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送交者: icemessenger[♂☆★★★SuperMod★★★☆♂] 于 2023-03-31 3:37 已读 1739 次 1 赞  


Huawei’s Meng Wanzhou Steps Closer to U.S.-China Tech-War Front Line as Chairwoman



华为技术有限公司(Huawei Technologies Co.)首席财务官孟晚舟将成为这家通讯设备公司的当值轮值董事长,目前华为是中国摆脱对美国关键技术依赖努力的排头兵。18个月前,她曾是中美科技较量加剧的象征,并因此备受关注。 6park.com

Eighteen months ago, she was a high-profile symbol of a bigger tech battle between China and the U.S. Now, she is set to take the helm of a Chinese telecommunications company at the leading edge of the country’s push to break free from dependence on America for key technologies. 6park.com

周五在中国深圳总部公布华为年度业绩后,孟晚舟将出任该公司当值轮值董事长,任期六个月。 6park.com

Meng Wanzhou, chief financial officer at Huawei Technologies Co., is set to begin a six-month rotation as company chairwoman after presenting annual results on Friday in Shenzhen, China. 6park.com

回国后孟晚舟地位不断上升,标志着这位华为高管的命运出现反转。她曾在温哥华度过了近三年的时间,就美国的相关引渡要求进行抗争,美国的这一要求是基于对她的欺诈指控,这一指控与华为涉嫌违反美国对伊朗制裁规定有关。最终,经过中加之间一场利害攸关的换囚操作,孟晚舟获释回国。 6park.com

Her rising stature since her return in a high-stakes prisoner swap with Canada marks a turnaround in fortunes for the executive, who spent nearly three years in Vancouver fighting extradition to the U.S. on fraud charges linked to allegations Huawei violated sanctions imposed by Washington on Iran. 6park.com

孟晚舟掌舵华为之际,这家公司在经历美国多年来的种种限制之后,正加紧取代外国技术、拓展新业务线并发展自己的供应链。如今,孟晚舟已被视为民族英雄,在国内民族主义情绪升温和美国设法制衡中国崛起的大背景下,她已经成为中国确立关键技术优势长期雄心的一位不可多得的代表性人物。 6park.com

Her elevation places her in the driver’s seat as the company presses to replace foreign technology, expand into new business lines and develop its own supply chains after years of U.S. restrictions. Now a national hero, Ms. Meng is a rare face of China’s long-term ambitions to establish supremacy in critical technologies amid rising nationalism at home and a U.S. that is working to check its rise. 6park.com

2021年末回到中国后,孟晚舟仍负责管理华为的财务,在公司内部动员大会上发表演讲,并代表华为参加中国各地的活动。 6park.com

After returning to China in late 2021, Ms. Meng is back to running the company’s finances, giving speeches at in-house pep rallies and serving as Huawei’s ambassador to events across China. 6park.com


今年2月在华为一个中国园区举行的一场表彰大会中,孟晚舟与其他五名华为高管在一个装饰着水晶吊灯的宴会厅内一同亮相,其中包括她的父亲、华为首席执行官任正非。当时一些身穿军装的男子在舞台上举旗走正步,坐在台下的华为员工不时高喊口号。 6park.com

At a February ceremony in a chandeliered ballroom at a Huawei campus in China, Ms. Meng appeared alongside five other top Huawei executives, including her father and Huawei chief executive, Ren Zhengfei. Men dressed in military uniforms goose-stepped on stage as watching Huawei employees chanted slogans.


孟晚舟就华为员工在不依靠西方技术的情况下开发新工具的工作表示了感谢,她说华为的研发实践“犹如一颗颗珍珠”。 6park.com

Ms. Meng thanked Huawei employees for their work developing new tools free of Western technology, saying the company’s R&D efforts “are like pearls.” 6park.com

孟晚舟说:“如今,公司通过流水线的串联,绽放出璀璨的光芒。” 6park.com

By threading them together, “the company is shining brightly,” she said. 6park.com

任正非2月份时表示,华为在过去三年里替换了13,000多个外国零部件和4,000多块电路板。不过,该公司现有4G智能手机设备和其他一些消费电子产品仍离不开美国芯片公司。 6park.com

Huawei has replaced more than 13,000 foreign parts and more than 4,000 circuit boards in the past three years, Mr. Ren said in February. The company still relies on U.S. chip companies for its remaining lineup of 4G smartphones and other consumer gadgets. 6park.com

随着在国内知名度的提高,孟晚舟的全球角色逐渐淡化:她不再穿梭于世界各地,去会见国家元首和远在各方的华为客户。现年78岁的任正非仍是华为最有权势的人物,也是这家未上市公司内部唯一拥有否决权的人。 6park.com

As Ms. Meng’s profile has risen at home, her global role has diminished: She no longer crisscrosses the world to meet heads of state and far-flung Huawei customers. Mr. Ren, 78 years old, remains the company’s most powerful figure, and the only one who wields veto power inside the privately held company. 6park.com

任正非已提醒说,华为仍在为生存而战。华为一度占据主导地位的智能手机业务已大幅缩减,如果拜登政府继续推进其正在权衡的进一步技术限制,包括撤销美国公司向华为销售产品的许可证,那么华为进军新业务领域的努力将变得更加紧迫。 6park.com

