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送交者: icemessenger[♂☆★★★SuperMod★★★☆♂] 于 2023-02-03 6:08 已读 2076 次 1 赞  


2月2日上午,胡鑫宇事件新闻发布会在江西铅山县召开。 6park.com


胡鑫宇事件发布会 图源:央视新闻

2022年9月到致远中学就读后,因学习成绩不佳造成心理落差,加之人际关系、青春期冲动带来的压力,造成了胡某宇失踪前心理状态失衡,表现为入睡困难、早醒、醒后难以再入睡等睡眠问题,存在注意力难以集中、记忆困难等认知功能障碍,存在内疚自责、痛苦无力无助无望感、无意义感等情绪问题,进食出现异常,有明确的厌世表现和轻生倾向。 6park.com

Hu Xinyu, a fifteen-year-old high school student in Shangrao, Jiangxi province, ended his life after suffering for years from mental health problems due to bad grades, social issues and stress from puberty.

▪ puberty /ˈpjuːbəti/:青春期

He had difficulty sleeping, often woke up early, suffered from memory loss and suffered emotional problems such as feelings of guilt, pain and helplessness, local police said, adding that he had shown clear signals of suffering from mental health issues. 6park.com



100多天来,胡鑫宇事件一直牵动着我们的心,而如今整起事件真相大白,也让我们在悲痛之余不禁唏嘘——青少年的心理健康问题不容小视,及时帮助青少年处理和调适心理危机,是家长和学校乃至整个社会都义不容辞的职责所在。 6park.com

The incident captivated the country and had many people calling for improvement in students’ psychological education. 6park.com

类似的悲剧并不在少数,近年来,中小学生心理问题呈上升趋势,自杀、自残等悲剧时有出现。 6park.com

Tragic incidents of students with severe mental health problems taking their own lives are not uncommon. 6park.com

2021年四川成都第四十九中16岁学生小林从教学楼高空坠落。警方通过调取小林生前使用过的手机数据发现,小林和好友在QQ聊天中写道“天天想着四十九中楼,一跃解千愁”,他用QQ号转发给朋友的聊天记录中有自我贬低的言论,表现出自我否定、多虑的情况。 6park.com

In 2021, a 16-year-old high school student in Chengdu, Sichuan province, ended his life by jumping off a school building. He also had expressed suicidal thoughts.


可以说,心理健康问题是导致胡鑫宇选择自杀的重要原因,可遗憾的是,无论是学校,还是家庭,都忽视了他的心理健康问题,没有采取有针对性的疏导、救治措施。 6park.com

如果学校和家庭关注每个学生的身心健康,那么,相关问题就会及时被发现,并采取有效措施进行干预,避免学生走极端。 6park.com

此案给学校教育与家庭教育的教训是,不能再忽视学生的心理健康问题,要把学生的身心健康放在第一位。 6park.com

我国高度重视重视中小学健康教育工作。2021年7月,教育部办公厅印发《关于加强学生心理健康管理工作的通知》要求,每所中小学至少要配备1名专职心理健康教育教师,县级教研机构要配备心理教研员。 6park.com

通知强调,县级教育部门要设立或依托相关专业机构,牵头负责组织区域内中小学开展心理健康测评工作,每年面向小学高年级、初中、高中开展一次心理健康测评,指导学校科学运用学生心理健康测评结果,推动建立“一生一策”的心理成长档案。 6park.com

2021年,教育部对政协《关于进一步落实青少年抑郁症防治措施的提案》进行答复时明确将抑郁症筛查纳入学生健康体检内容,建立学生心理健康档案,评估学生心理健康状况,对测评结果异常的学生给予重点关注。 6park.com

In order to improve students' mental health and prevent such incidents, the Ministry of Education said it would include screening for depression in students' regular health checks.  6park.com

The ministry also requires primary school students in higher grades, middle and high school students to undergo an annual psychological evaluation and has asked all primary and secondary schools to have at least one full-time psychology teacher.


