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送交者: icemessenger[♂☆★★★SuperMod★★★☆♂] 于 2023-06-07 18:56 已读 1789 次 1 赞  


当地时间5月24日,华人影星、2023年奥斯卡最佳女主角获得者杨紫琼(Michelle Yeoh)作为演讲嘉宾,出席了哈佛大学法学院(Harvard Law School)的毕业典礼。 6park.com

Michelle Yeoh, Academy-award winning actress, advocate, and United Nations Development Programme Goodwill ambassador, offered the Class of 2023 some advice during the Class Day celebration as they were poised to dive into “a presumably bright but unpredictable future.” 6park.com

据哈佛法学院官网,当天,杨紫琼表示,毕业生们正准备进入一个“可能光明但不可预测的未来”,并为他们提供了三条人生建议:放轻松(stay loose),知道自己的极限(know your limits),找到自己的同伴(find your people)。



出生于马来西亚的杨紫琼说,自己最初的爱好是跳舞,而不是演戏。她从4岁开始学习芭蕾舞,夜以继日地训练,还考上了英国的一所芭蕾舞名校。然而,一次脊椎受伤后,她不得不放弃了这个梦想。 6park.com

杨紫琼说,感谢舞蹈学校的校长给了她鼓励,“是她鼓励我对未来保持轻松的态度”, 最终让她走上了“一份超出想象的事业”。 6park.com

Yeoh, who was born in Malaysia, described her first love as being dance rather than acting. 6park.com

But after she enrolled in a ballet school in England and began to live her dream, all that changed after a spinal injury. Yeoh credits the principal of her school for giving her the encouragement that ultimately led her, she said, to “a career beyond my imagination. It was she who encouraged me to stay loose about my future.”


在演讲中,杨紫琼提到遭遇挫折时应保持放松。 6park.com

When falling, the tendency is to tighten up, to brace for impact. But in truth, the safest thing one can do is remain calm, even curious, about the shifting world around you. 6park.com

当遭遇挫折时,人们倾向于变得紧张,以应对冲击。但事实上,一个人能做的最安全的方式就是保持冷静,甚至对周围不断变化的世界充满好奇。 6park.com

她讲到,自己毕业时获得了创意艺术学士(Bachelor in Creative Arts)。 6park.com

回到家乡后,她更加开放地面对一切可能性。她来到中国香港,开始接拍商业广告,最终进入电影行业成为了一名演员。 6park.com

She described graduating with a degree in creative arts, and returning home, “more open to other possibilities outside the box,” including to doing a commercial in Hong Kong, and to acting roles, and the start of her life in film.


在香港从事演艺工作时,杨紫琼发现,“虽然知道自己能做什么很关键,但知道自己不能做什么也很重要。” 6park.com

This led to her second piece of advice: Know your limits. “Although understanding what you can do is essential,” she said, “understanding what you can’t do is pretty important too.”

杨紫琼解释了“知道自己极限”的重要性。 6park.com

Knowing your limits keeps you humble, motivated, and focused on a goal to point your finger toward. Knowing the limits that are set for you by others gives you a place to point a different finger. 6park.com

知道自己的极限在哪里,能让你保持谦逊、充满动力,并专注于自己的目标。知道别人为你设定的限制,会让你有机会发出挑战。 6park.com

Limitations set by yourself give you boundaries to respect, but limitations set by others give you boundaries to bust through. 6park.com

知道自己的极限能让你学会尊重,而别人给你设置的限制则是用来打破的。 6park.com

作为一名试图进入香港电影界的年轻女性,杨紫琼在每一个转折点都面临着“别人设定的限制”。 6park.com

她回忆说,在职业生涯开始时,她得到了一个又一个刻板印象中的亚洲女性角色——“温顺端庄、等着被救的落难少女”。 6park.com

她很快意识到,自己真正想要扮演的是动作片里的英雄人物。 6park.com

Of course, these were then reserved exclusively for men, but I could see that their fight sequences were highly choreographed, and I knew in my bones that my training in dance would allow me to excel at them, if only I were given the chance. 6park.com


于是,杨紫琼去找她的制片人,说她想要一个武打角色,准备好了做男演员所做的一切,“动作编排、特技、承受被打、威亚,所有的一切。怎么,这很难吗?”她幽默反问道,引发台下听众一片笑声。 6park.com

She went to her producer and said that she wanted an action role, and she was prepared to do everything the men were doing, “the choreography, the stunts, taking the blows, all of it. What, like it’s hard?” 6park.com

当机会终于来临时,她知道成败在此一举(make or break),于是立即抓住了这个机会。 6park.com

她说,事实证明,“值得庆幸的是,观众们比预料中更能接受女演员出演武打片。” 6park.com

1985年,杨紫琼出演的第一部电影《皇家师姐》(Yes ,Madam!)广受好评,从此开启了她的演艺生涯。


I knew I had made it. When, soon after, I joined Jet Li and Jackie Chan as the three people who Hong Kong insurers refused to cover. They took one look at the scenes we were shooting and ran for the hills. I wore that as a badge of honor. 6park.com

我知道我成功了。不久之后,我成为了除李连杰和成龙外,香港保险公司拒绝承保的第三个人。他们只看了一眼我们要拍摄的动作场面就跑了。我把这视作一种荣誉。 6park.com

There were injuries, as you can imagine, but with every nick, scratch, and bruise, and fractured vertebra, I came back better and braver. 6park.com

正如你们所想,会有受伤。但经历过所有这些划伤、擦伤、淤青还有脊椎骨折之后,我变得强大、更勇敢。 6park.com

Learning how to fall teaches you how to land. And learning to land gives you the courage to jump higher. 6park.com

学会跌倒教会你如何平稳落地;学会平稳落地,能给你跳得更高的勇气。 6park.com

后来,杨紫琼出演了《007之明日帝国》(Tomorrow Never Dies)、《卧虎藏龙》(Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon)等大制作,在影坛赤手空拳打出了自己“东方侠女”的知名度。



她说,这些例子说明了限制的重要性。 6park.com

Because our limitations become our challenges, and there is nothing like a challenge to keep you working, striving, and pushing for more. Every demeaning role I was offered, every rejection I was handed, and every time someone underestimated me … I found energy and renewed motivation. 6park.com




杨紫琼提到,一个人不可能独自完成所有的事情,你需要找到自己的同伴。 6park.com

Find your people. My achievements are the results of those around me who offered, and continue to offer, support and belief. There are times where, as much as I don’t want to let myself down, I don’t want to let them down even more. 6park.com

找到自己的同伴。我的成就是我和我周围的人共同努力的结果,他们一直给予我,并继续给予我支持和信念。有时候,我不想让自己失望,但我更不想让他们失望。 6park.com

I stand on the shoulders of those who have come before me, and I am energized and inspired by those who come after me. 6park.com

我站在前人的肩膀上,我也被后人激励和鼓舞。 6park.com

For every winner, there doesn't have to be a loser. In fact, most success stories are less about competition and more about collaboration. 6park.com

每一个成功者,未必都有一个相应的失败者。事实上,大多数成功故事与其说是关于竞争,不如说是关于合作。 6park.com

When we shine a light on the rich and varied world around us, we empower the whole of our humanity. I can see no better reason to wake up in the morning and get to work. 6park.com




Today, you graduate and today you leap. Stay loose, be smart and go with love and then leap, and then leap again and leap again. I look forward to living in the world you'll all help build and I am honored to have been one small voice at the beginning of your journey. 6park.com


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