Mr. Ren has warned that Huawei is still in a fight for survival. Its once-dominant smartphone business heavily diminished, Huawei’s efforts to push into new business ventures will grow in urgency if the Biden administration presses ahead with further technology restrictions it is weighing, which include revoking licenses held by U.S. companies to sell to the company. 6park.com


曾与孟晚舟共事的华为前美国高管Bill Plummer称,虽然任正非曾坚持称,不会让子女接管他35年前创立的华为,但孟晚舟的晋升显然让她有机会成为其父亲的接班人。 6park.com

Ms. Meng’s elevation places her clearly in line to take over the reins from her father, despite Mr. Ren’s once insisting that his children could never run the company that he founded 35 years ago, said Bill Plummer, a former Huawei executive in the U.S. who has worked with Ms. Meng 6park.com

他说,吊诡的是,她被软禁的三年实际上起到了帮助作用。 6park.com

“Strangely, her three years of house arrest actually helped,” he said. 6park.com

华为的一位发言人表示,孟晚舟将当值轮值董事长,为期半年。另外两名华为高管与孟晚舟共同担任轮值董事长一职。 6park.com

A Huawei spokeswoman said Ms. Meng will rotate into the chairwoman position for a half year. Two other senior Huawei executives also share the rotating chairman position with Ms. Meng. 6park.com

2018年12月,孟晚舟在前往南美的全球商务旅行中,在温哥华中途停留时被加拿大当局逮捕。她当时遭美国通缉,与华为被指非法向伊朗出售电信设备有关。美国长期以来一直将华为视为安全威胁,因为担心中国政府可能利用该公司电信设备对西方国家进行间谍活动,华为对此予以否认。 6park.com

Ms. Meng was arrested in December 2018 by Canadian authorities during a stopover in Vancouver while on a world-crossing business trip en route to South America. She was wanted by the U.S. on bank fraud charges linked to allegations that Huawei was illegally selling telecom equipment to Iran. The U.S. has long regarded Huawei as a security threat because of fears that the Chinese government could use its telecom equipment to spy on the West, which Huawei has denied. 6park.com

孟晚舟被捕后,两名加拿大人随后在中国被拘,这被普遍认为是报复行为,引发了一场三方外交对峙。直到2021年9月,这场对峙以堪称冷战以来最引人注目的囚犯交换结束。孟晚舟同意承认不当行为,以换取美国撤销指控。美国去年12月撤销了这些指控。 6park.com

Her arrest—and the subsequent detention of two Canadians in China in an act widely seen as retaliation—touched off a three-way diplomatic standoff that concluded in September 2021 with arguably the highest profile prisoner swap since the Cold War. Ms. Meng agreed to admit wrongdoing in exchange for the U.S. dismissing the charges, which it did in December last year.


尽管华为曾经向美国官员示好,并希望有一天能在美国赢得巨额合同,但现在华为实际上已被美国和其他西方大国的市场拒之门外。华为收入持续多年的稳定增长在2021年中断,该公司发布财报显示,2021年销售额下降29%。 6park.com

Though Huawei once courted U.S. officials and hoped of one day winning big contracts there, it is now effectively shut out of the market and those of other big Western countries. Its steady, yearslong climb in revenue came to a halt in 2021, when the company reported a 29% drop in sales. 6park.com

华为现任轮值董事长(任期六个月)徐直军(Eric Xu)去年年底表示,2022年收入已经企稳,华为正退出战时状态。 6park.com

Huawei’s current six-month chairman, Eric Xu, said at the end of last year that 2022 revenue had stabilized and the company was exiting “crisis mode.” 6park.com

最近几个月,孟晚舟在中国各地的行业活动中频频亮相,包括去年12月中国移动有限公司(China Mobile Ltd., 0941.HK)举行的全球合作伙伴大会,以及去年11月在上海举办的中国国际进口博览会(China International Import Expo)。 6park.com

Ms. Meng has made appearances at industry events across China in recent months, including at a conference for partners of the telecom company China Mobile Ltd. in December, and at the China International Import Expo in Shanghai in November. 6park.com

去年9月,孟晚舟在她和父亲的母校都匀一中发表了演讲。都匀是一座带有乡村气息的小城,位于中国西南部的多山省份贵州。根据学校社交媒体账户上发布的演讲稿,孟晚舟当时回顾了她早年在华为财务部门的工作,称她和其他簿记员每个月都要将公司的单据手工装订成册。 6park.com

In September, Ms. Meng gave a speech at the high school that both she and her father attended in Duyun, a rural town in southwest China’s mountainous Guizhou province. She recalled her early days in Huawei’s finance department, where she said she and other bookkeepers bound the company’s financial records by hand each month, according to a copy of the speech posted on a school social-media account. 6park.com

孟晚舟表示,华为遭遇了前所未有的挑战,该公司已经在设法吸引世界级的人才,以克服美国对华为获取外国技术的限制。 6park.com

She said that Huawei faced unprecedented challenges and has been working to attract world-class talent to overcome U.S. restrictions on the company’s access to foreign technology. 6park.com

孟晚舟表示,这种脚踏实地的奋斗精神永不过时。 6park.com

“This down-to-earth fighting spirit will never go out of style,” she said. 6park.com

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