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送交者: icemessenger[♂☆★★★SuperMod★★★☆♂] 于 2023-06-05 3:38 已读 1699 次 1 赞  


China Cracks Down on Surge in AI-Driven Fraud



AI在中国人的日常生活中越来越常见,相关诈骗案件也随之激增。 6park.com

Artificial intelligence is making its way into daily Chinese life—including a surge of AI-driven fraud. 6park.com

中国政府监管国内互联网的严格程度在世界领先,如今在约束对AI生成式超现实内容的使用方面也已堪称先锋。 6park.com

Beijing, which has adopted some of the world’s most-restrictive regulations to govern its internet, has become something of a pioneer in curbing the use of hyper-realistic AI-generated content. 6park.com

最近几周,中国多地警方在官方社交媒体账户上提醒说,犯罪分子已利用AI软件生成具有欺骗性的文本,冒充目标人物的朋友行骗。 6park.com

In recent weeks, police around the country have cautioned on their official social-media accounts that criminals have employed AI software to generate deceptive text and impersonate friends of the people they target. 6park.com


今年4月,一名郭姓男子在中国聊天应用微信上收到一个冒名顶替者打来的视频电话。这个骗子冒充郭先生的好友,在10分钟内说服他将约合60万美元的资金转到了内蒙古的一个银行账户。他照做后联系好友确认转账事宜,才意识到自己被骗了。 6park.com

In April, a man surnamed Guo received a video call from an impostor on the Chinese messaging app WeChat. Impersonating a friend of Guo, the scammer persuaded him to transfer the equivalent of $600,000 to a bank account in Inner Mongolia within 10 minutes. He complied, and it wasn’t until he contacted his friend to confirm the transfer that he realized he had been swindled. 6park.com

根据内蒙古警方在社交媒体上发布的信息,郭先生对警方描述道,“当时是给我打了视频的,我在视频中也确认了面孔和声音,所以才放松了戒备。” 6park.com

“We had a video chat, and I recognized the face and voice in the video; that’s why I let my guard down,” Guo told authorities, according to a social-media post by Inner Mongolia police. 6park.com

郭先生随即向福州当地警方报案,福州警方联系了内蒙古警方;该骗子在内蒙古开设了银行账户。根据警方发在微信账号上的帖子,警方成功止付拦截了大部分资金,并正在全力追缴其余被转走的资金。 6park.com

Guo reported the scam to the local police in the eastern Chinese city of Fuzhou, who contacted their counterparts in Inner Mongolia, where the impostor opened the bank account. Authorities were able to halt the transfer of most of the funds and were working to recover the rest, according to the post on the police’s WeChat account. 6park.com

就在同一个月,据安徽省的一个官方媒体《新安晚报》报道,警方逮捕了一伙诈骗犯,他们利用AI换脸和语音合成技术,骗取一名男子向所谓的朋友转了一大笔钱。 6park.com

The same month, police in the Anhui province in eastern China detained scammers who tricked a man into transferring a large amount of money to a supposed friend using AI face-swapping and voice-synthesis technology, according to the local state-owned newspaper Xin’an Evening News. 6park.com

全球监管机构在监管深伪技术上一直面临着挑战;所谓深伪(deepfake)是指把图片、音频或视频中的人替换成其他人。中国已迅速推出法规,并利用现有工具来追踪AI诈骗者。 6park.com

Regulators around the world have struggled to govern so-called deepfakes, in which a person in an image, audio or video is swapped with someone else. China has been quick to roll out regulations and to use existing tools to track AI scammers. 6park.com

今年1月,中国互联网监管机构中国国家互联网信息办公室(Cyberspace Administration of China)开始执行新法规,禁止使用AI生成的图像、音频和文本传播违法或被认为破坏经济或国家安全的不良信息或内容。对相关类别的宽泛定义使主管部门拥有很大自由度。 6park.com

In January, the country’s internet watchdog, the Cyberspace Administration of China, started enforcing new rules that prohibit the use of AI-generated images, audio and text to spread misinformation or content that violates the law or is deemed disruptive to the economy or national security. The broadly defined categories give authorities wide latitude. 6park.com


郭先生受骗之事在中国社会引起强烈反响。警方5月份公布此案之后,话题“#AI诈骗正在全国爆发#”冲上微博热搜。后来该话题无法找到,意味着审查人员正试图限制相关讨论。对该话题进行搜索得到的信息是:根据相关法律法规和政策,搜索结果未予显示。 6park.com

Guo’s plight struck a nerve in China. It trended on the social-media platform Weibo with the hashtag #AIFraudIsEruptingAcrossChina once the police made his case public in May. The hashtag has since become unavailable, suggesting that censors are trying to limit discussion. A search of the topic yields a message, “According to relevant laws, regulations and policies, the search results are not displayed.” 6park.com


