说,韩国制造的武器和设备大部分与美国装备兼容,一定程度上是因为美国传授的技术诀窍,也是因为这两个盟友希望在与朝鲜发生冲突时并肩作战。 6park.com

South Korea has largely built weapons and equipment to be compatible with U.S. gear, partially because of the technological know-how imparted by the U.S. and because the allies expect to fight side-by-side in any potential conflict with North Korea, defense industry experts said.


韩国的军工业不仅在产能上实现了增长,性能上也得到了提高。韩国研制的本土KF-21喷气式战斗机上个月首次实现了超音速;预计该战斗机将取代韩国老化的机队。韩国军方去年成功试射了潜艇发射的弹道导弹,成为世界上第七个拥有这种技术的国家。 6park.com

South Korea’s arms industry has grown not only in capacity but also in capability. The homegrown KF-21 jet fighter, expected to replace the country’s aging fleet, achieved supersonic speeds for the first time last month. The military successfully test-fired submarine-launched ballistic missiles last year, becoming the world’s seventh country with the technology. 6park.com

Hanwha Aerospace Co.将向波兰提供坦克、榴弹炮和喷气式战斗机;该公司与波兰签署了韩国有史以来最大的武器销售协议,这笔交易改善了韩国军工业的出口前景。由于Hanwha向澳大利亚出口K-9榴弹炮的交易,韩国2021年的年度武器出口额猛增至70亿美元以上;2010年至2020年期间,韩国的年度武器出口额徘徊在30亿美元左右。该公司现在计划在波兰建立一个分支机构,以扩大对欧洲的军工产品出口。 6park.com

Hanwha Aerospace Co., which signed the deal with Poland for South Korea’s biggest-ever arms sale, will supply Warsaw with tanks, howitzers and jet fighters. The deal has brightened export prospects for the industry. After hovering around $3 billion between 2010 and 2020, South Korea’s annual arms exports surged past $7 billion in 2021, owing to Hanwha’s deal to export K-9 howitzers to Australia. The company now plans to establish a branch in Poland to expand defense exports to Europe. 6park.com

首尔智库首尔峨山政策研究院(Asan Institute for Policy Studies)的军事专家Yang Uk称:“韩国军工企业势必将从海外需求中获得明显增长,尤其是在乌克兰战争延长的情况下。” 6park.com

“South Korea’s defense companies are set to see significant growth from overseas demand, especially as the war in Ukraine prolongs,” said Yang Uk, a military expert at Asan Institute for Policy Studies, a think tank in Seoul. 6park.com

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