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送交者: icemessenger[♂☆★★★SuperMod★★★☆♂] 于 2023-03-30 19:41 已读 1684 次  




Big Tech companies have been slashing staff from teams dedicated to evaluating ethical issues around deploying artificial intelligence, leading to concerns about the safety of the new technology as it becomes widely adopted across consumer products. 6park.com

大型科技公司一直在裁剪专门评估部署人工智能相关伦理问题的团队成员,这导致人们对这项新技术的安全性感到担忧,因为它已被广泛应用于消费产品。 6park.com

Microsoft, Meta, Google, Amazon and Twitter are among the companies that have cut members of their “responsible AI teams”, who advise on the safety of consumer products that use artificial intelligence. 6park.com

微软(Microsoft)、Meta、谷歌(Google)、亚马逊(Amazon)和Twitter等公司都削减了“负责任的人工智能团队”(负责为使用人工智能的消费产品提供安全建议)的成员。 6park.com

The numbers of staff affected remain in the dozens and represent a small fraction of the tens of thousands of tech workers eliminated in response to a broader industry downturn. 6park.com

受影响的员工人数仍有几十人,但在为应对更广泛的行业低迷而被裁员的数万名科技员工中,这只是一小部分。 6park.com

——本文2023年3月29日发布于FT中文网,英文原题为Big Tech companies cut AI ethics staffers raising safety concerns



Germany’s antitrust watchdog has launched a probe into Microsoft to assess its power in the market, in a move that could presage a regulatory crackdown against the US tech giant. 6park.com

德国反垄断监管机构已对微软(Microsoft)展开调查,以评估其在市场上的影响力。此举可能预示着这家美国科技巨头将受到监管机构的打击。 6park.com

The federal cartel office, or Bundeskartellamt, on Tuesday said it would examine whether Microsoft should be designated of “paramount significance for competition across markets”.  6park.com

德国联邦卡特尔局(Bundeskartellamt)周二表示,将研究微软是否应被认定为“对市场竞争具有至关重要的意义”。 6park.com

The action is being launched under Section 19a of the German Competition Act, a law that places Berlin at the vanguard of European attempts to restrict the power of Big Tech. 6park.com

这项行动是根据《德国竞争法》(German Competition Act)第19a条发起的。该法律使德国处于欧洲限制科技巨头权力的领先地位。 6park.com

——本文2023年3月29日发布于FT中文网,英文原题为German antitrust watchdog probes Microsoft’s market power



Tesla’s move to slash prices in China has backfired as Elon Musk’s company loses market share to Warren Buffett-backed BYD, putting Chinese carmakers on track to sell more passenger vehicles than their foreign rivals for the first time in 2023. 6park.com

特斯拉(Tesla)在中国大减价的做法产生了反效果,埃隆•马斯克(Elon Musk)的这家公司反而被沃伦•巴菲特(Warren Buffett)投资的比亚迪(BYD)夺走了市场份额。中国汽车制造商2023年的乘用车销量有望首次超过外国竞争对手。 6park.com

Tesla last year started cutting prices on its cars in a bid to reclaim lost ground in the cut-throat Chinese market, sparking a price war in the country that has hit European, Japanese and other US carmakers. 6park.com

特斯拉去年开始下调在华汽车售价,希望在这个竞争激烈的市场收复失地,此举在中国引发了价格战,欧洲、日本车企以及特斯拉以外的其他美国车企都受到了波及。 6park.com

Chinese consumers responded by favouring cheaper, newer models by BYD. In the first two months of the year, the Shenzhen-based group sold more than five times the number of units that Tesla did in China. 6park.com

面对价格战,中国消费者青睐比亚迪生产的价位更低廉、更新款的车型。今年头两个月,这家总部位于深圳的集团在国内销售的车辆是特斯拉在华销量的5倍多。 6park.com

——本文2023年3月29日发布于FT中文网,英文原题为Tesla’s price war in China backfires as BYD sales surge



Benjamin Netanyahu’s attempt to overhaul Israel’s judicial system has triggered a backlash among some of the country’s most ardent supporters in the US, straining support that has been at the core of its security strategy for decades. 6park.com

本雅明•内塔尼亚胡(Benjamin Netanyahu)改革以色列司法体系的尝试,在美国一些最狂热的以色列支持者中引发反弹,使数十年来作为其安全战略核心的支持变得紧张。 6park.com

The recent criticism is remarkable in that it is coming from a politically diverse group of American Jews that has for the most part been steadfast in its defence of Israel, even as the country faced mounting condemnation of its treatment of Palestinians. What has shaken the Jewish community in the US so much this time round is the sense that Netanyahu is trying to undermine Israel’s democratic institutions. 6park.com

最近的批评是不同寻常的,因为它来自一个政治上多元化的美国犹太人群体,他们在大多数情况下坚定地捍卫以色列,即使该国因其对待巴勒斯坦人的方式而面临越来越多的谴责。这一次,让美国犹太人如此震惊的是,内塔尼亚胡试图破坏以色列的民主制度。 6park.com

“We love Israel but we’re not going to watch as Israel’s democratic foundations are weakened, if not undermined,” said Rabbi Rick Jacobs, president of the Union for Reform Judaism, who described recent events as a “key inflection point”. 6park.com

Union for Reform Judaism主席拉比•里克•雅各布斯(Rabbi Rick Jacobs)表示:“我们热爱以色列,但我们不会眼看着以色列的民主基础被削弱,如果不是被破坏的话。”他将最近的事件描述为一个“关键的拐点”。 6park.com

——本文2023年3月29日发布于FT中文网,英文原题为Benjamin Netanyahu reforms trigger backlash in US from ardent Israel supporters

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