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送交者: 不知笔名[☆★★声望品衔12★★☆] 于 2024-01-28 15:38 已读 4309 次 3 赞  





May Li,男,我要去追逐心中的太阳,还要继续努力的亚古兽



Finance and economics | Buttonwood

财经 | 梧桐树专栏


Wall Street is praying firms will start going public again


The IPO market is on its longest cold streak since 1980



Cold streak:In the context of gambling, a cold streak is along losing run experienced by a player. The term is used to describe a succession of consequent negative outcomes for a gambler or a team. In sports betting, the term means losing several bets in a row. The opposite of this is a player being hot.

Can you feel the chill? It is bone-deep, now. In 2021 capital markets were searing hot. On average, at least one new firm went public every working day. But financial districts today are icy. For two long years private companies have spurned public markets, as rising interest rates dashed lofty valuations and stock prices vacillated.



1.sear:Tosear something means to burn its surface with a sudden intense heat. 烧焦

2.spurn:If youspurn someone or something, you reject them. 拒绝

All this has been bad news for Wall Street. In 2021 America’s five largest investment banks together earned an average of $13bn per quarter through their dealmaking and initial-public-offering (ipo) desks. Over the next two years they managed barely half of that.


Could conditions soon thaw? Company bosses like to make their debut in a roaring bull market, when investors are cheery and liable to overpay. With markets now back near all time highs, that seems to be the case. And executives are encouraged by narrow credit spreads—the difference between the rates companies borrow at and risk-free rates on treasury bonds—which indicate investors do not expect financial trouble.



thaw:When ice, snow, or something else that is frozenthaws, it melts. (冰雪等) 融化

A strong economy helps, too, because it boosts demand for capital. So do high real interest rates, since they make the capital provided by an ipo more attractive. Given the resilience of the American economy, a Federal Reserve policy rate of 5.5% and underlying inflation around 3%, both conditions are in place.



underlying inflation:一般使用所有商品和服务价格计算出的CPI或PPI波动幅度,叫“headline inflation”,其中包括短期内价格可能大幅波动的商品或服务,这样计算出的结果有可能产生大幅波动。西方媒体为了吸引眼球,在标题中使用这种方法计算得出的结果,因此叫做headline inflation,根据其内涵可以意译为整体通货膨胀或一般通货膨胀。与此相对,剔除短期和一次性因素后计算得出的CPI或PPI波动幅度,称之为underlying inflation。

Sure enough, there is some evidence of activity picking up. Total investment-banking revenues were better than expected in the fourth quarter of 2023, climbing by 15% compared with the previous three months. On earnings calls bank bosses sounded cautiously optimistic about 2024. There are rumours that all kinds of firms, from skims, a pants purveyor founded by Kim Kardashian, to Stripe, a payments giant, are considering making their debut.

的确,市场出现了解封迹象。2023年第四季度投资银行总收入好于预期,环比增长15%。在业绩电话会上,投行高管对2024年的展望持谨慎乐观的态度。有传言称,各类公司都在考虑上市,从金·卡戴珊 (Kim Kardashian) 创立的内衣品牌Skims到支付巨头Stripe,不一而足。


1.Purveyor, purvey: to supply (something, such as provisions) usually as a matter of business

Source: https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/purveys vt.供应






Source: https://xueqiu.com/1697254901/258165922

Still, executives are easily put off by volatility—and it is hard to describe recent stockmarket moves as anything other than unpredictable. Given that a month or so often elapses between filing for an ipo and actually going public, a steady march higher is far preferable to a rollercoaster ride. Such circumstances tend to mean that those who can wait, do. In even moderately difficult times firms often put off ipos altogether, rather than accept a lower price, and a stockpile of those waiting to go public builds up.



1.Elapse: vi. 时间过去;消逝 PASS, GO BY

Source: https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/elapse

2.Stockpile: n. a reserve supply of something essential accumulated within a country for use during a shortage n. 囤聚的物资

Source: https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/stockpile

It still feels as if the economic mood could spin on a dime. This could hurt newly public firms. Shares in Cava, a fast-casual salad seller, doubled in price when it went public in June. Other firms got excited and started chewing over their options. In August Instacart, another firm which specialises in flogging vegetables to the idle, and Arm, a British chipmaker, filed to go public. Yet by the time they made it to market in late September, interest-rate expectations were climbing and share prices were falling. Instacart was valued at $39bn in 2021. It went public with a market capitalisation of $10bn, and is now worth just $7bn.

当下的经济情绪仍瞬息万变,这对新上市公司可能会产生不利影响。23年6月份休闲快餐沙拉销售商Cava上市时,股价翻了一番。其他公司也因此感到振奋,开始思考上市的可能性。23年8月,另一家生鲜配送平台Instacart(美版美团,“懒人买买买”)和英国芯片制造Arm提交上市申请。然而,当它们于9月底成功登录市场时,加息预期却不断攀升,股价持续下跌。Instacart 在2021年的估值为390亿美元,上市时市值为100亿美元,而目前仅为70亿美元。


1.on a dime: in a very small area

these cars can turn on a dime



2.Chew over: 细想 to meditate on : think about reflectively

Source: https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/chew%20over

3.Cava: Cava(风格化为CAVA),也被称为Cava Grill,是一家私营地中海快餐连锁餐厅,在美国各地设有分店。

Source: https://www.mg21.com/cava.html

4.Instacart: Instacart是一家在线杂货配送服务公司,成立于2012年,总部位于旧金山。它的创始人是Apoorva Mehta、Max Mullen和Brandon Leonardo,他们都是前亚马逊员工。Instacart的核心业务是通过手机应用或网站,让用户可以从当地的超市、药店、便利店等商家订购商品,并在30分钟内由Instacart的“购物者”送货上门。Instacart还提供广告和其他收入来源,以及面向零售商的软件即服务(SaaS)解决方案。

5.Flog:to force or urge into action

Source: https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/flog

6.Arm:安谋控股公司(英语:ARM Holdings plc.,写作arm),又称ARM公司,是软银集团旗下的半导体设计与软件公司,全球总部位于英国剑桥,北美总部位于美国圣何塞,亦是一年一度的ARM技术大会(Arm TechCon)举办地。

Source: https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arm_(%E4%BC%81%E6%A5%AD)



Source: https://www.sohu.com/a/715038479_120423232

So when might the ipo winter truly give way to spring? In an attempt to answer this, Gregory Brown and William Volckmann of the University of North Carolina have built a mathematical model. It takes in variables including stockmarket returns, credit spreads and real interest rates, and uses these to try to predict ipo volumes.


Their first find is that today’s market really is extraordinarily chilly. They define the ipo market as “cold” when the average of the number of ipos over the last three months is lower than it was three-quarters of the time between 1975 and 2020 (an average of 5.3 or fewer ipos per month). On that measure, this is the longest cold spell for American ipos since 1980. It is also much cooler than the model would anticipate. It says some 20 firms a month should have been going public by the end of 2023. Yet only one firm went public in December.


Messrs Brown and Volckman suspect the market is suffering from a hangover. Far more firms went public in 2021 than their model implied should have done. The stockpile, in other words, was depleted. So despite the recent pause, followed by improved conditions, there are still not many firms ready to list.


A true thaw, then, would take more than a few quarters of rising markets and economic resilience. It needs not only heat, but time as well. That is time in which unexpected developments—such as interest rates resuming their upward climb—could easily spook bosses all over again. So perhaps it is unwise to predict a heatwave. But some green shoots may eventually poke through the ice.


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