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送交者: icemessenger[♂☆★★★SuperMod★★★☆♂] 于 2023-05-27 3:29 已读 1765 次  


Nvidia: thanks to AI, the chips are up for CEO Jensen Huang

Group’s market cap rise on Thursday was so vast that it is being measured in Intels. 6park.com


With one astronomical forecast, Nvidia has gone from a company best known for gaming chips to one whose role in artificial intelligence could make it into the world’s first trillion-dollar semiconductor stock.  6park.com

一个天文数字般的预测市值,宣告英伟达(Nvidia)从一家以游戏芯片闻名的公司,变成了一家在人工智能领域扮演重要角色的公司。在人工智能领域的这种角色,使英伟达有望成为全球首家市值达万亿美元的半导体公司。 6park.com

The reality of the US chip designer’s last quarter was unimpressive. What is powering the share price is the current quarter. Revenues are expected to double at a critical unit. This sells graphics processing units used to train large-language models needed for generative AI. 6park.com

这家美国芯片设计公司上个季度的表现并不出色。推动股价上涨的是当前季度。一个关键部门的收入预计将翻番。该部门出售的图形处理单元(GPU)用于训练生成式人工智能所需的大型语言模型。 6park.com

That could bring company-wide revenues to $11bn, up more than 60 per cent on last year. The jump in demand does not appear to be a one-off. In the earnings call, Nvidia mentioned that it had procured “substantial” supply for the second half of the year. 6park.com

这可能使整个公司的收入达到110亿美元,较去年增长逾60%。如此的需求激增似乎并非一次性的。在财报电话会议上,英伟达提到它已经为今年下半年采购了“大量”物资。 6park.com

It was already clear that Nvidia was a smart way for investors to capture the mania for generative AI. Companies have not pinned down exactly how much money they can make by applying AI to services. But they need to buy products to train it if they are going to find out. Feedback from bosses combines bewilderment, fear and awe at the possibilities. 6park.com

已经很明显的是,对于投资者来说,英伟达提供了从这股生成式人工智能热中获利的明智途径。企业通过将人工智能应用到服务中能赚多少钱尚不确定。但如果它们想在这条路上探索,就需要购买产品来训练人工智能。企业老板们的反响是复杂的,有困惑、有恐惧、也有对种种可能性的敬畏。 6park.com

It must be bruising to the competition that Nvidia’s market cap rise on Thursday was so vast that it is being measured in Intels (a $193bn increase = roughly 1.7 Intels). Then again, Intel’s attempt to compete in AI chips has been hobbled by its failure to launch anything that can match Nvidia’s H100 chips. 6park.com

英伟达周四的市值涨幅如此之大,以至于可以用英特尔(intel)作计量单位——1930亿美元的涨幅约等于1.7个英特尔——这对英伟达的竞争对手肯定是巨大的打击。但话又说回来,英特尔一直想要参与人工智能芯片领域的竞争,只是它未能推出任何能与英伟达的H100芯片相媲美的产品。 6park.com

The latest share price jump means that Nvidia now trades on 59 times forecast earnings, almost double that of rival Intel. Buying into this requires belief that experiments in AI will herald the start of what one analyst called the fourth Industrial Revolution. 6park.com

最新的股价暴涨意味着英伟达目前的预期市盈率为59倍,几乎是其竞争对手英特尔的两倍。以这样的价格买入,需要你相信人工智能领域的实验性活动预示着一位分析师所说的第四次工业革命的开始。 6park.com

Chief executive Jensen Huang has warned that US-China tensions could seriously damage the US tech sector. Nvidia cannot sell its highest- performing chips to China. But domestic demand makes up for this. 6park.com

首席执行官黄仁勋(Jensen Huang)警告称,美中关系紧张可能严重损害美国科技行业。英伟达不能向中国出售其最高性能的芯片型号。但美国国内需求弥补了这一点。 6park.com

Keeping pace with that demand is one near-term challenge to watch. That includes ensuring smooth supply. The US may be trying to bring chip manufacturing home, but Nvidia relies on Asian manufacturers Samsung and TSMC. 6park.com

能否跟上这种需求的步伐是近期需要关注的一个挑战。这涉及确保供应顺畅。美国或许正试图将芯片制造业迁回国内,但眼下英伟达依赖的是亚洲制造商三星(Samsung)和台积电(TSMC)。 6park.com

Keep in mind that global competitors are racing to make their own chips fit for AI workloads. But for now, Nvidia is not just in the business of selling shovels to gold miners, it is the only shovel seller in town. 6park.com

请记住,全球竞争对手正在竞相制造适合人工智能工作负载的芯片。但就目前而言,英伟达不仅仅一家是向淘金者出售铁锹的公司,它还是镇上唯一的铁锹销售商。 6park.com

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