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送交者: icemessenger[♂☆★★★SuperMod★★★☆♂] 于 2023-06-04 19:14 已读 1721 次 1 赞  


6月3日,第20届香格里拉对话会上,美国防长奥斯汀发表讲话。 6park.com

根据视频画面,在现场互动环节,中方代表、国防大学国家安全学院副教授张弛向奥斯汀提问道:“今天讨论的主题是美国的领导力。但是美国一方面说要支持东盟在该区域的中心地位,另一方面却又建立很多类似AUKUS和QUAD的多边组织。如何保证东盟的中心地位?” 6park.com

"The theme of our plenary session here is US leadership. But how do you play the role of leadership? On the one hand, you claim to support the centrality of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) in the region. On the other hand, the US established multilateral institutions such as QUAD and AUKUS. Is there any contradiction between US-led institutions and the centrality of ASEAN in the region? How can we guarantee ASEAN centrality?" 6park.com



张弛教授的提问一针见血,奥斯汀的回答却躲躲闪闪。 6park.com

他说:“我认为我没有抓住问题的全部要点,但认为你问题的中心在于AUKUS。” 6park.com



AUKUS,是美国、英国、澳大利亚三国于2021年9月成立的地区军事联盟,全称为“美英澳三方安全联盟协议”(the Australia, United Kingdom, and United States Security Partnership)。根据协议,英美帮助澳大利亚建造核潜艇,而这也引起东南亚国家对于核扩散的担忧。 6park.com

AUKUS is a trilateral security pact between Australia, the United Kingdom, and the United States, announced on Sept 15, 2021, for the Indo-Pacific region. The pact involves the US and the UK assisting Australia in acquiring nuclear-powered submarines. 6park.com

QUAD即“四方安全对话”(the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue),成员国包括美国、日本、澳大利亚和印度。对于该组织,我外交部此前指出,中方一贯认为,任何地区合作机制不应针对第三方,或损害第三方利益,搞封闭排他、针对他国的“小圈子”,违背时代潮流,与地区国家的愿望背道而驰,不得人心,注定不会得逞。 6park.com

The Quadrilateral Security Dialogue, or Quad — a strategic security dialogue among Australia, India, Japan and the US — has been serving as a core mechanism in the US' "Indo-Pacific Strategy". 6park.com

"The so-called Quad mechanism is, in nature, a tool to contain and circle China, and preserve America's hegemony," said Zhao Lijian in early 2022, who was then the spokesperson for the Chinese Foreign Ministry. "It's a man-made provocation of confrontation that undermines the international unity and cooperation." 6park.com

值得一提的是,AUKUS和QUAD均由美国主导,且都声称自己致力于维护“印太地区”和平稳定,但成员国中并不包括东盟成员国。 6park.com

事后,张弛在接受采访时直言,自己对奥斯汀的回答并不满意:“他实际上是避重就轻,基本上是绕开了我的问题 ”。

张弛表示,美国一方面宣称自己在亚太地区能够扮演一个领导力的角色,但是另一方面它所推行的是一种排他性的多边主义,不管是“奥库斯”(AUKUS)还是四边机制(QUAD),它都是一个地缘政治上的小圈子,是一个排他性的团团伙伙。在这样的情况之下,它一方面推动这么一种小圈子,另一方面企图去领导整个亚太地区,显然是自相矛盾。 6park.com

In the Asia-Pacific, the US has led the establishment of the Quad with Japan, Australia and India and the AUKUS security alliance with Australia and the UK. And Washington's "Indo-Pacific" Economic Framework for Prosperity excludes three of the 10 ASEAN member states, in a bid to create divisions within ASEAN. It is clear therefore that the US' actions are exacerbating confrontations and increasing the risk of a new Cold War, which could shatter global peace and harm global development, according to Zhang Chi, an associate professor at the National Defense University of China. 6park.com

张弛说:“我们打个简单的比方,就好比如果你要当美国总统,那你就不能仅仅是代表民主党或者是共和党的利益,你就应该代表全体美国人民的利益。那么在亚太地区也是一样。美国想要领导整个亚太地区,怎么能用排他性的多边主义,拉进一帮团团伙伙的小圈子呢?这显然是达不到它所宣称的领导力的目的。” 6park.com


中美防长握手 图源:@CGTN记者团

在“香会”的开幕式欢迎晚宴上,奥斯汀跨过两个座位主动与中国国务委员兼国防部长李尚福握手,引发外界舆论高度关注。奥斯汀在演讲中特别提到此事,称“昨晚的握手是很美好的”,奥斯汀还说,任何时候都愿与中方对话,最好是现在。 6park.com

Based on a video clip posted on Twitter, Chinese State Councilor and Minister of National Defense Li Shangfu and US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin shook hands at the Shangri-La Hotel before the opening dinner, the first time the two have met since Li assumed office. 6park.com


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