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送交者: icemessenger[♂☆★★★SuperMod★★★☆♂] 于 2023-06-03 19:01 已读 1610 次 1 赞  


塑料制品的广泛使用给我们带来了诸多便利,但同时也带来了严重的环境问题。近期学术界对塑料污染发出了新的预警,目前塑料污染的严重程度如何?将产生哪些危害? 6park.com

一起来看今天的China Daily精读文章学习一下吧。 6park.com

In a paper titled "A Growing Plastic Smog" published on March 8 in the peer-reviewed research journal Plos One, researchers called on governments around the world to take sweeping action to address the "unprecedented plastic pollution" of the world's oceans. 6park.com

在3月8日发表在同行评议研究期刊《公共科学图书馆·综合》(Plos One)上的一篇题为《日益增长的塑料烟雾》的论文中,研究人员呼吁世界各国政府采取全面行动,解决世界海洋“前所未有的塑料污染”。 6park.com

"In a paper titled 'A Growing Plastic Smog' published on March 8 in the peer-reviewed research journal Plos One",在3月8日发表在同行评议研究期刊《公共科学图书馆·综合》(Plos One)上的一篇题为《日益增长的塑料烟雾》的论文中。 6park.com

句子开头就是in a paper,一个地点状语。后面的titled和published是两个动词的过去分词结构来作后置定语修饰paper,字面意思就是不断增长的塑料的烟雾,也就是越来越严重的塑料的污染问题。 6park.com

这篇文章3月8日发表在学术期刊Plos One上面,Plos是“the public library of science”公共科学图书馆的缩写。 6park.com

学术期刊的发表需要经过同行评审,也就是要请几位同领域的专家审核,通过之后才能发表,也就是文章提到的peer-reviewed。 6park.com

"Researchers called on governments around the world to take sweeping action",研究人员呼吁世界各国政府采取全面行动。

▌call on sb to do sth 6park.com

号召某人做某事 6park.com

例句: 6park.com

One of Kenya's leading churchmen has called on the government to resign. 6park.com

肯尼亚宗教界的一位重要人物已呼吁政府下台。 6park.com

►知识拓展: 6park.com

call for(公开)要求 6park.com

例句: 6park.com

They called for the immediate release of the hostages. 6park.com


▌sweeping [ˈswipɪŋ] 6park.com

adj. 影响广泛的;大范围的;根本性的 6park.com

例句: 6park.com

sweeping reforms/changes 6park.com

全面改革/彻底变化 6park.com

"To address the 'unprecedented plastic pollution' of the world's oceans",解决世界海洋“前所未有的塑料污染”。 6park.com

这句话to do不定式表示目的,address作为动词在这里表示“解决”。

▌unprecedented [ʌnˈpresɪdentɪd] 6park.com

adj. 前所未有的;空前的;没有先例的 6park.com

例句: 6park.com

The situation is unprecedented in modern times. 6park.com

这种情况在现代还没有出现过。 6park.com

►知识拓展: 6park.com

precede [prɪˈsiːd] 6park.com

v. 在……之前发生(或出现) 6park.com

例句: 6park.com

She preceded me in the job. 6park.com

她是我这工作的前任。 6park.com

The plastics break down over time into minute particles that cannot be detected by the naked eye, but find their way into the marine ecosystem and into the seafood humans consume. 6park.com

塑料制品会随着时间的推移分解成裸眼看不见的微粒,进入海洋生态系统,进而进入人类食用的海鲜食品中。 6park.com

“The plastics break down over time into minute particles”,塑料制品会随着时间的推移分解成微粒。

▌break down 分解 6park.com

例句: 6park.com

Over time, the protein in the eggshell breaks down into its constituent amino acids. 6park.com


▌minute [maɪˈnjuːt] 6park.com

adj. 极小的;微小的;细微的 6park.com

例句: 6park.com

The kitchen on the boat is minute. 6park.com

小船上的厨房小极了。 6park.com

Minute在这里修饰的是particle微粒,颗粒,所以塑料就会随着时间分解成微粒。 6park.com

怎样的微粒呢?"That cannot be detected by the naked eye, but find their way into the marine ecosystem and into the seafood humans consume",裸眼看不见的微粒,进入海洋生态系统,进而进入人类食用的海鲜食品中。 6park.com

这里是that引导的定语从句修饰微粒,定语从句的两个谓语部分用but连接。 6park.com

Naked eye,裸眼,不带任何的眼镜或者其他的辅助工具。比如我们常说的裸眼3D,the naked eye 3D。

▌find one's way into 6park.com

找到;到达;设法赶到 6park.com

例句: 6park.com

I found my way into counseling after the grief became too much to bear. 6park.com

在无法忍受这份难过之后,我去咨询了。 6park.com

Humans consume也是省略了引导词的定语从句,是说我们人类会食用的海鲜食品。 6park.com

No one knows for certain what the long-term damage will be to marine life and humans, but the study placed much of the blame on the plastics industry for failing to recycle or design for recyclability. 6park.com

其对海洋生物和对人类的长期危害还无法确定,但是该研究将原因在很大程度上归咎于塑料制品行业回收不力以及设计可回收性不足。 6park.com

"No one knows for certain what the long-term damage will be to marine life and humans",其对海洋生物和对人类的长期危害还无法确定。 6park.com

句子主干“no one knows sth”,主谓宾的结构,宾语是由what所引导的宾语从句充当的what the damage will be。 6park.com

"But the study placed much of the blame on the plastics industry for failing to recycle or design for recyclability",但是该研究将原因在很大程度上归咎于塑料制品行业回收不力以及设计可回收性不足。 6park.com

后面是另外一个并列分句,主语是这项研究,谓语部分涉及到词组“place the blame on sth,归咎于某事”。 6park.com

Fail to do sth,没能够做到某事,这里就是两件事:一件事是回收recycle,而另外一件事就是design for recyclability,为可回收性而进行设计。

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