北京航空航天大学积极心理教育研究中心的副主任李卫华表示,由于生理高速发展,再加上体内激素水平的变化,青春期孩子的情绪呈现不稳定的状况,容易出现冲动的行为。而且青春期孩子的行动能力很强,容易将冲动的情绪付诸实践,造成悲剧。 6park.com

与此同时,青春期的孩子自主意识快速增长,想要按照自己的意识生活、做自己的事,因而容易和家庭、学校、社会产生矛盾,李卫华谈到。 6park.com

Li Weihua, a teacher at the Positive Psychological Experience Center at Beihang University, said it is easy for teenage students who are undergoing rapid physical development and hormone changes to have unstable and impulsive emotions. 6park.com

They are also physically mature enough to commit dangerous behaviors. They have developed independent thinking, so they want to act based on their own will and it is easy for them to have conflicts in their home and at school, he said. 6park.com

他表示,由于老师通常要关注几十个学生,所以父母和家庭在青少年心理健康中扮演了至关重要的角色。需要尊重孩子的需求,给孩子提供情绪的出口,帮助他们找到朋友和自己的社群。 6park.com

Parents need to pay more attention to their adolescent children as teachers may find it hard to give the desired attention to a single student with a classroom of dozens of students, he said. "They need to respect their children, help them to find ways to release their emotions, make friends, and find their own community," he said.


与此同时,父母也要更多地了解孩子正在从事的活动,比如正在玩的游戏,想办法和孩子建立信任。要做到这点并不容易,因为很多青少年的孩子并不想和父母交流,甚至变成了“黑盒子”,这也就需要父母有更多的耐心,李卫华指出。 6park.com

李卫华强调建立一个多元的评价标准也非常重要,由此来发现学生不一样的闪光点。 6park.com

"More importantly, parents should get to know the things their teenage children are interested in, such as their favorite video games, these things will help to build trust with their children, as they often become a 'black box' and are reluctant to talk to their parents," Li said. 6park.com

A diverse evaluation standard is needed so that students with different abilities can have their opportunity to shine, he added.


湖北省黄冈市浠水县第一中学专职心理教育老师孙方表示,虽然近几年在学生心理健康教育方面重视程度有所提高,但中小学心理健康教育教师的配备情况却不容乐观。 6park.com

她的学校有3000多名学生,但是只有两位心理教育老师,而在浠水县的七所公立高中和中专学校中,配备了心理老师的学校只有三所。 6park.com

Sun Fang, a psychology teacher and counselor at Xishui County No 1 High School in Huanggang, Hubei province, said although there has been progress made in recent years, there is still a lack of psychology teachers at high schools. 6park.com

Her school has more than 3,000 students and there are only two psychology teachers, and only three out of seven high schools and secondary vocational schools in the county are equipped with such teachers, she said.


孙方强调,虽然大多数青春期的学生都会经历情绪的“暴风骤雨”,但是从小养成了良好心理品质的学生,以及有比较好的情绪支撑系统的学生发生心理危机的比例是很低的。 6park.com

“近几年由于新冠疫情的影响,学生发生心理问题的比例有所提高,而且这些心理问题的严重程度、危机程度和需要就医孩子的比例也都在上升。”孙方表示。 6park.com

孙方认为,长期的线上上课对学生的人际互动能力和自我管理能力都有影响,而且青春期的孩子的亲子关系本来就紧张,长期和父母共处一室更容易激发家庭矛盾,对有些孩子来说,父母和家庭本身就是心理问题发生的导火索。 6park.com

However, after three years of COVID-19 epidemics and learning online, the percentage of students with mental health problems has increased, she said. 6park.com

Taking classes online has affected students' interpersonal skills and self-management skills. Moreover, spending too much time with their parents at home has only strained parent-child relationships further, Sun said. 6park.com

“有些父母对抑郁症的孩子并不理解,轻视孩子的心理健康问题,觉得小孩子在矫情,好好读书才是最重要的。父母不能只盯着成绩,更要关注孩子的情绪。”孙方表示。 6park.com


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