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送交者: icemessenger[♂☆★★★SuperMod★★★☆♂] 于 2023-06-09 18:55 已读 1275 次 1 赞  




Two adults and four young children have been injured in a knife attack in a park in the south-eastern French town of Annecy, in what French president Emmanuel Macron called an act of “absolute cowardice”. 6park.com

法国东南部城镇安纳西一座公园发生持刀袭击,造成两名成年人和四名儿童受伤,法国总统埃马纽埃尔•马克龙称这是“绝对懦弱”的行为。 6park.com

Several of the victims are reported to be in critical condition. “Children and an adult are between life and death,” Macron wrote on Twitter. “The nation is in shock.” 6park.com

据报道,几名受害者情况危急。马克龙在Twitter上写道:“孩子们和一个成年人正处于生死之间。全国都在震惊中。” 6park.com

A suspect has been arrested and is being questioned, Gérald Darmanin, France’s interior minister, wrote on Twitter. 6park.com

法国内政部长格姆拉德•达曼宁(gassarald Darmanin)在Twitter上写道,一名嫌疑人已被逮捕,并正在接受讯问。 6park.com

——本文2023年6月9日发布于FT中文网,英文原题为Four children and two adults wounded in knife attack in France



EU countries have agreed on reforms of the bloc’s asylum and migration system that, after seven years of gridlocked talks, would allow certain applications to be processed more quickly in border facilities. 6park.com

欧盟国家已就改革欧盟庇护和移民制度达成一致,在经过7年的僵持谈判后,此次改革将允许某些申请在边境设施得到更快的处理。 6park.com

At a meeting in Luxembourg on Thursday, home affairs ministers worked out technical details that could potentially have implications for the rights of people seeking asylum. Italy and Germany played pivotal roles in the final hours. 6park.com

周四在卢森堡举行的一次会议上,内政部长们制定了可能对寻求庇护者的权利产生影响的技术细节。意大利和德国在最后几个小时发挥了关键作用。 6park.com

Ministers finally agreed to make it possible to send to third countries deemed safe those people whose asylum applications had been declined. Germany had pushed for safeguards to prevent them being sent to places with which they had no connection, while Rome argued for looser criteria to make deportations easier. 6park.com

部长们最终同意将庇护申请被拒绝的人送往被认为安全的第三国。德国曾推动保障措施,以防止他们被送往与他们毫无关系的地方,而罗马则主张放宽标准,以便更容易驱逐出境。 6park.com

——本文2023年6月9日发布于FT中文网,英文原题为EU ministers clinch deal on migration reform



US president Joe Biden and UK prime minister Rishi Sunak agreed an “Atlantic declaration” to strengthen economic ties between the two countries on Thursday, in a further sign of the allies turning their back on globalisation and trying to cut China out of supply chains. 6park.com

美国总统乔•拜登(Joe Biden)和英国首相里希•苏纳克(Rishi Sunak)周四就加强两国经济联系的“大西洋宣言”(Atlantic Declaration)达成一致,这进一步表明,这两个盟国正在背离全球化,并试图将中国排除在供应链之外。 6park.com

The declaration aims to increase US-UK trade in areas such as defence, nuclear materials and the critical minerals used in electric-car batteries, as Biden tries to build “economic security” among western allies. 6park.com

该宣言旨在增加美英在国防、核材料和电动汽车电池中使用的关键矿物等领域的贸易,拜登正试图在西方盟国之间建立“经济安全”。 6park.com

Biden, speaking after talks between the two in the White House, endorsed Sunak’s attempt to lead a debate on regulating artificial intelligence, including hosting the first global summit on the issue this autumn. 6park.com

拜登在白宫与苏纳克会谈后发表讲话,支持苏纳克试图领导一场关于监管人工智能的辩论,包括在今年秋天主办有关该问题的首次全球峰会。 6park.com

——本文2023年6月9日发布于FT中文网,英文原题为Joe Biden and Rishi Sunak unveil ‘Atlantic declaration’ to strengthen economic ties



Traders are upping their bets that US interest rates will be higher for longer after Australia and Canada’s central banks unexpectedly lifted borrowing costs to combat inflation and the US labour market proved stronger than expected. 6park.com

在澳大利亚和加拿大央行出人意料地提高借贷成本以对抗通胀,且美国劳动力市场证明强于预期之后,交易员们加大了对美国利率将在更长时间内保持较高水平的押注。 6park.com

Pricing in the Treasury futures market now firmly points to a quarter-point interest rate rise by the US Federal Reserve in July after a pause in June, while expectations of rate cuts for later this year have fallen, according to Refinitiv data. 6park.com

路孚特的数据显示,美国国债期货市场的定价现在坚定地指向美联储在6月份暂停加息后,将于7月份加息25个基点,而对今年晚些时候降息的预期已经下降。 6park.com

Strong US economic data in recent weeks, including a robust jobs report, have fuelled these bets, which traders added to after the decisions in Canada and Australia. 6park.com

最近几周强劲的美国经济数据,包括一份强劲的就业报告,助长了这些押注,在加拿大和澳大利亚做出决定后,交易员又加大了这些押注。 6park.com

——本文2023年6月9日发布于FT中文网,英文原题为Traders raise bets on higher US interest rates

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