字节跳动(Bytedance)旗下抖音(TikTok的中文版)在5月提出了关于AI生成内容的平台规范和行业倡议,呼吁同行禁止利用AI软件生成欺骗性内容和谣言。 6park.com

ByteDance-owned Douyin, TikTok’s Chinese version, in May proposed platform norms and industry initiatives, including a move to call on peers to prohibit the use of AI software to generate deceptive content and rumors. 6park.com

最近几周,中国政府部门打击整治了AI聊天机器人生成的虚假信息,有些虚假信息的内容似乎是以之前一些在社交媒体上引发轩然大波的事件为模型。 6park.com

Chinese authorities have in recent weeks clamped down on disinformation generated by AI chatbots—sometimes seemingly modeled on previous incidents that sparked social-media storms. 6park.com


上个月,甘肃省有关部门拘留了一名男子,他据称利用在网上收集的新闻片段,在ChatGPT上生成了一篇有关火车撞人事故的虚假文章。据警方称,该男子在一个自媒体平台上发表了这篇文章;用户可以分享该自媒体平台基于流量的广告收入。警方说,这篇文章的浏览量达15,000次。 6park.com

Last month, in the province of Gansu, authorities detained a man who allegedly created an article on ChatGPT about a nonexistent train crash by using news clips he had gathered online. According to police, he published the article on a blog aggregator that lets users share money it derives from ads based on traffic. The article generated 15,000 views, police said. 6park.com


2011年中国东部发生了两列动车相撞事件,政府对那起事件的处理曾引发民众广泛不满。 6park.com

The government’s handling of the 2011 collision of two bullet trains in eastern China triggered broad outrage. 6park.com

今年5月,河南省有关部门指称一名男子利用ChatGPT生成了一家餐馆发生斗殴事件的虚假不实信息以吸引流量。文中的一些重要信息误导人们称,一名女子在这场殴打事件中被一名男子用砖头砸中头部后死亡。 6park.com

Also in May, authorities in the Henan province alleged that a man generated disinformation about a violent scuffle in a restaurant in an attempt to attract clicks. The ChatGPT-generated headlines falsely suggested that a woman died after a man smashed her head with a brick in the fight. 6park.com

这些消息让人联想到去年在网上广泛传播的一些视频,这些视频显示一群男子在一家餐厅殴打几名女子,这在网上引发了关于针对女性的性别暴力的热议。 6park.com

The headlines were reminiscent of viral video footage from last year showing a group of men beating up several women at a restaurant, which stirred heated online debate about gender-based violence against women. 6park.com


中国不在OpenAI的聊天机器人ChatGPT提供服务的国家之列,但很多人通过VPN设法绕过了这一障碍。 6park.com

China isn’t among the countries where OpenAI, the developer of ChatGPT, makes the AI chatbot available, though many have found ways to circumvent the barrier through virtual private networks. 6park.com


ChatGPT的流行在中国激起了一阵热潮,因两年的监管整顿和经济形势不稳定而受到冲击的中国科技企业将这项技术视为增长的新动力。 6park.com

The popularity of ChatGPT has stirred a frenzy in China, where tech companies, battered by a two-year regulatory clampdown and a wobbly economy, see the technology as a new driver of growth. 6park.com

搜索引擎公司百度(Baidu, BIDU)、电商巨头阿里巴巴集团(Alibaba Group Holding Limited, BABA, 9988.HK)和AI公司商汤集团(SenseTime Group Inc., 0020.HK)已推出自家的大语言模型;大语言模型是ChatGPT背后的基础技术。其他科技公司也正在探索如何将AI技术融入各自的产品。 6park.com

The search-engine owner Baidu, the e-commerce company Alibaba Group and the AI company SenseTime Group have rolled out their own large language models, the foundation technology behind ChatGPT. Other tech companies are exploring how to incorporate the technology into their products. 6park.com


世界各国政府都担心,类似ChatGPT的服务可能会传播歧视性或有害的信息。其他国家的监管机构开始研究对新一波生成式AI技术实施潜在检查之际,中国已准备好一套监管框架来审查聊天机器人。 6park.com

Governments around the world share concern that the ChatGPT-like services could spread discriminatory or harmful information. As regulators in other countries have started exploring possible checks on the new wave of generative AI technology, China has prepared a regulatory framework to scrutinize chatbots. 6park.com

中国国家互联网信息办公室4月份出台了新规,要求公司在推出此类AI聊天机器人之前要先经过安全审查。此外,根据新的法规草案,公司有责任确保其AI服务生成的内容是真实的,并且需体现社会主义价值观。 6park.com

The Cyberspace Administration of China in April proposed new rules that would require companies to go through a security review before launching such AI chatbots. In addition, the onus is on companies to make sure content that their AI services generate is factual and aligns with the Chinese Communist Party’s political values, according to the draft regulation. 6park.com

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