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送交者: icemessenger[♂☆★★★SuperMod★★★☆♂] 于 2023-06-09 3:47 已读 1497 次 1 赞  


The Surprising Ways Walking Delivers a High-Intensity Workout



若想加大锻炼强度,可能只需一个最简单的改变:调整你的迈步方式。 6park.com

Intensifying your fitness routine could come from the simplest change possible: how you put one foot in front of the other. 6park.com

专业人士指出,高强度步行所燃烧的卡路里与跑步甚至HIIT课程(高强度间歇训练)等高冲击性运动不相上下。这或许意味着,只要在步行过程中结合负重、爬坡、间歇性运动或是加速快走,效果和慢跑差不多。 6park.com

Walking with more intensity can burn as many calories as higher-impact activities such as running or even HIIT classes, experts say. That could mean incorporating weights, hills, intervals or a faster pace without breaking into a jog. 6park.com

丽芭·道奇(Reba Dodge)是夏威夷毛伊岛(Maui)的一名花艺设计师,也是两个孩子的母亲,她过去一直认为,要想保持身材,她需要花钱去做一些时髦的锻炼,例如动感单车、高温瑜伽等。但她说,通过走路,她收获了最佳效果。 6park.com

Reba Dodge always thought she needed to spend money on trendy workouts from spin to hot yoga to get fit. But the Maui, Hawaii-based floral designer and mother of two says she gets the best results from walking.


46岁的道奇在过去八年间尝试过各种方法将她每天的步行锻炼变成一次正儿八经的健身,包括在离家不远的地方爬一座陡峭的山、倒着走,或是拿着一对2磅(约0.9公斤)重的哑铃走路。 6park.com

Over the past eight years, Ms. Dodge, 46, has experimented with ways to turn her daily fitness walk into a serious workout, including walking up a steep hill near her home, walking backward and carrying 2-pound hand weights. 6park.com

“这些负重迫使我更多地用到核心肌群。”她说,“我甚至考虑买一件负重背心。” 6park.com

“The weights force me to engage my core more,” she says. “I’m even considering buying a weighted vest.” 6park.com

步行这种健身方式可以舒缓压力、改善心脏健康。它也是达到世界卫生组织(World Health Organization)建议的每周运动量的最简便方式之一,即每周150-300分钟中等强度运动,或是75-150分钟高强度运动。 6park.com

Walking as a workout can provide stress relief and improve heart health. It is also one of the easiest ways to achieve the weekly physical activity—150 to 300 minutes of moderate activity or 75 to 150 minutes of vigorous activity—recommended by the World Health Organization. 6park.com

“对于运动量不够这件事,‘没时间’是人们给出的头号借口。”明尼苏达州罗切斯特(Rochester)梅奥诊所运动心脏病学科(Sports Cardiology Clinic at Mayo Clinic)主任托马斯·艾利森(Thomas Allison)说。 6park.com

“Lack of time is the number-one excuse people give for not getting enough physical activity,” says Thomas Allison, director of the Sports Cardiology Clinic at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn. 6park.com

他建议人们关注自己的步行质量而非步数。最新的科学研究显示,若想更健康或是更长寿,我们不需要每天走一万步(约6.4-8公里)。 6park.com

He recommends people focus on the quality versus the quantity of their steps. The latest science suggests that we don’t need to take 10,000 steps a day (about 4 to 5 miles) for improved health or longevity. 6park.com

根据剑桥大学(University of Cambridge)今年2月发表的一项研究,每天快走11分钟也可以降低中风、心脏病及一系列癌症的风险。 6park.com

Taking an 11-minute brisk walk daily will also lower your risk of stroke, heart disease and a number of cancers, according to a study from the University of Cambridge published in February.


研究显示,提高步速可以延年益寿。此外,艾利森博士说,比起悠闲地慢走40分钟,间歇性快走20分钟所消耗的卡路里与前者一样,甚至还可能更多。 6park.com

Speed up those steps and research suggests you can boost longevity. Plus, you can get the same—if not greater—calorie burn on a 20-minute walk where you incorporate intervals at a brisk pace as you would from a 40-minute walk at a leisurely pace, Dr. Allison says. 6park.com

42岁的凯蒂·布雷登(Katie Breden)有两个上小学的儿子,她总是尽量会在车里放一双运动鞋。当她没法在健身平台Peloton上健身时,她希望有一套备用计划。她会在孩子们运动的一小时里,围着场地快走几圈,或是趁他们玩耍时,绕着公园走走。 6park.com

Katie Breden, 42, tries to always keep a pair of sneakers in her car. The mother of two grade-school-aged boys likes to have a backup plan for when she can’t fit in her Peloton workout. She will briskly walk laps around the field during their hourlong sports practices, or walk the perimeter of the park while they play. 6park.com

“有好多家长坐在长椅上看手机。”布雷登说,她是新泽西州波因特普莱森特(Point Pleasant)的一名幼儿园老师。“要想挤出时间锻炼,这是一个简单的办法,而且我不会像跑步或是骑动感单车一样流那么多汗,所以锻炼完我该干什么干什么。” 6park.com

“So many parents sit on the bench on their phones,” says Ms. Breden, a pre-K teacher based in Point Pleasant, N.J. “This is an easy way to squeeze in a workout, and I don’t get as sweaty as I would running or spinning, so I can go on with my day.”


