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送交者: icemessenger[♂☆★★★SuperMod★★★☆♂] 于 2023-03-31 6:58 已读 1774 次 1 赞  


最近,有关各种大熊猫的新闻刷屏,让网友们了解到有关国宝生活起居的方方面面。不少网友也对照顾大熊猫的工作很感兴趣,踊跃投递简历,然而这份工作可不是轻轻松松就可以胜任的。 6park.com

The difficulties around raising giant pandas in captivity are in the news after a zoo received hundreds of applicants for panda keeper jobs but said it could not find any suitable candidates.


据《现代快报》报道,在江苏常州溧阳,南山竹海熊猫馆这几年每年都在招大熊猫饲养员,简历收了数百份,但录取率为0,这让管理方很是发愁。 6park.com

Nanshan Mountain Bamboo Scenery Zone in eastern China’s Jiangsu province told the Modern Express that recruitment had been a “headache” for years and the zoo could not recruit enough panda caretakers due to a lack of qualifications. 6park.com

Internet users have been buzzing about the panda sanctuary’s recruitment problem, with the news story receiving more than 170 million views on Weibo.

据相关负责人介绍,照顾大熊猫的工作比很多人想象中的要复杂,不仅仅是给大熊猫喂食、陪玩。这项工作对专业、性格、观察力等都有很高的要求。 6park.com

A manager at the tour zone said being a panda keeper is more complex than most people realize and involves much more than feeding and playing with them. He added that the job has high benchmarks for professionalism, personality and observation skills. 6park.com

据《现代快报》报道,溧阳南山竹海景区从四川雅安基地引进了两只大熊猫,由一个 5 人团队负责照顾。不久后,景区为了储备人才,开始公开招聘大熊猫饲养员。今年初,原本稳定的 5 人饲养团队中,有 1 人离职了,所以在各大网络招聘平台发布公告,进一步扩大熊猫饲养员海选范围。


负责人介绍,饲养过程中也有很多细节要求,包括给大熊猫粪便称重,留意大熊猫心情变化,投放竹子要分散直立等等。可能由于门槛过高,很少有应聘者符合要求,目前也没有人成功上岗。 6park.com

“There are many detailed requirements for a keeper during the raising of pandas, such as weighing their faeces, observing the pandas’ moods and distributing bamboo by scattering it around and leaving it in a vertical position,” the manager said, “Perhaps due to the high threshold, we found very few applicants meet our requirements. So far, none of them has been recruited.” 6park.com



负责人介绍,希望饲养员为畜牧专业、畜牧兽医专业,或相关农业学校毕业;要有绝对的耐心和责任心,以及富有爱心,喜欢动物,最好有饲养经验。 6park.com

The manager said they wanted panda keepers with degrees in livestock rearing or veterinary medicine who are patient and responsible. “They must love animals. Having experience raising animals in a zoo is a plus,” said the manager. 6park.com


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