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送交者: 不知笔名[☆★★声望品衔12★★☆] 于 2024-01-30 19:07 已读 5185 次 2 赞  


全球顶流、美国知名歌手泰勒·斯威夫特(Taylor Swift)成为人工智能(artificial intelligence, AI)深度伪造的最新受害者(victim)。



Fake sexually explicit images of Taylor Swift spread widely across social media last week, with one image shared on X, previously known as Twitter, reportedly being viewed tens of millions of times before the account was suspended.

据美国《国会山报》报道,由人工智能生成的泰勒·斯威夫特不雅照近期在社交媒体上疯传后,社交媒体X(原推特)一名高管1月28日向该媒体证实,该平台已采取措施阻止搜索与泰勒·斯威夫特英文名“Taylor Swift”有关的内容,以打击深度造假行为。

The social media platform X has blocked searches of pop superstar Taylor Swift after explicit, artificial intelligence (AI) generated images went viral on social media, an executive confirmed Sunday.

报道说,当地时间28日晚,当在X主页的搜索栏输入泰勒·斯威夫特的英文名“Taylor Swift”时,会出现意为“出了点问题,请尝试重新加载”的英文字样。

As of Sunday night, searches of "Taylor Swift" on the social media platform showed the error message, "Something went wrong. Try reloading."

《国会山报》报道说,对于上述消息,X的业务运营主管乔·贝纳罗克(Joe Benarroch)向该媒体予以证实。他28日称:“这是一项临时措施,我们非常谨慎地采取这一措施,同时在这一问题上优先考虑安全性。”

“A temporary action and done with an abundance of caution as we prioritize safety on this issue,” Benarroch said in a statement Sunday.


在1月26日白宫记者会上,发言人让-皮埃尔(Karine Jean-Pierre)被问及此事时表示该事件令人担忧(alarming)。


"While social media companies make their own independent decisions about content management, we believe they have an important role to play in enforcing their own rules to prevent the spread of misinformation and non-consensual, intimate imagery of real people," Karine Jean-Pierre, White House press secretary, said.



"Sadly, though, too often, we know that lax enforcement disproportionately impacts women and they also impact girls, sadly, who are the overwhelming targets," said Jean-Pierre.

When asked whether there should be legislation to combat such AI-generated imagery, Jean-Pierre quickly responded, "Yeah."





例如,我国民法典(Civil Code)规定:任何组织或者个人不得以丑化、污损,或者利用信息技术手段伪造等方式侵害他人的肖像权。



A Beijing court ruling that recognized the copyright of an image generated via artificial intelligence has triggered further public discussion on the development of AI technology. The first ruling of its kind in China was included in the capital's annual judicial work report.


原告李某使用开源软件Stable Diffusion通过输入提示词等方式生提成了图片,后将该图片以“春风送来了温柔”为名发布在小红书平台。随后,原告发现,被告刘某在百家号账号发布文章时未经其许可配发了生成图,且截去了其在小红书平台的署名水印。去年5月,李某将刘某告上法庭。


The lawsuit was initiated in May last year by a man surnamed Li, who used the AI program to create a picture of a young Asian woman and posted it on Xiaohongshu, a popular Chinese social media platform.

Li turned to the Beijing Internet Court after he alleged a blogger surnamed Liu used the image without his permission in a post on Baijiahao, a Chinese content-sharing platform owned by Baidu, claiming Liu had infringed on his copyright of the picture.



After hearing the case, the court ruled in favor of Li, identifying his AI-generated image was an artwork, and ordering Liu to make a public apology and pay 500 yuan to Li in compensation.

The ruling was made based on the way Li had continuously added prompts and repeatedly adjusted the parameters to come up with a picture that reflected his aesthetic choice and personalized judgment.

“Assigning generative AI content a legal status under certain conditions in this case is aimed at encouraging people to innovate with the new technology, and promoting the development of this emerging industry,” the judge said.


But the judge also emphasized that future copyright disputes related to AI-generated content should be judged on a case-by-case basis.




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