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送交者: icemessenger[♂☆★★★SuperMod★★★☆♂] 于 2023-03-17 19:40 已读 1896 次 1 赞  


据福克斯新闻台当地时间13日报道,美国南达科他州的州长克里斯蒂·诺姆受访时声称中国收购土地给美国国家安全带来威胁,必须加以阻止。 6park.com

随后,她一本正经说道:“中国有一个2000年灭美计划。” 6park.com

South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem of the Republican Party told Fox News on Monday that "China has a 2,000-year plan to destroy this country".


她先和福克斯新闻网的主持人一唱一和地炒作着中国威胁论,说不能允许中国在美国购置任何土地或房产,各州应严肃对待此事。 6park.com

Noam said in the interview that China cannot be allowed to buy any land or real estate in the United States and that states should take the matter seriously. 6park.com

随后,她抛出惊人言论:“中国有一个长达2000年的计划,来摧毁这个国家(美国)。他们下定决心,并采取一切手段这样做。” 6park.com

她得出结论称,“这就是为什么我们现在要警醒起来。” 6park.com

Noam then said: "China has a 2,000-year plan to destroy this country (the United States). They are determined and will do so by all means. "That's why it's important that we're awake now." 6park.com

诺姆的这番言论很快引起了美国和中国两国网民的集体吐槽。 6park.com

毕竟,按照她的说法来算的话,中国早在汉朝——同时西方还处在罗马帝国时期的时候,就已经在盘算着毁灭美国了。 6park.com

The quote has gone viral and many people have been giving the governor lessons in history. Some have written under the comments section of platforms where the news was shared that 2,000 years ago, China was ruled by the Western Han Dynasty (206 BC-AD 24), the Roman Empire was still around, but neither of them had any idea about the existence of the United States of America as Christopher Columbus or Amerigo Vespucci had still not "discovered" the Americas.  6park.com

就算诺姆缺乏一定的世界历史知识,作为南达科他州大学的高材生,她也应该知道美国的历史也才不到247年。所以,确定中国2000年前想要灭的是美国? 6park.com

Even if Governor Noem is ignorant about world history, with a degree from South Dakota University she should at least know that her country didn't even exist 247 years ago. So who was China planning to destroy for 2,000 years? 6park.com







比她这番言论更离谱的,是这样无知的人可以被选为州长。 6park.com

诺姆在采访中大谈南达科他州是反华的急先锋,可见她能胜选与其坚定的反华立场不无关系。 6park.com

More absurd than her observation is the fact that the voters elected her governor to serve them despite her level of ignorance. Her saying in the same interview that South Dakota will be in the front line against China shows she is a China-hater and that's essentially how she got elected, by first turning people against China and then cashing in. 6park.com

这也正折射出美国政坛扭曲的现状。胜选不靠能力,而靠立场。 6park.com

炒作“中国威胁论”、制造假想敌,美国政客就这样毁了双边关系,更是在美国政坛搭建起了一个戏台,只要骂中国,就能粉墨登场。 6park.com

That's a problem with politics in the US. People there get elected not because of their abilities, but because of their anti-China standing. 6park.com

By hyping up the "China threat theory" and creating an imaginary enemy, politicians in the US have not only ruined bilateral relations but also created a theater where only China-bashers can survive.

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