只需在走路时多加入一点活力,就能轻松扩大健身成果。《英国医学期刊》(British Medical Journal)去年12月登载的一项研究发现,与正常走路姿势相比,英国电视节目《巨蟒剧团之飞翔的马戏团》(Monty Python’s Flying Circus)中那种摇摇晃晃的“傻步态”对成年人的能量消耗要高出2.5倍左右。 6park.com

Scoring fitness gains from walking can be as easy as putting a little extra spring in your step. A study published in the British Medical Journal in December found that the lurching “silly walk” made famous in the British TV show “Monty Python’s Flying Circus” increased energy expenditure in adults by about 2.5 times compared with their usual walking style. 6park.com

该研究论文的作者之一格伦·盖瑟(Glenn Gaesser)说,研究人员并不是希望人们像英国演员约翰·克里斯(John Cleese)饰演的“蒂伯格先生”(Mr. Teabag)那样,在大街上走路时把腿踢得很高。他只是希望这项研究能让人们明白,你不需要耗费大量时间或是金钱也能燃烧更多卡路里。日常习惯的微小改变能积少成多,尤其是当一个人刚刚恢复体型时。 6park.com

The researchers don’t expect people to start walking down the street high-kicking like John Cleese’s character, Mr. Teabag, says Glenn Gaesser, one of the study’s co-authors. He just hopes the study shows that you don’t need to spend a ton of money or time to burn more calories. Tiny changes in your routine can add up, especially when one is just getting back into shape.


“一天之中,通过几次抬高腿走路来增加当前运动或是活动的能量消耗,这样可以提高代谢率。”亚利桑那州立大学健康解决方案学院(Arizona State University’s College of Health Solutions)教授、盖瑟博士说。 6park.com

“Upping the energy expenditure of your current movement or activity by taking higher steps a few times throughout the day can raise your metabolic rate,” says Dr. Gaesser, a professor at Arizona State University’s College of Health Solutions. 6park.com

但对想减重的人来说,除选择健康饮食外,还需加大运动强度。如果慢跑或跑步会引起你的关节不适,艾利森建议尝试健步走,这个过程中你可以摆动手臂,也可以试试竞走,即一只脚始终与地面保持接触。 6park.com

But for those looking to lose weight: Along with making healthy diet choices, you need to increase the intensity of your exercise. If jogging or running is uncomfortable on your joints, Dr. Allison suggests power walking, where you swing your arms, and race walking, where one foot remains in contact with the ground at all times.


健身房运营公司Life Time Inc.负责国民教育的高级经理艾布瑞·伍滕(Abrea Wooten)谈到,将爬山与走路结合起来也能更好地锻炼肌肉与心脏,而且是一种低冲击性运动。伍滕会穿着负重背心在跑步机上爬坡,以此进行超级马拉松训练。“这对我的关节柔和多了。”她说,“斜坡减轻了膝盖的压力。” 6park.com

Incorporating hills into your walking routine is a low-impact way to challenge the muscles and heart more, says Abrea Wooten, senior national education manager for gym company Life Time Inc. Ms. Wooten walks uphill wearing a weighted vest on a treadmill to help train for ultramarathons. “It’s so much gentler on my joints,” she says. “The incline puts less stress on the knees.” 6park.com

2020年,社交媒体名人劳伦·吉拉尔多(Lauren Giraldo)的“12-3-30”健身法在TikTok上走红后,跑步机上走路这一运动方式的人气大涨。这名网红说,“12-3-30”健身法——以3英里(约4.8公里)的时速在跑步机12%坡度上走30分钟——帮她减掉了30磅(约14公斤)体重。 6park.com

Treadmill walking got a huge boost of cool when social-media personality Lauren Giraldo’s 12-3-30 workout went viral on TikTok in 2020. The influencer says the workout, which involves walking on a treadmill for 30 minutes at the speed of 3 miles an hour on a 12% incline, helped her lose 30 pounds. 6park.com

伍滕估测,在斜坡上行走,每分钟可以多消耗三至五倍卡路里,因为你的股四头肌和腘绳肌得到了额外的锻炼。她建议逐渐增加跑步机的坡度,而不是一下子调到12%。可以从0.5%或1%开始,然后每周增加1%-2%。 6park.com

Ms. Wooten estimates that you can burn three to five times more calories a minute walking at an incline because of the extra work your quads and hamstrings put in. She advises gradually ramping up on the treadmill rather than jumping straight to a 12% incline. Start at 0.5% or 1% and add 1% to 2% every week. 6park.com

要想获得最大收益,同时避免伤害,保持合适的姿势也很重要。“如果你需要握住跑步机前侧的扶手,你的手臂应该略微弯曲,同时保持直立。”她说,“若是你双臂伸直身体后倾,你要是惜命的话,就要调低坡度,同时步速也要减慢。” 6park.com

Maintaining proper form is also important to get the most benefit and avoid injury. “If you need to hold on to the front rail of the treadmill, you should have slightly bent arms and keep your posture tall,” she says. “If you’re holding on for dear life and leaning back with straight arms, you need to ramp down the incline and pace.” 6park.com

伍滕指出,后倾会使核心肌群处于松弛状态。理想情况下,你会找到一个能让你摆动双臂的步速。 6park.com

Leaning back disengages the core muscles, she says. Ideally you will find a pace that allows you to pump your arms. 6park.com

伍滕建议,每隔几个月,可以把不同的步行方式混在一起练习,让身体总有新挑战。度假时不妨在沙滩上走走,凹凸不平的沙滩有助于锻炼那些对身体起到稳定作用的肌群。此外,还可以在家附近找找有没有起伏的山丘,规划一条新的步行路线。 6park.com

Ms. Wooten suggests mixing up the types of walking you do every few months to keep the body challenged. On vacation, walk on the beach where the uneven sand works your stabilizing muscles. Find a new route in your neighborhood with rolling hills. 6park.com

“低冲击性运动不一定就是低强度。”她说。 6park.com

“Low-impact exercise does not have to be low-intensity,” she says.

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